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Tamriel Rebuilt:Find Mashug gro-Dugal

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: Quests: Fighters Guild / Firewatch
Find out what happened to a guild member on his last mission.
Quest Giver: Permil Danconis
Location(s): Firewatch, Guild of Fighters
Prerequisite Quest: The Potion Seller's Past
Next Quest: Burglary in Nivalis
Reward: 100 gold OR 400 gold
Disposition: +5 or +10 (Permil Danconis)
Reputation Gain: +0 OR +5 (Fighters Guild) and +1 (General)
ID: TR_m1_FG_FindOrc
Found him. So what's the problem?

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Talk to Permil Danconis in the Firewatch Guild of Fighters, about orders and Mashug gro-Dugal.
  2. Head to Nassudan and find Mashug gro-Dugal.
  3. (Optional) Free gro-Dugal from the trap.
  4. Return to Permil Danconis.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Hunt the OrcEdit

Permil Danconis has some disturbing news. Mashug gro-Dugal, whom he describes as "one of the finest warriors in Firewatch" has disappeared. His orders were to eliminate a necromancer inhabitant of Nassudan, but he never returned. Permil orders you to investigate and either find Mashug alive or end whatever undead existence has been imposed upon him.

To reach Nassudan, head out of Firewatch's north gate and turn right at both the first and second fork. Keep on the path and the familiar dome of a Velothi tower should become visible in front of you.

The TrapEdit

Finding Mashug gro-Dugal is no great challenge - he is standing quietly on a platform in the first room you come to... but there's a problem. He explains that he cleaned out the tower without trouble but that he has now activated a trap, which he demonstrates to you. Unless there is somebody standing on the platform, an impenetrable barrier blocks the only exit from the room. The barrier also blocks teleportation. He tells you to return to Firewatch with the news and ask Permil Danconis to come up with some method of rescue.

The RescueEdit

Although you can return to Danconis with the news, it is possible to rescue gro-Dugal from his captivity. The clue is in the orc's explanation of how he triggered the trap: he tells you that a bonewalker was standing on the platform when he arrived and was keeping the door open.

There are several creatures still alive in the lower levels of the tower, locked behind a door, which you can open using a key found on the table on the top floor. Get one of them to chase you and lead it up onto the platform. Quickly tell gro-Dugal to wait for you by the exit and wait until he walks out of the room. When your chosen creature is fully on the platform, cast a Calm Creature spell on it (or else leg it to the door before the creature moves off the platform once more). The weight of the creature should keep the door open while you run for the exit. You need to talk to gro-Dugal and leave the tower before your spell wears off or, with absolutely no common sense at all, he will run back into the trap room and start attacking your creature.

In addition, if you can summon a creature for long enough, get it onto the platform, and paralyze it, the door will stay open, and you may both leave.

The ReturnEdit

Once gro-Dugal is safely out of the tower, return to Permil Danconis for your reward.

If you left gro-Dugal in the tower, you receive a five point disposition bump and 100 gold. If you managed to rescue him, Danconis' disposition increases by 10 and you receive 400 gold, 1 reputation point and five guild reputation points.


  • If you can't free Mashug gro-Dugal, don't feel too bad: there is a chance to rescue him in a later quest.

Quest StagesEdit

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Find Mashug gro-Dugal (TR_m1_FG_FindOrc)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Fellow Fighters Guild member Mashug gro-Dugal never returned after leaving to carry out his latest orders, to rid Nassudan of its necromancer inhabitant. Permil Danconis has asked me to determine what happened to him.
20 Mashug gro-Dugal has triggered a trap at Nassudan whereby it is only possible to leave the stronghold if someone else is inside. Teleportation also doesn't work. He's asked me to report his success to Permil Danconis and just leave him until someone can figure something out.
100 Finishes quest  I told Permil Danconis that Mashug gro-Dugal was trapped in Nassudan. He thanked me for checking and told me he'd try to find a solution.
105 I managed to free Mashug gro-Dugal from Nassudan.
110 Finishes quest  Permil Danconis was thrilled that my quick thinking was able to free Mashug gro-Dugal.

Prev: The Potion Seller's Past Up: Fighters Guild Quests Next: Burglary in Nivalis