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Tamriel Rebuilt:Brother Against Brother

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: Quests: Miscellaneous / Almas Thirr
A family is split between two Great Houses.
Quest Giver: Madril Berend or Hlarven Berend
Location(s): Almas Thirr, Canalworks
Reward: 36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 27
OR 200 gold
OR 1x Chitin Longsword
OR Grasping Fortune
OR 200 gold and Grasping Fortune
ID: TR_m3_AT_Brother
Two brothers stand in Roa Dyr's Hall of Judgement

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Either:
  2. Or speak to Hlarven Berend in Almas Thirr's Canalworks and either:
    • Agree to retrieve the Indoril helm for Hlarven Berend.
      1. Steal or buy the Indoril Helm of Verity from Anmoleth's store.
      2. Return the helm to Hlarven Berend for 200 gold reward.
    • Refuse to retrieve the helm, and either:
      1. Wait, and allow Hlarven to steal it (ends quest with no reward).
      2. Steal or buy the helm first, and forewarn Madril (in which case, see step 3).
      3. Forewarn Madril/Anmoleth of Hlarven's intent (in which case, see step 3).
  3. In two days time, go to Roa Dyr's Hall of Judgement.
  4. Testify to Indoril Llaren and either:
    • Say you stole the helm (if you have it), and pay a 300 gold fine.
    • Say you bought helm (if you have it), for 200 gold and Grasping Fortune.
    • Indict Hlarven (no reward).
    • Ask if you can persuade Hlarven to repent (see step 5).
  5. Either:
    • Persuade Hlarven to repent (with 90+ disposition).
    • Persuade Hlarven to repent (with 50+ Speechcraft).
    • Persuade Hlarven to repent (with a successful Sway check).
    • Convince Hlarven to request a duel of honor (see step 6).
  6. Talk to Indoril Llaren and watch the duel.
  7. Receive either:
    • 1x Chitin Longsword if Madril wins.
    • 1x Grasping Fortune if Hlarven wins.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Two brothers stand in the Canalworks of the Almas Thirr canton. One, Hlarven Berend, has recently come across a book, Grasping Fortune, and found it aligns with his own views. The other brother, Madril Berend, remains loyal to Great House Indoril. Both will make mention of a stolen Indoril helm, in the possession currently of the Wood Elf, Anmoleth, who is selling it in his store. Madril believes Anmoleth is innocent, but wishes to report the item to the Indoril. Hlarven does not wish to aid the Indoril, given his sympathies with House Hlaalu. Nor does he want his brother to elevate himself into Indoril ranks, which he might do if he reports the helm.

This is a questline with numerous paths. Speaking to Madril first about the stolen Indoril helm with 50 disposition will have him reveal that he wants to report it, but can't, as his brother might then make good on his threat to run away and join House Hlaalu. Madril does not wish that on his conscience. He'll ask that you either convince his brother that reporting the stolen helm is the right course of action, or report the stolen helm directly to the Indoril Garrison.

Reporting to Irnami Silsi at the Indoril garrison will end the quest. It's on the far eastern side of Almas Thirr, dug into the cliffside of the riverbank. If you do report the stolen Indoril helm she will promise to confiscate it immediately, and you can return to Madril for a copy of the 36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 27 as a reward.

If you agree to try and convince Hlarven, or speak to Hlarven first, he will ask you to retrieve the helm for him. In this way, if Madril makes a report, there will be no helm to find, and Madril will receive no credit from the Indoril. Hlarven cannot be persuaded that reporting it is the right idea - he would far rather succeed in House Hlaalu than see his brother succeed in House Indoril (his brother feels oppositely).

If you agree to retrieve the helm for Hlarven, you can either report his request to Madril (who will then ask you to report to the Indoril garrison), or follow through. The helm in question is in Anmoleth's store, on the outside of the canton, in its northwestern corner. You can buy it from her (it's the Indoril Helm of Verity), or steal it from the top of the chest behind her counter. Giving it to Hlarven will see him reward you with 200 gold.

Refusing to steal the helm will see Hlarven decide to take matters into his own hands. You can either do nothing, in which case Hlarven will succeed in stealing the helm and joining House Hlaalu, once a period of time has passed. You will receive nothing for this outcome, and Madril will be distraught. You can also steal or buy the helm first. You can also report that Hlarven is going to attempt to steal the helm to Madril or Anmoleth, in which case they will call the guards, and your presence will be requested as a witness in Roa Dyr's Hall of Judgement, in two days time.

Proceed to Roa Dyr and wait two days (your journal will update). You need to enter the Hall of Judgement (it's the building on the far west of Roa Dyr). Once inside, you should find the trial in session, and you will be asked to testify to Indoril Llaren.

Giving TestimonyEdit

"Perhaps you are not aware of recent events. Hlarven Berend was arrested just west of Almas Thirr's market bridge, having made a visit to Anmoleth's shop earlier. The guards saw him toss something in the water as they caught up with him. There was no trace on his person or in the shop of the Indoril helm, which was taken from an ancestral tomb belonging to a well-known family in Almalexia. What concerns me the greatest is that Hlarven was fleeing to the west. If his intentions were to return the Helm of Verity to the Indoril, or even to keep it for himself, he would have no business heading out of town that way. In his opening statement, Hlarven denied any goal of entering Hlaalu lands. He says he fled out of fear in no particular direction and will not repent. Now... do you have anything to add that I may consider in my sentencing?" - Indoril Llaren, on the stolen Indoril helm.

You have a number of ways in which you can respond to this.

