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Tamriel Rebuilt:A New Employment

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: Quests: House Hlaalu / Andothren
Search for vacancies for a jobless scribe.
Quest Giver: Nalvyna Balen, Docks: Port Authority in Andothren
Location(s): Andothren
Prerequisite Quest: Greef Astray
Next Quest: The Waylaid Ship
Reward: 100-200 Hlaalu Company Scrip
Reputation Gain: +3-+6 (House Hlaalu)
ID: TR_m4_HH_AND_Employment
It's an employer's market in Old Ebonheart.

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Speak to Nalvyna Balen at the Docks: Port Authority in Andothren.
  2. Deliver the letter to Glaucia Rumariil in Old Ebonheart.
  3. Find a job for the scribe, Gerardus Tilianus.
  4. Return to Glaucia.
  5. Deliver Glaucia's letter to Nalvyna in Andothren.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Nalvyna needs a courier for a sealed letter bound for Glaucia Rumariil, the Empire's Minister of House Hlaalu Affairs. Glaucia has residence in the Ebon Tower of Old Ebonheart. You can reach this city by going east and crossing the Thirr River, or more easily by taking the boat outside of the Port Authority building. The Ebon Tower is Old Ebonheart's castle, and Glaucia's office is in the Curia building there, in the western offices.

Deliver the letter to Glaucia (you can read it beforehand, but this will reduce your ultimate reward). She has, in Nalvyna's eyes, overstepped her authority with a proposal made at Andothren's Hlaalu Council to replace Nalvyna with her own candidate. It transpires that Nalvyna has sent you to assist Glaucia instead, and so she requests that you assist with finding a job for a scribe, Gerardus Tilianus.

You can speak to Gerardus in the lobby immediately outside of Glaucia's office. He says that he has already sought work in various places across the city, which will help narrow down where to look next.

"I thought I was going to get a job in Andothren, but now you're saying that you'll look for one here in the city? I've been asking everywhere I thought might have need for my trade, but I might have overlooked something. But I'd advise against asking the Burgrave, the Briricca Bank, the East Empire Company, the Customs or Harbor Offices, as well as any of the private manors, because I already asked and they all turned me down."

There are a number of individuals with a unique response to the job for a scribe topic, including several quest-givers, but you will ultimately have no success with any of them, other than Fothresa Aravel of the Fighters Guild. She will ask you to persuade the guild leader, Sharnoga gra-Mal, to employ Gerardus, and Sharnoga will need no convincing provided that her disposition exceeds 30.

Return to Glaucia once the job is secured to inform her. She will be pleased, and will give you a further sealed letter to return to Nalvyna.

Return now to Andothren to speak to Nalvyna, and talk to her about the sealed letter. She will be pleased that the matter is resolved, but her reward will vary depending on whether you read either of the letters - expect 200 scrip if you did not, 150 if you read one, and 100 if you read both.

Quest StagesEdit

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

A New Employment (TR_m4_HH_AND_Employment)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Nalvyna Balen tasked me to go to Old Ebonheart and deliver a sealed letter to Glaucia Rumariil, the Imperial Minister of Hlaalu Affairs. She can be found in the Ebon Tower.
50 I delivered the letter to Glaucia Rumariil. In the letter, Nalvyna Balen promises that I will help her find a new job for a scribe, named Gerardus Tilianus, who has turned to Rumariil for aid.
60 Fothresa Aravel at the Fighters Guild is overwhelmed by paperwork. She asked me to convince the guild steward, Sharnoga gra-Mal, to hire Gerardus Tilianus.
70 Sharnoga gra-Mal agreed to employ Gerardus Tilianus at the Fighters Guild. She told me tell Glaucia Rumariil that Gerardus can start immediately.
90 Glaucia Rumariil was content that I found someone willing to hire Gerardus Tilianus. She gave me a sealed reply that I should deliver to Nalvyna Balen.
100 Finishes quest  Nalvyna Balen was notably relieved about Glaucia Rumariil's reply. She paid me well for my work.
110 Finishes quest  Nalvyna Balen was notably relieved about Glaucia Rumariil's reply, but less impressed that I had opened the seal. She hesitantly paid me for my work.
A New Employment (TR_m4_HH_AND_Employment2)
50 Glaucia Rumariil was furious when she learned about the death of Gerardus Tilianus. She told me that she'll have Nalvyna Balen replaced as soon as she finds someone else who is qualified. I should let Nalvyna Balen know about this.
100 Finishes quest  Nalvyna Balen was upset upon hearing about Gerardus' fate and Glaucia Rumariil's subsequent threat.
120 Finishes quest  Nalvyna Balen was upset upon learning about the death of Glaucia Rumariil. She was sure her successor would only be more condemning towards her.

Prev: Greef Astray Up: House Hlaalu Quests Next: The Waylaid Ship