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Tamriel Rebuilt:Tel Vaerin

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: Places: Telvanni Towers
Telvanni Tower:
Tel Vaerin
Master Vaerin
Console Location Code(s)
Alt Bosara, Tel Vaerin
Alt Bosara, [36,-5]
Tel Vaerin

Tel Vaerin is a medium-sized Telvanni tower which rises over the waterfall in Alt Bosara, ruled by the Telvanni Councilor Master Vaerin.

The tower itself is an expansive structure, with the central section encompassing four stories (each accessible only by levitation within). Two bedrooms and a small office branch off the third section and the mystically decorated chamber of Master Vaerin connects to the top floor of the tower.

On the first floor, Dilavesa Indalen offers alchemical trading services, while the mage, Fedura Sendal, watches over a shelf of trinkets on the second. In the west bedroom, Varasi Vaerin, the master's son, carries three different skill books, and in the office, the expensive potions, fine alchemical equipment and note with directions to all the Telvanni Councilors are notable treasures.

Guarded by the spellsword Vinryon Sendal, the Master himself stands on a flowery pedestal and carries a Daedric staff.


Name   Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Notes
Dilavesa Indalen   Dark Elf Apothecary Service Great House Telvanni Lawman(Lawman) 35 177 200 85 30 Merchant
Fedura Sendal   Dark Elf Mage Great House Telvanni Mouth(Mouth) 32 153 200 85 30
Vaerin   Dark Elf Sorcerer Great House Telvanni Master(Master) 45 232 2000 85 60 Telvanni Councilor, Ruler of Alt Bosara
Varasi Vaerin   Dark Elf Noble Great House Telvanni Hireling(Hireling) 22 160 148 0 30
Vinryon Sendal   Dark Elf Spellsword Great House Telvanni Lawman(Lawman) 30 204 162 85 50