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Tamriel Rebuilt:Rantela Irenam

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: People
Rantela Irenam (TR_m1_Rantela Irenam)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Port Telvannis
House Irenam Manor
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Level 31 Class Alchemist
Other Information
Health 153 Magicka 200
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Great House Telvanni 6(Wizard)
Rantela Irenam

Rantela Irenam is a Dark Elf alchemist and Wizard of House Telvanni, who can be found in Irenam Manor in Port Telvannis. She is the tutor of Nevus Ilneram, who is the son of her friend Inera Ilneram. If you are a member of House Telvanni, she will task you with investigating the death of her retainer, Redram Oran, who she sent to spy on her rivals, Varrac and Tinera Odrethi. She can also give you the plague rat blood you need to deliver to Mistress Eldale's agent in Llothanis.

She wears a Poisoneater robe, with a pair of expensive shoes, pair of gloves, an exquisite ring, and a Chameleon ring. She wields a silver Staff of War, and carries an Exclusive Restore Magicka potion, two Exclusive Restore Health potions, an Exclusive Reflection potion, two Exclusive Invisibility potions, an Exclusive Fortify Intelligence potion, a potion of Cure Poison, a unique Chameleon potion, a piece of Luminous Russula, 250 leveled gold, and a key belonging to Redram Oran.

On the upper floor of her manor, there is a locked small chest (45) on a table near the dining area containing three diamonds. There is also three emeralds and three rubies on a platter on the bottom shelf of the bookshelf, right next to Rantela's slave Shanda. On the lower floor, there is a dresser under the stairs with an exquisite amulet on top, and there are two vases with leveled scrolls on the other side of the room.

Related QuestsEdit

House TelvanniEdit



  • Greetings:
"You're not a member of House Telvanni, and I am busy. Leave me be, %PCRace." Goodbye (Disposition down by 5)
"You are a member of Great House Telvanni, are you not? I have a task I would like you to do that may prove beneficial to you."
"You are a Wizard of Great House Telvanni, are you not? How may I assist you?"
"%PCRank, you honor me with your presence. Have you something you wish to discuss?"
  • Background:
"I'm %Name, and I serve House Telvanni as an alchemist. This city is awash with alchemists, but I consider myself to be one of the best."
  • Inera Ilneram:
"Inera Ilneram is my ally here in Port Telvannis. You may find her in the Ilneram manor."
  • investigation:
"I don't understand what you're talking about."
  • latest rumors:
"My enemies, Tinera and Varrac Odrethi, have been working on a new spell that they claim can be used to clean dirt off clothing. They fail to recognize that it is their tarnished name that must be cleaned, not their robes. Surely they must realize that this is beneath a Telvanni mage; I could never imagine Inera Ilneram behaving so foolishly. Her latest enchantment can be used to cow an enemy into silence. You should see the fear it engenders, %PCName, it is a weapon worthy of a true Telvanni."
  • Rantela Irenam:
"I am the Telvanni Wizard Rantela Irenam."
  • task:
"I prefer to entrust my tasks to a person who is more trustworthy than you have proven."
  • Tinera Odrethi:
"Tinera knows as much about magic as I know about the mating habits of the common garden rat... Well actually I know quite a lot about the mating habits of rats, but I don't doubt you get the point, %PCName. Tinera and I have been bitter rivals since we were children. I am quite sorry I failed to murder her then, as her allies in the Parliament of Bugs make doing so now complicated. To think, I was only a bit too far to the right..."
  • Varrac Odrethi:
"A deluded fool, that is the only way to describe Varrac. What Tinera Odrethi ever saw in him is beyond comprehension. One would expect better judgment of a Telvanni noblewoman."

House Telvanni: PlagueEdit

  • plague rat blood:
"Since Areth Morvayn sent you, I suppose you can have some plague rat blood. It's over there on the table. You're welcome to it."

