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Tamriel Rebuilt:A Change of Heart

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: Quests: Tribunal Temple / Hlan Oek
Two seek sanctuary from the Camonna Tong.
Quest Giver: Nivis Serethran
Location(s): Hlan Oek
Prerequisite Quest: The Pilgrim's Path
Next Quest: The Crook of the Crossing
Reward: No reward OR 75 gold, 2x Quality Restore Magicka potions
2x Quality Restore Health potions and 36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 27
Reputation Gain: +5 (Tribunal Temple) or no change
ID: TR_m7_HO_TT_04
Ahabhu hides too close to Hlan Oek.

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Speak to Nivis Serethran in the Hlan Oek temple about duties and claiming sanctuary.
  2. Talk to Gethis Raviro about who needs convincing.
  3. Convince Gilner Herano at the Council Club to let you see the boss with 60+ disposition.
  4. Speak with Lloden Dadrys and either:
    1. Refuse his request.
    2. Return to Nivis and stress your refusal (ends quest, no reward).
  5. Or:
    1. Talk to Ahabhu about on the island east of Hlan Oek.
    2. Escort Ahabhu to Idera Bethendas in Hlan Oek's slave market and speak to Idera about return Ahabhu (rewards 75 gold).
    3. Return to Lloden and talk to him about claiming sanctuary.
    4. Report back to Nivis Serethan.


  • It is possible to warn Ahabhu to run, but you will then need to reject Lloden's request in order to be able to complete the quest with Nivis.

Quest StagesEdit

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

A Change of Heart (TR_m7_HO_TT_04)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Gethis Raviro, a former member of the Camonna Tong, has claimed sanctuary in the Temple of Hlan Oek. He has been smuggling skooma for them, but willfully destroyed his latest shipment. Now he is facing retribution from the Camonna Tong. Nivis Serethran wishes for me to speak with the young man, and find a way to allow him to be safely escorted to Almas Thirr, where he will stand trial for his smuggling activities.
20 Gethis Raviro has told me that the only one who can guarantee him safe passage is Lloden Dadrys, the Camonna Tong boss of Hlan Oek. He hopes that Dadrys will agree to a bargain.
30 Lloden Dadrys is willing to let Gethis Raviro leave town if I return Ahabhu, a slave that has escaped from Idera Bethendas's slave market in Hlan Oek. The slave was spotted very close by, on the western shore of the island just east of Hlan Oek, near a muck pool.
35 I informed Lloden Dadrys that I was not willing to return an escaped slave in return for Gethis Raviro's safe passage to Almas Thirr. Dadrys told me to report to Nivis Serethran that he would accept no other bargain.
40 I have found the escaped slave Ahabhu, and made him follow me back to Idera Bethendas' slave market in Hlan Oek.
45 I have arrived at the slave market with Ahabhu.
50 I have handed the escaped slave over to Idera Bethendas. She has told me to report back to Lloden Dadrys.
60 Lloden Dadrys has confirmed that Gethis Raviro is free to leave Hlan Oek and never come back.
100 Finishes quest  Nivis Serethran praised me for handling the negotiations with the Camonna Tong boss. He will see to it that Gethis Raviro is escorted to Almas Thirr to stand trial. He meanwhile has more duties for me.
111 Finishes quest  I have told Nivis Serethran that I would not return Ahabhu to slavery. He was very disappointed with my decision, but has accepted it. He has more duties for me, this time away from Hlan Oek.
120 Lloden Dadrys refused to negotiate with me due to my role in the death of his associate Idera Bethendas. He told me to report to Nivis Serethran that Gethis Raviro would remain marked for death by his organization.
121 Finishes quest  I told Nivis Serethran that no deal could be reached with the Camonna Tong, due to the death of Idera Bethendas. He was angry at my actions. He has more duties for me, this time away from Hlan Oek.
130 Lloden Dadrys refused to negotiate with me due to the death of the escaped slave Ahabhu. He told me to report to Nivis Serethran that Gethis Raviro would remain marked for death by his organization.
131 Finishes quest  I told Nivis Serethran that no deal could be reached with the Camonna Tong, due to the death of Ahabhu. He was angry at my actions. He has more duties for me, this time away from Hlan Oek.
200 Finishes quest  I lied to Nivis Serethran about Gethis Raviro being assured safe passage to Almas Thirr. He praised me for handling the negotiations with the Camonna Tong boss, and will see to it that Gethis Raviro is escorted to Almas Thirr to stand trial. He meanwhile has more duties for me.
210 Finishes quest  Nivis Serethran was furious that I killed Lloden Dadrys. He expelled me from the Temple, and told me that he would have no further duties for me in Hlan Oek, even if I am reinstated.
211 Finishes quest  Nivis Serethran was furious that I killed Lloden Dadrys. He will not give me any more duties in the future.
220 Finishes quest  Nivis Serethran was furious that I killed Gethis Raviro. He expelled me from the Temple, and told me that he would have no further duties for me in Hlan Oek, even if I am reinstated.
221 Finishes quest  Nivis Serethran was furious that I killed Gethis Raviro. He will not give me any more duties in the future.
300 Finishes quest  Gethis Raviro was executed by the Camonna Tong as soon as he left the safety of the Temple, and Nivis Serethran has found out that I had lied about reaching an agreement with Lloden Dadrys. He expelled me from the Temple, and told me that he would have no further duties for me in Hlan Oek, even if I am reinstated. He also instructed all members of his Temple to no longer offer me their services.
301 Finishes quest  Gethis Raviro was executed by the Camonna Tong as soon as he left the safety of the Temple, and Nivis Serethran has found out that I had lied about reaching an agreement with Lloden Dadrys. He will not give me any more duties in the future. He also instructed all members of his Temple to no longer offer me their services.

Prev: The Pilgrim's Path Up: Temple Quests Next: The Crook of the Crossing