  1. "Let me persuade him to repent." - see next section (Hlarven's Repentance).
  2. "He asked me to steal it, but I refused." - condemms Hlarven, but has no effect on sentence.
  3. "He was drunk when he decided to steal the helm." - taken as mitigating circumstances, but has no effect on sentence.
  4. "He only wanted the helm to keep it from Madril, not to deliver it to the Hlaalu." - condemms Hlarven, but has no effect on sentence.
  5. "He did not steal the helm. I bought it before he had the chance." - Hlarven is declared innocent, and rewards you with 200 gold and the book, Grasping Fortune.
  6. "He did not steal the helm. I did." - (available only if you have the helm) you will need to pay a 300 gold fine, or spend time in prison.
  7. "I have nothing to add." - (available only if you have the helm) the trial ends, and Hlarven gets three months in prison (no reward).

Hlarven's RepentanceEdit

If you tell Indoril Llaren that you will persuade Hlarven to repent, he will allow it. You may then speak to Hlarven, who will deny everything:

"I won't do it. I didn't even commit the crime! Please, you have to give the Indoril evidence to prove my innocence."

There are two possible responses.

Response 1: "It's too late for that. Repent and you will be forgiven."

This will succeed in persuading Hlarven if he has 90+ disposition, you have 50+ Speechcraft, or you succeed on a hidden Sway check. This Sway check is based upon a combination of Personality, Speechcraft and Luck. High disposition increases your chances of succeeding on the check, as does high fatigue. If you fail, Hlarven will instead seek to prove his innocence in a duel of honor with his accuser, his own brother.

Response 2: "You should demand a duel of honor." This has the same effect as failing the checks on Response 1. Speak to Indoril Llaren, who will agree to the fight. The two brothers will enter combat with each other.

If Medril wins, he will be distraught at his brother's death, and will give you the blade that slew him - a Chitin Longsword. If Hlarven wins, he will be similarly devastated, and will give you the book that began their sibling division - Grasping Fortune.

Quest StagesEdit

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Brother Against Brother (TR_m3_AT_Brother)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Madril Berend in the Almas Thirr canalworks mentioned discovering a stolen Indoril helm. His brother Hlarven, recently interested in joining House Hlaalu, has been trying to keep him from reporting the theft to House Indoril. I could either convince Hlarven that reporting the helm is the right thing to do, or I could report it to the Indoril garrison in Almas Thirr directly.
20 Hlarven Berend in the Almas Thirr canalworks told me about a stolen Indoril helm his brother Madril wanted to report. He says Madril will use this to improve his reputation with House Indoril enough to join them, something Hlarven can't let happen. I can try to persuade Madril not to report the theft.
21 Hlarven Berend in the Almas Thirr canalworks said I should talk to his brother Madril, over by the fountain.
30 Hlarven changed his plans and now wants me to either buy or steal the helm so that he can make sure Madril's report goes nowhere.
31 Hlarven wants me to either buy or steal the helm so that he can make sure Madril's report goes nowhere.
40 I informed Madril of Hlarven's plan to acquire the helm. He was clearly frustrated and insists that I tell his brother that I will not get the helm for him.
50 Finishes quest  I obtained the Indoril helm and gave it to Hlarven. He gladly took it and rewarded me for my efforts.
60 I told Hlarven I would not get the helm for him. He walked away angrily, obviously on his way to steal the helm himself.
65 Finishes quest  I got to know by Madril that Hlarven must have stole and sold the stolen Indoril helm to the Hlaalu to gain their favor.
70 The guards were alerted to Hlarven's plan to steal the Indoril helm, and Hlarven was caught. There will be a hearing in Roa Dyr's Hall of Judgement after two days, and I am to appear as a witness.
71 Finishes quest  The guards were alerted to Hlarven's plan to steal the Indoril helm, and Hlarven was caught. There will be a hearing in Roa Dyr's Hall of Judgement, but due to Indoril Llaren's death, the trial has been delayed. There's nothing more I can do.
72 Finishes quest  Indoril Llaren has died.
80 Finishes quest  Indoril Llaren found Hlarven guilty and sentenced him to several months in prison.
81 Finishes quest  Indoril Llaren found Hlarven innocent after I presented the stolen Indoril helm to him.
82 Finishes quest  Indoril Llaren found Hlarven innocent after I presented the stolen Indoril helm to him. However, I am now facing either prison time or a 300 gold fine because I admitted to stealing it.
83 I have a chance to persuade Hlarven to repent for his crime. This may save him from serving time in prison.
90 I could not persuade him to repent. Instead, he demanded a duel of honor with his brother. If he wins, all charges will be dropped.
91 I persuaded him to repent. I should talk to Indoril Llaren.
100 The trial by combat has begun.
101 Finishes quest  Madril won the duel of honor by slaying his brother. He looks extremely upset.
102 Finishes quest  Hlarven won the duel of honor by slaying his brother. He is free to go, but this turn of events has obviously upset him.
105 Finishes quest  Indoril Llaren has tasked Hlarven to go on a pilgrimage to Saint Aralor's Monastery in Roth Roryn as his punishment.
200 I reported the theft to Irnami Silsi in the Indoril garrison as Madril requested. She will have her guards confiscate the helm and return it to its rightful owner. I should return to Madril.
201 I obtained the Indoril helm and brought it to Irnami Silsi in the Indoril garrison. She was pleased with my initiative and said she would have it returned to its rightful owner. I should return to Madril.
210 Finishes quest  Madril gave me a Temple book as a reward. The fragile peace between him and his brother has been preserved for the time being.
250 Finishes quest  Hlarven Berend is dead.
251 Finishes quest  Madril Berend is dead.
Brother Against Brother (TR_m3_AT_Brother2)
10 Two days have passed. I should go to the trial of Hlarven Berend in Roa Dyr, Hall of Judgement.