Intrigue in Port TelvannisEdit

  • Greetings:

If you talk to her after agreeing to sneak into Odrethi Manor:

"You are taking a great risk by coming here! Leave before you are seen." Goodbye

If you decided to betray Rantela rather than enact revenge on the Odrethis:

"Why did you double cross us, we would have rewarded you handsomely? Now you will die." Goodbye (Attacks)

If you have killed either or both of the Odrethis:

"I asked you not to murder any members of the Odrethi household. I cannot allow you to leave without being punished." Goodbye (Attacks)

If you told the Odrethis about the revenge plot:

"You told Varrac and Tinera Odrethi of our strategy to get revenge. There is nothing for us to discuss." Goodbye
  • dead body:
"The body you have described does sound like that of my retainer, Redram Oran. He has not reported in for several days, and now it is clear why. I kindly ask that as a subordinate you carry out an investigation into this matter. In exchange, you will have my continued favor."

If you are Wizard rank or higher in House Telvanni:

"The body you have described does sound like that of my retainer, Redram Oran. He has not reported in for several days, and now it is clear why. I will not trouble you further with this matter, %PCName. As a token of my thanks here is a small gift." (Disposition up by 10, and you receive 100 gold) (The gold reward increases with higher ranks)
"I will be looking into the matter of Redram Oran's death, of that you can be assured, %PCRank."
"Redram Oran's death has hindered my plans, but I will persevere..."
  • investigation:
"I would prefer to trust this to someone who will not fail me."

If Varrac and Tinera Odrethi are dead:

"I would have been almost sure that Varrac and Tinera Odrethi were responsible for Redram Oran's death but they were recently killed. I have no leads as to who may have done this, so on second thought perhaps I won't need your help after all."
"As I was saying, I would like you to look into the death of Redram Oran for me. He was hired to watch the Odrethi Manor, home of my bitter rivals Tinera and Varrac Odrethi. They are likely the ones responsible for his death, but as no evidence was found at the scene linking them to the crime, I would like you to infiltrate the Odrethi Manor undetected and find such evidence as may exist and bring it to me, then I can in good conscience have my revenge. Will you aid me?"
  • Yes.: "Then let us discuss how it is you may enter the Odrethi Manor undetected."
  • No.: "Then leave me." Goodbye (Disposition down by 15)
"Return when you have the evidence I seek."
"Not only did you find evidence implicating Tinera and Varrac Odrethi in the death of Redram Oran, you managed to do it without being detected. This buys us a few hours, after which my manor will be under watch. I would appreciate your assistance in avenging the death of Redram Oran, but you will need to coordinate efforts with my ally Inera Ilneram as I will be, as I said, closely watched. Now you deserve a reward for the services you have already rendered." (Disposition up by 10, removed Redram Oran's Report from your inventory, you receive 250 gold)
"You handled that situation with expert care. I was very impressed; infiltrating the Odrethi Manor completely undetected could not have been easy."

If you are Wizard rank in House Telvanni:

"Not only did you find evidence implicating Tinera and Varrac Odrethi in the death of Redram Oran, you managed to do it without being detected. Thank you for your help, %PCName. You truly are worthy of the title of %PCRank." (Disposition up by 10, removed Redram Oran's Report from your inventory, you receive 300 gold)

If you are Master rank in House Telvanni:

"Not only did you find evidence implicating Tinera and Varrac Odrethi in the death of Redram Oran, you managed to do it without being detected. Thank you for your help, %PCRank. I would like to make a donation for your intervention in this matter." (Disposition up by 10, removed Redram Oran's Report from your inventory, you receive 350 gold)

If you are Magister rank in House Telvanni:

"Not only did you find evidence implicating Tinera and Varrac Odrethi in the death of Redram Oran, you managed to do it without being detected. Thank you for your help, %PCRank. Here is a small donation for your vital assistance." (Disposition up by 10, removed Redram Oran's Report from your inventory, you receive 400 gold)

If you are Archmagister rank in House Telvanni:

"Not only did you find evidence implicating Tinera and Varrac Odrethi in the death of Redram Oran, you managed to do it without being detected. Thank you for your help, %PCRank. As a token of my esteem please accept this small contribution." (Disposition up by 10, removed Redram Oran's Report from your inventory, you receive 500 gold)

If you were caught sneaking in Odrethi Manor and didn't get Redram Oran's Report:

"You don't have any evidence implicating Varrac and Tinera Odrethi in the death of Redram Oran, and you were caught snooping around the Odrethi Manor. Why exactly did I hire you? Get out of my manor." Goodbye (Disposition down by 15)
"Why must you remind me of your failure?" (Disposition down by 1)

