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The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journalconsole command to manually update the quest to a certain point.
High-Flying Plans (TR_m3_TG_Fentus2)
Finishes Quest
Journal Entry
Cap'n Fentus asked me to bring him a copy of Dwemer airship plans. Any copy will do, but he says that there's one in the Fort Pelagius tower, where all sorts of contraband items are kept. Instead of entering the tower through the front door, I can access it through the sewers underneath. There's a sewer outfall pipe in the docks where I can enter the sewer system. After that, the underground entrance to Fort Pelagius should be the first door on my left.
Finishes quest
Cap'n Fentus thanked me for bringing him Dwemer airship plans. He paid me 700 drakes for the plans, which -- he pointed out -- is nearly double their black market value.
Finishes quest
I brought Cap'n Fentus a copy of the Dwemer airship plans. However, since Perien Abelard had died, I wasn't paid.