Tamriel Data includes several new types of passive Animals. Not all creatures listed on this page are complete, and some are not placed within the current release areas of the modding projects that use Tamriel Data. However all creatures listed are present within the Tamriel Data file and can be spawned in using console commands.
For unique individuals within a particular species in Tamriel Rebuilt, Project Cyrodiil or Skyrim: Home of the Nords, please refer to the Creature pages of those projects.
Cows are large farm animals that served as beasts of burden on farms. They are also a common source of dairy and meat products.
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | |
Cow T_Cyr_Fau_CatlCow_01 T_Sky_Fau_CatlCow_01, T_Sky_Fau_CatlCow_02 |
Beef | 100 |
50 (Lesser) |
Painted Cow T_Sky_Fau_CatlCowP_01 |
Bull T_Cyr_Fau_CatlBull_01, T_Cyr_Fau_CatlBull_02 T_Sky_Fau_CatlBull_01, T_Sky_Fau_CatlBull_02 |
175 |
100 (Common) |
Chickens are ground-dwelling birds that are farmed for their meat and eggs.
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | |
Chicken T_Glb_Fau_BirdChi_01, T_Glb_Fau_BirdChi_02, T_Glb_Fau_BirdChi_03, T_Glb_Fau_BirdChi_04, T_Glb_Fau_BirdChi_05 |
Chicken Leg | 5 |
10 (Petty) |
Rooster T_Glb_Fau_BirdChiRs_01, T_Glb_Fau_BirdChiRs_02 |
Donkeys are equine animals found in Cyrodiil. Wild donkeys can be found roaming Colovia while their domesticated cousins are used as pack animals in the Imperial province.
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | |
Donkey T_Cyr_Fau_Donk_01 |
Donkey Hide | 50 |
15 (Petty) |
Pack Donkey T_Cyr_Fau_DonkPk_01, T_Cyr_Fau_DonkPk_02 |
Guars are domesticated animals found in Morrowind. They fill a variety of roles in Dunmer society, including being a source of meat and hides as well as a common pack animal for travelers and merchant caravans. Wild guars are know to be aggressive and should be avoided. They shouldn't be confused for the larger, predatory tiger guars.
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | ||
Stray Caravan Guar T_Mw_Fau_GuarPackStray |
Guar Hide | 38 | – |
20 (Petty) |
Diseased Guar T_Mw_Fau_GuarDs_01 |
100 |
Diseased Wild Guar T_Mw_Fau_GuarFrDs_01 |
Harnessed Guar T_Mw_Fau_GuarHrn_01 |
45 | – |
25 (Petty) |
Hooms are large, land-dwelling crustaceans native to Morrowind's Velothi Mountains. They are used as hardy pack animals by the Redoran. While tamed hooms are passive, their wild counterparts are mildly territorial and will become aggressive if approached.
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | |
Hoom T_Mw_Fau_Hoom_01 |
Nothing | 699 |
10 (Petty) |
Tame Hoom T_Mw_Fau_Hoom_Tame_01 |
Horses are large animals commonly used as mounts in several provinces of Tamriel. Wild horses can be found roaming in large herds across the northeastern plains of Cyrodiil's Strident Coast.
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | |
Horse T_Cyr_Fau_Hrs_01, T_Cyr_Fau_Hrs_02, T_Cyr_Fau_Hrs_03 |
Horse Meat | 80 |
30 (Petty) |
Horse T_Cyr_Fau_HrsSadl_01, T_Cyr_Fau_HrsSadl_02, T_Cyr_Fau_HrsSadl_03 |
Horse T_Cyr_Fau_HrsSadlSt_01, T_Cyr_Fau_HrsSadlSt_02, T_Cyr_Fau_HrsSadlSt_03 |
Horse T_Cyr_Fau_HrsSt_01, T_Cyr_Fau_HrsSt_02, T_Cyr_Fau_HrsSt_03 |
Horse T_Sky_Fau_Hrs_01, T_Sky_Fau_Hrs_02, T_Sky_Fau_Hrs_03, T_Sky_Fau_Hrs_04 |
Horse T_Sky_Fau_HrsCt_01, T_Sky_Fau_HrsCt_02, T_Sky_Fau_HrsCt_03, T_Sky_Fau_HrsCt_04 |
Netch are large creatures resembling airborne jellyfish found in Morrowind. Netch are valued for their hides which are used to make durable netch leather armor. Ranched netch are non-aggressive, though wild specimens can be moderately to highly territorial. The female betty netch are smaller and deadlier while the male bull netch have a poisonous ranged attack.