If you were caught sneaking in Odrethi Manor but got Redram Oran's Report:

"While I am pleased that you have brought me the evidence that I asked for, you caused a disturbance in the Odrethi Manor and even now they are likely watching. You can be of no future use to me. Here is some gold, you may go." (Removed Redram Oran's Report from your inventory and you receive 100 gold)
"I am glad you helped me, if you had been more careful I could have used you in my plot for revenge." (Disposition down by 1)

If you were caught stealing Redram Oran's Report:

"While I am pleased that you have brought me the evidence that I asked for, you were seen in the Odrethi Manor, and the theft of the evidence will likely be pinned on you. You can be of no future use to me. Here is some gold, you may go." (Removed Redram Oran's Report from your inventory and you receive 100 gold)

If you killed either or both Odrethis:

"I asked you not to kill any members of the Odrethi household, have you any idea how much trouble this will cause? I am afraid I cannot allow this foolish action to go unpunished." (Attacks)

If you are Master rank or higher in House Telvanni and got caught sneaking in Odrethi Manor:

"It was a most unfortunate accident that you were caught, %PCRank."
  • Redram Oran:
"Return when you have something of merit to report, and stop wasting my time." Goodbye (Disposition down by 5)
"So Redram Oran is dead? This constitutes a serious setback for my plans... I kindly ask you as a subordinate, that a further investigation of this matter be carried out. In exchange you will have my continued favor." (Disposition up by 10)

If you are Wizard rank in House Telvanni:

"Redram Oran is dead? This constitutes a serious setback for my plans... I will not trouble you further with this matter, %PCRank. As a token of my thanks, here is a small gift." (Disposition up by 10, and you receive 100 gold) (The gold reward increases with higher ranks)
"I will be looking into the matter of Redram Oran's death, of that you can be assured, %PCRank."
"Redram Oran's death has hindered my plans, but I will persevere..."
  • revenge:
"Thank you for choosing to help us in avenging the death of Redram Oran. Our business was concluded fruitfully."
  • task:
"My retainer, Redram Oran, has not reported to me in several days. I fear that he may have slipped out on me, in which case I need you to track him down and punish him in my name. His house is not far to the east of here on the ground level, and I would like you to investigate his disappearance. The door will be locked, so I will give you a key he left in my possession. Report back to me when you have learned something of his fate."
"What tasks are you referring to?"
"Have you anything to report on Redram Oran?"
"You have done more than I could ever ask of you, %PCRank."
"As I said, I would like you to perform an investigation into Redram Oran's death."
"I have no more tasks that need to be done."
"What would you have me do, PCRank?"
  • undetected:
"Entering the Odrethi Manor undetected will not be easy, so I will give you this powerful potion of shadow that I brewed. It is very potent but will not last long, though it should allow you to get through the guarded door. You will likely need to provide other means of concealment once inside. These means are your responsibility. While the potion will make you invisible, you will still make noise, so be sure to walk quietly and do not wear boots."
  • Continue: "Any disturbance is likely to alert the residents of the Odrethi Manor to your snooping, and the absence of any evidence that you do find will be noted immediately. I will be fingered as the culprit of the theft, my manor will be watched especially closely, your association with me will likely be noted, and your use to me will end. If you are not detected, on the other hand, our snooping will go unnoticed for many hours."
  • Continue: "Be sure not to run clumsily into anyone and try, do try, to move quietly, especially when you are near someone. A final word of caution, do not kill either Odrethi: their allies will complicate things..."
"We've spent enough time discussing this matter. You should go." Goodbye
"You elected not to help me; we need not discuss this matter." Goodbye
"You failed me in this. Why must you constantly remind me of your incompetence?" Goodbye (Disposition down by 10)
"I wish that had gone better for you, for my benefit of course." Goodbye (Disposition down by 10)

If you are Wizard rank in House Telvanni and got detected:

"I was very disappointed when you failed me then, but I have forgiven you."

If you are Master rank or higher in House Telvanni and got detected:

"It was merely by chance that you were detected, %PCRank."
"Your infiltration of the Odrethi Manor was magnificent."