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Tamriel Rebuilt:Andothren Regained

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: Quests: Thieves Guild / Andothren
The fate of the new guild hangs in the balance...
Quest Giver: Shei
Location(s): Andothren, Bthuangthuv
Prerequisite Quest: Scandalous Letters
Reward: 1,000 gold or 5,000 gold
Optionally, Thoricles' Bane
Disposition: +15 to +25 (Shei)
Reputation Gain: +5 (Thieves Guild)
ID: TR_m4_TG_Shei6; TR_m4_TG_Shei6B
Vendicci is soon to return to Cyrodiil.

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Talk to Shei in Bthuangthuv about jobs and special job.
  2. Speak to Vermilius Vendicci in his manor about the special job and follow the money.
  3. Talk to the lawyer, Vilungil, in west Andothren and either:
    • Persuade him to tell you what he knows (req. 80+ disposition).
    • Find evidence of an interesting transaction in his basement.
  4. Travel to the Monastery of St. Aralor and talk to Llaros Sadas.
  5. Return to Andothren to confront the Camonna Tong boss.
  6. (Optional) Speak to Mihirr-Jo in Vendicci Manor about back to Cyrodiil and find Vermilius Vendicci west of Teyn.
  7. Search the manor cellar and either:
    • Agree a new truce with the Tong boss and return to Shei (1,000 gold).
    • Amend the truce (rewards 1,000 gold), persuading the boss to go to prison by:
      1. Rejecting the initial terms.
      2. Asking about the massacre at the Dusky Alit and Bthuangthuv.
      3. Asking about new truce, change the terms and go to prison, then respond "You tried that once..." with 95+ disposition and Dervara Diron still alive.
    • Reject the possibility of any truce, kill the boss, and defend Bthuangthuv (5,000 gold).


  • If you asked Tattara to improve the hideout with bear traps, fewer living Camonna Tong thugs will oppose you if the time comes to defend Bthuangthuv.
  • It is possible to catch up with Vermilius Vendicci on the road and confront him - he will offer you the Thoricles' Bane if you spare his life.
  • If he agrees to go to prison, Vals Varano will appear in the cells beneath Fort Ancylis' eastern keep, with a decidedly philosophical view of events. The jailor will be baffled at the voluntary incarceration.
  • Paalvu Brenur, Ilmesi Adryn, Velasi Nilvon, Melys Llarem, Vermethys Llenim, Tilore Uvandrys and Droler Drom will all join the Tong's assault on Bthuangthuv if not killed previously.
  • If Vals Varano is killed, all of the slaves at Vindicci manor can be freed. There is no key for their bracers, but their "go free" dialogue response will free them with a statement that "cruel master Vals Varano is no more".

Quest StagesEdit

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Andothren Regained (TR_m4_TG_Shei6)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
5 I was told I should go and speak with Vermilius Vendicci about the special job to find the local Camonna Tong boss.
10 Vermilius Vendicci told me that I should follow the money and speak with Vilungil.
25 I was told that Vermilius Vendicci is on his way back to Cyrodiil and that Vals Varano is with him. They should be on the road somewhere west of Teyn.
50 Vermilius Vendicci says that Vals Varano is not with him. Instead, he's somewhere in the Vendicci manor.
75 Vals Varano wishes to parley with me and negotiate a new truce between the Tong and the Guild. He has drafted the terms of the truce already and asks me to hear them.
100 I declined to make a new truce with Vals Varano. He vows that even though I might kill him, his thugs will murder everyone in Bthuangthuv.
110 Vals Varano and I made a new truce. The Camonna Tong and Thieves Guild will both operate in Andothren. Varano will also call off the attack to Bthuagthuv. More importantly, I convinced Vals Varano to surrender and face justice for ordering the massacre at the Dusky Alit inn. Shei and the others should be relieved.
125 I agreed to a new truce with Vals Varano. The Camonna Tong and Thieves Guild will both operate in Andothren. Vals Varano gets to live and in turn he will call off the attack to Bthuagthuv. Shei and the others should be relieved.
150 Vals Varano is dead.
175 Bthuangthuv is under attack.
200 Finishes quest  Shei thanked me for saving the Thieves Guild in Andothren by negotiating a new truce with Vals Varano. Though I ignored master Endoroth's orders, she is glad that no blood was spilled. She told me I should look for new jobs elsewhere.
225 Finishes quest  Shei thanked me for saving the Thieves Guild in Andothren by negotiating a new truce with Vals Varano. She was impressed to hear that I had convinced Varano to face justice in Fort Ancylis. Though I ignored master Endoroth's orders, she is glad that no blood was spilled. She told me I should look for new jobs elsewhere.
250 Finishes quest  I was thanked for saving the Thieves Guild in Andothren. Since I followed master Endoroth's orders and killed Vals Varano, I got a bonus reward. I was told that I should look for new jobs elsewhere.
275 Finishes quest  I was thanked for saving the Thieves Guild in Andothren. Vals Varano, the Camonna Tong boss who ordered the attack, is probably long gone from Andothren. I was told that I should look for new jobs elsewhere.
300 Finishes quest  The Thieves Guild in Andothren is in ruins. There will be no more jobs for me here.
Andothren Regained (TR_m4_TG_Shei6B)
50 There is a record of regular payments made by the Camonna Tong via Vilungil to one "Llaros Sadas" in the Monastery of Saint Aralor. According to the payment reference they were made "for the Dusky Alit".
100 Vilungil told me that I should speak with Llaros Sadas, a repentant former Camonna Tong enforcer. Vilungil says that he's been told to make regular payments to Sadas ever since the massacre at the Dusky Alit. He believes that payments are hush money. Sadas can be found in the Monastery of Saint Aralor, where he's now a monk.
Andothren Regained (TR_m4_TG_Shei6C)
100 Llaros Sadas revealed to me that Vals Varano is the Camonna Tong boss of Andothren. Endoroth's orders for me were to kill him when I find him.

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