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Tamriel Rebuilt:Madar Senatam

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: People
Madar Senatam (TR_m1_Madar Senatam)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Port Telvannis
House Madar Senatam's House
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Level 4 Class Commoner
Other Information
Health 58 Magicka 86
Alarm 90 Fight 20
Madar Senatam

Madar Senatam is a Dark Elf commoner who can be found in her house in Port Telvannis. Her neighbor, Dunel Varys has a pet rat that Madar claims is diseased, and she will ask you to kill it.

She wears a common robe with matching shoes. Aside from her natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by her ancestors, she knows no spells.

Related QuestsEdit


  • Pack RATS!!!: A fight between neighbors has gotten out of hand, and it is caused by a strange pet.


Pack RATS!!!Edit

  • Greetings:
"%PCRace, I've a proposition for you. I'd like a simple task done and feel you might be just the one to do it."

If you have 6 Reputation or higher:

"I've heard about you, %PCName. I was curious if you could do a simple task for me?
"Please tell me you have slain that horrible rat."

If you have helped Dunel plant diseased rat meat in Madar's house, and come back after:

"I've fallen ill... Witbane, or at least I think it's Witbane. Can you cure me? I need help..."
  • Here drink this cure common disease potion.: "Oh, thank you! I feel better already! I suppose you're here to discuss the nasty rat that gave me Witbane?" (Removed Potion of Cure Common Disease from your inventory)

If you don't have a potion:

"What... I can't see a potion..." Goodbye (Disposition down by 2)
  • I'll try and cure you with a spell.: "Hurry... Who lives here?" Goodbye
"Thank you for curing me, %PCName. Are you here to speak about Dunel Varys' rat?"
  • I can't help you.: "Some help you are... Who are you, again?" Goodbye (Disposition down by 2)
  • rat:
"Horrible creatures, I can't stand rats. It's almost unbearable living next door to that dreadful beast Dunel Varys owns."
"Well, is it dead?"
  • Yes.: "Thank you, %PCName. Here are 50 pieces of gold for your trouble." (Disposition up by 10, and you receive 50 gold)
"Thank you for killing the rat, %PCName, and for curing me of the disease I contracted from it. Here are 150 pieces of gold for your trouble." (Disposition up by 10, and you receive 150 gold)
"You handled that very well."
  • No.: "Please hurry, %PCName."
  • I've cured the rat's disease.: "It's still a danger! Rats are awful creatures! Please, I beg you to kill it before it infects us all! You've cured the disease this time, but who will do it in six weeks when the foul creature is infected again? My offer to pay for killing the rat still stands, please kill it!"
  • Dunel Varys believes you gave his rat the disease.: "Preposterous! I've done no such thing."
  • He wants me to search your house for evidence.: "I will allow you to search my house. I would normally object, but I hold out hope that after you find no such evidence you'll finally see that the rat is the real culprit here and kill it!" Goodbye (Disposition down by 5)
  • task:
"All I need you to do is go to Dunel Varys' house and slay his awful pack rat. The creature is diseased and a danger to all Port Telvannis. Will you do this?"
  • Yes, I'll slay the packrat.: "Thank you, %PCName!"
  • No.: "Hmm... Well, if you change your mind feel free to return."
  • I've already killed Dunel Varys' rat.: "You've killed the rat? This is terrific news! Here is your reward"