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Tamriel Rebuilt:Sevra Andules

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: People
Sevra Andules (TR_m2_Sevra Andules)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home Town Marog
Location Market
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Level 10 Class Merchant
Other Information
Health 95 Magicka 128
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Great House Telvanni 2(Oathman)
Sevra Andules

Sevra Andules is a Dark Elf merchant, slave trader and Oathman of the House Telvanni. She is located at the market in Marog. She has 4 slaves that are available for purchase: Charie, Firsel, Keh-Shee, and Mr'masi. One of her slaves, Jeela, is sick with a rare disease, and Sevra will ask you to try to cure her of her affliction so she can be sold.

She wears a common shirt, a common skirt, and a pair of netch leather boots. She wields a Steel Jinkblade, and carries 542 gold.

Aside from her natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by her ancestors, she knows the following spells: Enrichment, Great Heal Companion, Resist Poison, Resist Shock, and Vigor.

Related QuestsEdit


  • Greeting:
"Quality household slaves, get them here. What can I do for you, %PCClass?"
  • Background:
"I am %Name, the slave trader here at Marog. It is my duty to ensure slaves are kept in order, and are able to work for their new masters."
  • latest rumors:
"Mind that slave over there. She was an Ashlander nomad, we think, and was caught stealing from a Telvanni. She couldn't pay the fine, so she was given to me, but she's too weak right now to be sold at a worthwhile price for one of her age. So, I'm either going to try and wait it out, or we'll find some help for her later. Just don't disturb her."
  • my trade:
"I am a slave trader. I run the slave market here in Marog, and ensure things run according to plan. Are you looking to purchase household slaves?"
  • Services:
"I offer household slaves for sale, and quality ones at that. Upstairs there's a trader and alchemist."

Folk MedicineEdit

  • Greeting:
"Greetings, %PCName. One of my slaves is sick. Could you help me determine Jeela's illness?"
"See if you can help with Jeela's illness, %PCName. I need her fit to be sold."

After giving Jeela the cure and waiting a day:

"Jeela's gone, %PCName!"
  • find an Ashlander:
"Yes. An ashlander. Find an Ashlander, %PCRace. How hard can that be?"

If you killed Hansarat:

"You say you've killed the only Wise Woman in the area? Get out of my sight, murderous freak!" Goodbye (Disposition down by 20)
  • Jeela:
"Jeela's gone! She must have escaped; I haven't sold her. That treatment must have helped her more than I thought; her new strength allowed her to leave. %PCName, I need you to investigate. Go to Veralan Farm and speak to Hansarat. We should understand the nature of that 'treatment'."
"I've already sent you to find her. Remember, bring her to me alive or expect no compensation. She's worthless to me in any other state."

When you return to Sevra without Jeela:

"What are you saying, %PCName? No, don't give me excuses. Jeela's not with you, she cannot be sold, and you've cost me too much money. You're lucky I don't call the guards. Leave me." (Disposition down by 30)
  • Jeela's illness:
"I normally wouldn't worry so much, but I've received word from a potential buyer who's willing to pay a lot for her. She must be in perfect health by then, but no spell or potion has worked so far, and she's definitely sick. Could you try to find out what's wrong with her? She doesn't speak to me."
  • Sure, I'll find what I can.: "Excellent. Go talk to her and find out anything you can. She may not trust you enough at first. There's no chance slaves will trust me much. Not that I care."
  • No, I can't play doctor right now.: "Damn. I'll need to find someone to help her soon. Any later and she'll not be fit to sell."
"Find out as much as you can of Jeela's illness."
"Hearth-dust disease? I've never heard of it. Not surprising if it's only among Ashlanders, but still distressing. If I'm to please my buyer, I need you to find her a Wise Woman. I don't expect one to be nearby, so ask around town and see if you can find an Ashlander."
"Find Jeela a treatment. It's the only way I'll make money off her."
"You've found a Wise Woman, and you have a treatment? Excellent. Give it to Jeela quickly; she's gotten worse."
"Jeela's already looking better. Thank you, %PCName. Take this for your trouble. Jeela's sale can compensate me for this, don't you worry. To be on the safe side, you might do well to come back in a day or so. If she's still sick, I'll need you to talk to that Wise Woman again." (You receive 500 gold)
"I've paid you for your time. Come back later to check on Jeela."