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | ||
Diseased Bull Netch T_Mw_Fau_NetBlRcDs_01 |
Netch Leather | 45 | 100 |
10 (Petty) |
Bull Netch T_Mw_Fau_NetchHostile01 |
– |
50 (Lesser) |
Diseased Bull Netch T_Mw_Fau_NetBlDs_01 |
100 |
Betty Netch T_Mw_Fau_NetchHostile02 |
113 | – |
75 (Common) |
Diseased Betty Netch T_Mw_Fau_NetBtyDs_01, T_Mw_Fau_NetBtyRcDs_01 |
100 |
- Netch with the ID
will become hostile if approached, while those with the IDT_Mw_Fau_NetchHostile01
will attack on sight. The other varieties of netch listed here are passive.
Nix-Mounts are (?)
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | |
Nix-Mount T_Mw_Fau_Nixm_01 |
Hound Meat | 50 |
20 (Petty) |
Pigs are domesticated animals farmed for their meat. Wild pigs are known as boars.
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | |
Pig T_Cyr_Fau_Pig_01,T_Cyr_Fau_Pig_02, T_Cyr_Fau_PigSt_01, T_Cyr_Fau_PigSt_02 |
Pork Meat | 38 |
25 (Petty) |
Velk are nectivorous animals native to Great House Indoril's lands east of the upper Thirr River. They are considered sacred to Indoril Dunmer as the nectar harvested from their livers is used to make punavit, which the Indoril consume as part of their ritual communion with their ancestors.
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | |
Velk T_Mw_Fau_Velk_01 |
Velk Nectar Sac | 50 |
50 (Lesser) |
Several species of Birds can be found across Tamriel, though they can primarily be found within the provinces of Skyrim and Cyrodiil.
Chickadees are (?)
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | |
Chickadee T_Glb_Fau_BirdCkde_01 |
Nothing | 50 |
50 (Lesser) |
Goldfinches are (?)
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | |
Goldfinch T_Glb_Fau_BirdGFnch_01, T_Glb_Fau_BirdGFnch_02 |
Nothing | 50 |
50 (Lesser) |
Porcelain AebisEdit
Porcelain Aebis are (?)
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | |
Porcelain Aebis T_Cyr_Fau_BirdAebis_01 |
Aebis Feathers | 28 |
20 (Petty) |
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | |
Robin T_Glb_Fau_BirdRob_01 |
Nothing | 50 |
50 (Lesser) |
Seagulls are birds that can be found flying high above Tamriel's many oceans and seas.
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | |
Seagull T_Glb_Fau_BirdSeag_01, T_Glb_Fau_BirdSeag_02, T_Glb_Fau_BirdSeag_03 |
Nothing | 20 |
10 (Petty) |
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | |
Sparrow T_Glb_Fau_BirdSpr_01, T_Glb_Fau_BirdSpr_02 |
Nothing | 50 |
50 (Lesser) |
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | |
Deer T_Glb_Fau_Deer_02 |
Venison | 100 |
30 (Petty) |
Deer T_Glb_Fau_Deer_01 |
Antler; Venison | 120 |
Elk are large animals found in the northern forests of Skyrim.
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | |
Elk T_Sky_Fau_Elk_01, T_Sky_Fau_Elk_02, T_Sky_Fau_Elk_03, T_Sky_Fau_Elk_04, T_Sky_Fau_ElkWhite_01 |
Antler | 140 |
50 (Lesser) |
Goats are animals that can be found in Hammerfell, Skyrim's Reach, and Cyrodiil's Colovia. Wild goats can typically be found in the mountains and highlands of these provinces. Domesticated goats share a similar range and are farmed for their fur and wool.
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | |
Goat T_Ham_Fau_Goat_01, T_Ham_Fau_Goat_02 |
Goat Fur | 30 |
10 (Petty) |
Weald Goat T_Cyr_Fau_Goat_01 |
Diseased Weald Goat T_Cyr_Fau_GoatDis_01 |
Mountain Goat T_Sky_Fau_GoatMn_01, T_Sky_Fau_GoatMnFr_01 |
Raw Wool | 50 |
40 (Lesser) |
Diseased Mountain Goat T_Sky_Fau_GoatMnDs_01 |
- Though most goats are passive, a few are not; mountain goats with the ID
and all diseased goats will attack you if you get too close (within 3000 units). Unfortunately, there are no visual distinctions between these goats and their passive counterparts. - Despite their names, neither diseased Weald goats nor diseased mountain goats carry any diseases.
Gold TanthaEdit
Gold tantha's are small, peaceful creatures known to collect miscellaneous items and objects in their nests. They can be found across southern and western Colovia.
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | |
Gold Tantha T_Cyr_Fau_Tantha_01 |
Gold Tantha Beak | 23 |
10 (Petty) |
Squirrels are small animals that can be found in the forests of Skyrim.
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | |
Squirrel T_Glb_Fau_Squirrel_01, T_Glb_Fau_Squirrel_02 |
Squirrel Meat | 5 |
8 (Petty) |