A SLGM record represents a Soul Gem
The flag 0x20000 in the record header flags indicates if the gem can hold NPC souls. If so, the CK disables the SLCP field.
C | V | Field | Name | Type/Size | Info |
+ | EDID | editorID | zstring | Record Editor ID | |
+ | OBND | objectBounds | OBND | Always 12 bytes even if all 0s | |
- | 40 | FULL | itemName | lstring | Full (in-game) name |
+ | MODL | model | zstring | Path to .nif | |
- | MODT | model data | struct[] | series of 12-byte structs (assume xyz) | |
- | KSIZ | numKeywords | KSIZ | KYWD Count. | |
- | KWDA | keywords | KWDA | [KYWD 0x000937A3] VendorItemSoulGem | |
+ | SOUL | current soul | ubyte | Current soul value 0(none) - 5(grand) | |
+ | DATA | data | struct | 8-byte struct
+ | SLCP | soul capacity | ubyte | Capacity soul value 0(none) - 5(grand) | |
- | NAM0 | filled gem | formid | SLGM formid of filled gem. This is only used twice, once for an empty Grand and an empty Black Soul Gem which points to the appropriate filled soul gem. | |
* | ZNAM | sound | formid | found in Soul Gems Differ |