Buying SlavesEdit

  • Charie:
"The Breton? She will make a fine slave -- not suitable for hard work, but an excellent maid or entertainer. She will cost you 1200 drakes."
  • Buy the slave.: "Excellent, Charie will make a fine slave for you. Charie! Come here, this %PCRace is your new master." (Removed 1200 gold from your inventory)
If you are a woman:
"Excellent, Charie will make a fine slave for you. Charie! Come here, this %PCRace is your new mistress." (Removed 1200 gold from your inventory)
If you don't have the gold:
"I'm afraid you don't have enough gold here. Come back when you are ready to make the trade, Charie will be waiting for you."
If you killed Charie:
"I'm afraid you killed that slave. A bad choice on your part. You're lucky I don't report you to the guards a second time." (Disposition down by 10)
  • Nevermind.: "Come back when you change your mind."
"You have already purchased that slave. I trust Charie is serving you well."
  • Firsel:
"The Bosmer are not the best or most common of slaves, but this former outlaw serves no better purpose elsewhere. His price is 900 drakes."
  • Buy the slave.: "Very well, Firsel is yours. Firsel! Come here, this %PCRace is your new master now." (Removed 900 gold from your inventory)
If you are a woman:
"Very well, Firsel is yours. Firsel! Come here, this %PCRace is your new mistress now." (Removed 900 gold from your inventory)
If you don't have the gold:
"You don't have enough gold with you. Come back if you want to make the trade later, I'm sure Firsel will still be here."
If you killed Firsel:
"I'm afraid you killed that slave. A bad choice on your part. You're lucky I don't report you to the guards a second time." (Disposition down by 10)
  • Nevermind.: "Come back when you change your mind."
"You have already purchased that slave. I hope he serves you well."
  • household slaves:
"The following slaves are available for purchase: Keh-Shee, an Argonian male; Charie, a Breton female; Firsel, a Bosmer male, and Mr'masi, a Khajiit female. The Dunmer girl, Jeela, is currently too weak for purchase."
  • Keh-Shee:
"Argonians are traditional slaves of Morrowind. They work efficiently, and are largely obedient. He would cost you 1000 drakes."
  • Buy the slave.: "Keh-Shee is now yours. Keh-Shee! Come here, this %PCRace is your new master now." (Removed 1000 gold from your inventory)
If you are a woman:
"Keh-Shee is now yours. Keh-Shee! Come here, this %PCRace is your new mistress now." (Removed 1000 gold from your inventory)
If you don't have the gold:
"You don't have enough gold. Come back later, if you want to make an offer again."
If you killed Keh-Shee:
"I'm afraid you killed that slave. A bad choice on your part. You're lucky I don't report you to the guards a second time." (Disposition down by 10)
  • Nevermind.: "Come back when you change your mind."
"You have already purchased that slave. I hope Keh-Shee serves you well."
  • Mr'masi:
"Ah, yes, the Khajiit are traditional slaves of the Dunmer. She would make a good slave. Her price is 1000 drakes."
  • Buy the slave.: "Mr'masi is now yours. Mr'Masi! Come here, this %PCRace is your master now." (Removed 1000 gold from your inventory)
If you are a woman:
"Mr'masi is now yours. Mr'Masi! Come here, this %PCRace is your mistress now." (Removed 1000 gold from your inventory)
If you don't have the gold:
"It seems you don't have enough gold. If you still want to make the trade, come back later."
If you killed Mr'masi:
"I'm afraid you killed that slave. A bad choice on your part. You're lucky I don't report you to the guards a second time." (Disposition down by 10)
  • Nevermind.: "Come back when you change your mind."