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Tamriel Rebuilt:Cutthroat Bureaucracy

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: Quests: Almas Thirr / Miscellaneous
Assist an aspiring tollmer in his dark ambitions.
Quest Giver: Drelegor Ulesseth in Almas Thirr
Location(s): Almas Thirr, Roa Dyr
Reward: 100 gold for stealing tax records,
200 gold and Amulet of Slowfalling (killing Feril as instructed) / 200 gold (killing Feril your own way)
ID: TR_m3_AT_HisDeath
Drelegor has a job for you

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Talk to Drelegor Ulesseth at the Limping Scrib in Almas Thirr about a special job.
  2. Steal the trade records from the Tollmen's Hall in Roa Dyr and deliver them to Drelegor.
  3. Return to Roa Dyr and push Feril Gothari off a bridge.
  4. Wait five days before entering the Tollmen's Hall to speak with Drelegor and receive your reward.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Tax Record AcquisitionEdit

In Almas Thirr, if you speak to the proprietor of the Limping Scrib tavern about "latest rumors", you will be directed upstairs to a Dunmer named Drelegor Ulesseth. When approached, he will offer you a job to steal this month's tax records from a Great House Indoril tollmer in Roa Dyr. Drelegor has been attempting to become a tollmer, but there have been no openings for months. He therefore plans to get the tollmer Feril Gothari fired so that he can replace him. If pressed, Drelegor will admit that he comes from a once-powerful family who lost their wealth and importance after the destruction of Khalaan during the Armistice.

You can refuse to accept this job if you wish. If you agree, Drelegor will give you a Standard Potion of Shadow and you'll have to head to the settlement of Roa Dyr just to the northeast of Almas Thirr. It can quickly be reached by ascending to the upper level of Almas Thirr's ziggurat and crossing the bridge to get onto the main road. Your destination is the Tollmen's Hall, located at the docks in Roa Dyr. Enter the building and take a right until you find the stairs; Feril Gothari's desk is at the end of the upstairs hallway. As Drelegor advised, the slave clerks will pay no attention to any thefts, so you do not need to worry about the Bosmer slave Lanwen standing right next to Feril's desk. You do need to worry about Gindrala Mels, who will attack and alert the guards if she sees you take the tax records. There are several scrolls laid out on the desk, but the one you are looking for is Feril Gothari's Trade Records, sitting next to the candle on the top shelf of the desk.

Return to Drelegor with the scroll and he will reward you with 100 gold. However, he has a second job for you.

An Opening PositionEdit

Despite your best efforts, Drelegor soon realizes that the tax records are a month old; the loss of last month's records will not be enough to ensure Feril loses his position as tollmer. He surmises that the current month's records must be kept on Feril's person at all times. Drelegor will ask you to kill him instead. Again, you can refuse to accept this job, or you can tell Drelegor that you will turn him in to the guards, resulting in a disposition drop. There is an Ordinator right outside the Limping Scrib who you can report to, although choosing this option will end the quest immediately with no further reward and Drelegor's disappearance from the tavern being the only outcome.

If you instead agree to carry out the assassination, Drelegor will advise you to push Feril off a bridge while he goes on one of his walks through the gardens of Roa Dyr. At this point, Feril will spawn on a bridge just up the steps from the Tollmen's Hall in Roa Dyr. You can choose to kill him however you wish, although doing so may attract a bounty and will result in a lesser reward from Drelegor of only 200 gold. If you instead choose to approach Feril and push him off the bridge, it will be made to look like an accidental fall.

As instructed, you will need to wait five days before returning to the Tollmen's Hall to speak with Drelegor, who has become a tollmer. He can be found on the upper floor next to Gindrala Mels and will give you your reward. If you chose to push Feril off the bridge, you will be given 200 gold and an Amulet of Slowfalling, as well as Drelegor's Note explaining the reduced reward from what was promised.

Quest StagesEdit

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Cutthroat Bureaucracy (TR_m3_AT_HisDeath)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 I met a Dunmer in Almas Thirr's Limping Scrib tavern by the name of Drelegor Ulesseth. He asked me to steal some trade records from Feril Gothari, a tollmer in Roa Dyr. They should be somewhere in the tollmen's hall near the southern docks.
11 Finishes quest  A Dunmer by the name of Drelegor Ulesseth asked me to steal trade records from a tollmer in Roa Dyr, but I refused.
20 I've stolen Feril Gothari's trade records. Drelegor will want to see these.
30 The records I stole were outdated and their loss will not affect the tollmer's reputation. Drelegor rewarded me for the job he originally offered, but wants me to try something else.
40 Drelegor wants me to kill Feril Gothari by pushing him off a bridge. He says this is the only way to ensure the position for tollmer opens.
41 Finishes quest  Drelegor wanted me to kill Feril Gothari, but I made it clear that I will not help him anymore.
42 Drelegor wanted me to kill Feril Gothari because his plan with the trade records didn't work. I've decided to inform a guard instead.
45 Finishes quest  The guards have been made aware of Drelegor's murderous intentions.
50 Feril is dead and it appears that he had an accidental fall. Drelegor should be able to replace him within the next five days.
51 I killed Feril in my own way. This won't work well for Drelegor's plans; he is likely still at the Limping Scrib.
52 Five days have passed since I killed Feril.
60 Finishes quest  Drelegor is a tollmer now and satisfied with my work.
61 Finishes quest  Drelegor was not happy that I did not follow his directions and gave me a much smaller reward.
100 Finishes quest  Drelegor is dead.