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Tamriel Rebuilt:The Stone of Septimia

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: Quests: Thieves Guild / Firewatch
It belonged to a museum!
Quest Giver: Fitz-Fitz in The Howling Noose, Firewatch
Location(s): Firewatch
Prerequisite Quest: Devil Cephalopod Helm
Reward: 1,000 or 2,000 gold
Disposition: +10 (Fitz-Fitz)
Reputation Gain: +5 (Thieves Guild)
ID: TR_m1_FW_TG6_Stone
The Stone of Septimia

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Talk to Fitz-Fitz in Firewatch's The Howling Noose about jobs and the Stone of Septimia.
  2. Steal the Stone of Septimia from the Firewatch College museum.
  3. (Optional) Put on the Stone.
  4. Bring the Stone to Fitz-Fitz for 1,000 gold.
  5. Return to Fitz-Fitz after 24 hours have passed.
  6. (Optional) Ask Jeanette Sitte about museum access (req. 80+ disposition, or membership in the Fighters Guild).
  7. (Optional) Find a way to distract the museum guards.
  8. Return the Stone to its original location.
  9. Return to Fitz-Fitz.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Fitz-Fitz has found a client who seeks possession of one of Firewatch's most valuable items: the Stone of Septimia. It is held within the College of Firewatch, a large building in the north of the city. Enter the college and find the museum wing. The Stone of Septimia is upstairs and watched by a single guard. Steal it and return it to Fitz-Fitz. The delighted Argonian will try the jewelry on (assuming that you haven't already and can therefore choose to warn her!), revealing a curse placed upon the necklace. When worn, it summons a hostile dremora.

Once the curse has been revealed to Fitz-Fitz and the dremora is dead, she will give you 1,000 gold in payment and tell you to come back tomorrow. Wait 24 hours then speak to Fitz-Fitz about the Stone of Septimia again. As uneasy as she is to say it, your job now is to return the Stone to the museum without being caught.

The return visit to the college's museum is harder, as entry to the museum is now forbidden in light of the theft. You will need to be stealthy should you choose to enter without permission. If you are noticed, you will be told to leave, or else challenged to combat. While you can still place the stone back on its pedestal if a fight breaks out, Fitz-Fitz will not be pleased with your obviousness, and any further financial reward will be withheld.

You can do two things to make your return of the stone easier. First, speak to the headmistress for permission to access the museum, and then create a distraction inside to distract the museum guards.

Getting PermissionEdit

Jeanette Sitte is the college's headmistress and can be found in the college's library. The library is behind a level 100 locked door. You can obtain a key to this door by enrolling in a course. To do this, speak to Marilus Arjus near the college entrance. You will need 25+ Speechcraft and a large sum of money to enroll. Two of the college's lecturers, Adrieldan and Tedyne Llarom, also carry copies of the key.

Jeanette spends her time on the library's top floor. She'll agree to grant museum access to you with 80+ disposition or if you are a member of the Fighters Guild. Now when you enter the museum and are challenged, you will be able to say you have the headmistress' permission to be there. This will only allow you unfettered access to the lower floor, however. The next optional step is to create a distraction using one of the exhibits.

Creating a DistractionEdit

The museum's lower floor features a large Kamal Bone Fragment on a display counter. Assuming you can reach this fragment without being challenged, you can push it over to make a loud noise. This action will quickly bring all guards in the museum down to investigate the fragment, allowing you easy access to the pedestal where the Stone of Septimia was previously kept.

Reporting BackEdit

Once the Stone of Septimia has been safely returned to the pedestal, speak again to Fitz-Fitz for your final reward. Assuming that you returned the stone without a fight breaking out, the Argonian will handsomely reward you with a further 1,000 gold.

Quest StagesEdit

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

The Stone of Septimia (TR_m1_FW_TG6_Stone)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Fitz-Fitz asked me to steal the Stone of Septimia from the Museum of the College of Firewatch.
50 When I wore the Stone of Septimia, it summoned a dremora which attacked me!
95 I delivered the Stone of Septimia to Fitz-Fitz. When she wore it, a dremora appeared and attacked!
100 I have delivered the Stone of Septimia to Fitz-Fitz. She told me that she had no more jobs for me, and to come back tomorrow for more work.
105 A day has passed. Fitz-Fitz should have more work for me now.
110 Fitz-Fitz asked me to return the Stone of Septimia to its rightful place in the Museum of the College of Firewatch. She told me that she'd received reports of Fighters Guild members being hired to investigate the theft, and to expect the Museum to be more difficult to infiltrate than the last time I was there.
120 Jeanette Sitte has given me a key to the College Museum.
140 The Kamal bone fragment made an enormous sound when it fell from its display. The guards are coming to investigate now. I can use this distraction to replace the Stone of Septimia.
190 I have returned the Stone of Septimia to the Museum at the College of Firewatch. Fitz-Fitz will want to hear about this.
200 Finishes quest  Fitz-Fitz has rewarded me with 2000 gold as payment for returning the Stone of Septimia.
205 Finishes quest  Fitz-Fitz was disappointed that I resorted to violence while returning the Stone of Septimia.
210 Finishes quest  I was caught trying to return the Stone of Septimia, and it was taken from me. I have failed my mission.

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