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Tamriel Rebuilt:Allasi Enduren

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: People
Allasi Enduren (TR_m1_Allasi_Enduren)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Port Telvannis
Location The Avenue
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 30 Class Mage
Other Information
Health 150 Magicka 198
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Faction(s) Great House Telvanni 6(Wizard)
Allasi Enduren

Allasi Enduren is a Dark Elf mage and Wizard of House Telvanni who can be found in the main hall of The Avenue in Port Telvannis. He is the Prefect of Hospitality, and anyone wishing to deal with the merchants or mages in the city needs to buy Hospitality Papers from him for 5 septims.

He wears an expensive robe and pair of gloves, plus an extravagant shirt, pair of pants, and pair of shoes. He wields a glass tanto, and carries one copy of Telvanni Hospitality Papers.

Aside from his natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by his ancestors, he knows the following spells: Absorb Personality (Ranged), Absorb Speed (Ranged), Blood Despair, Dire Weary, Drain Alteration, Drain Blood, Drain Destruction, Drain Illusion, Drain Mysticism, Drain Restoration, Feet of Notorgo, Great Feather, Masterful Golden Wisdom, Masterful Green Wisdom, Masterful Red Wisdom, Masterful Silver Wisdom, Masterful Unseen Wisdom, Medusa's Gaze, Toxic Cloud, Second Barrier, Strong Fire Shield, Strong Frost Shield, Strong Reflect, Strong Shock Shield, Strong Spelldrinker, Summon Clannfear, Vivec's Mercy, Wild Distraction, and Wild Spelldrinker.

Related QuestsEdit



  • Greetings:
"I am Allasi Enduren. On behalf of the Council of Great House Telvanni, I welcome you in this city. I must warn you that Hospitality Papers are necessary for all visitors, and that I am the only person allowed to write and sell them."
"I am Allasi Enduren, the Prefect of Hospitality for the city of Port Telvannis. I do not suppose an outlander would come here for idle chatter about the latest rumors. Whatever your motive, be aware that you will need Hospitality Papers to do anything in this city."
"Ah, I knew you would come back, %PCName. I suppose you now want to buy your Hospitality Papers?"
"Welcome back, %PCName. I hope you enjoy our city."
"The Indoril merchant? He usually stays in the east wing when he is here in Port Telvannis."
  • Hospitality Papers:
"Great House Telvanni requires visitors and guests to have valid Hospitality Papers with them at all time during their stay in this city. No one is allowed to offer services or trade with visitors who can not exhibit such a certificate. And I am the Prefect of Hospitality on behalf of the Parliament of Bugs, so you can obtain this document from me for the sum of 50 drakes."
  • Yes, I'll purchase the papers.: "I need your signature here. And there you go!" (Removed 50 gold from your inventory, and you receive Telvanni Hospitality Papers)
  • I don't have enough gold.: "That's unfortunate. Your best option is to leave the city and earn some more money before coming back here. The riverstrider caravaneers are dispensed from requiring Hospitality Papers, since they operate outside of the city itself."
  • Not at the moment, thank you.: "Well, that's fine as long as you do not intend to have any business here. Otherwise, remember I'll still be here when you change your mind. Also, do not forget that riverstrider caravaneers are exempted from requiring Hospitality Papers, since they operate outside of the city itself."
"You lost or misplaced them? That's a shame, %PCName. Fortunately, if you want, I can remake them for you. For merely 5 drakes, since you already paid for them once."
  • Alright, I'll purchase them again.: "I need your signature again, you know the deal. Thank you, and here you go!" (Removed 5 gold from your inventory, and you receive Telvanni Hospitality Papers)
  • I don't have enough gold.: "Despite my discount? That's really unfortunate. I hope for your sake that you find your papers."
  • I prefer to try to find them back, thank you.: "I wish you good luck in your search, but remember the guards may arrest you for not having them in the meantime."
"You lost your papers again? How can you be this absent-minded? Well, as before, I can provide you with new papers for 5 drakes. And please, try to be more cautious this time." (See choices above)
"You have them already, %PCName. If you're concerned about misplacing them, do not worry. They are made to your name and cannot be used by someone else. And I could sell you replacement papers, at a discount."

A Disobedient HusbandEdit

"She is not your concern, %PCRace."

If Disposition is 50 or higher:

"While she is young and has little hands on combat experience, I have seen Nalneni Pernis spar and can attest to her skill with a short sword. She also possesses a passable knowledge of most magic, particularly when it comes to the art of illusion. She has performed admirably in her tasks for me, and it is a skilled foreigner indeed who can detect her."

The Slave TradeEdit

  • misplaced slave:
"None of our slaves were purchased from Serjo Salvendu."