This page lists all the worldspaces in Skyrim. Worldspaces are continuous areas without doors between cells.
Alftand Cathedral — A large Dwarven ruin southwest of Winterhold containing Dwarven automatons, Falmer, frostbite spiders, and skeevers. (map)
Ancestor GladeDG — A small glade in a cavern east-southeast of Falkreath. (map)
- ApocryphaDB — Hermaeus Mora's plane of Oblivion.
- Azura's Star Interior — A small alternate dimension within Azura's Star containing Malyn Varen and any Dremora that he summons.
Blackbone IsleCC — A haunted island in the Sea of Ghosts. (map)
- Blackreach — An immense, naturally lit cavern inhabited by hordes of Falmer and containing the ruins of a Dwemer city. (map)
Blind Cliff Cave — A medium-sized cave southwest of Karthwasten along the banks of the Karth River containing Forsworn. (map)
Bloated Man's Grotto — A small cave north of Falkreath containing animals and spriggans. (map)
- BoneyardDG — An enclosed graveyard in the Soul Cairn.
Brinewater Grotto — A small cave north of Solitude containing horkers or bandits. (map)
- Darkfall PassageDG — A small cave only accessible through Darkfall Cave serving as the only access to the Forgotten Vale.
Darkwater Pass — A small cave south-southwest of Darkwater Crossing containing Falmer and chaurus. (map)
- Dayspring CanyonDG — The wilderness area surrounding Fort Dawnguard, accessed through a cave entrance southeast of Riften. (map)
- DeadlandsCC — A plane of Oblivion belonging to Mehrunes Dagon.
Deepwood Vale — A small valley far west of Solitude. (map)
Dragonsreach, Great Porch — The residence of the Jarl of Whiterun Hold, the hold's seat of political power, and the location of the hold's jail. (map)
East Empire Company Warehouse — A warehouse on the Solitude docks immediately southeast of the city. (map)
Eldergleam Sanctuary — A small underground grove and worship site of the followers of Kynareth south-southwest of Windhelm. (map)
Emperor's Quarters — The personal transport vessel of the Emperor, Titus Mede II. (map)
Fallowstone Cave — A small cave northeast of Riften containing leveled animals, frostbite spiders, and giants. (map)
Forebears' HoldoutDG — A small cave southeast of Dragon Bridge. (map)
Forgotten ValeDG — An isolated region in northwestern Skyrim once inhabited by the Snow Elves worshipping the god Auri-El. (map)
Frostmere Depths — A medium-sized Nordic ruin south-southwest of Dawnstar containing bandits and the unique wispmother the Pale Lady. (map)
Giant's Grove — A grove accessed through Fallowstone Cave containing a giant whose tribe has defiled a shrine of Malacath. (map)
Giant's ToothCC — A small island in the Sea of Ghosts. (map)
Japhet's Folly — A self-contained worldspace far northeast of Skyrim containing Blood Horkers and their leader Haldyn. (map)
Karthspire — A large Forsworn camp and cave east of Markarth. (map)
Labyrinthian Chasm — A large Nordic ruin southeast of Morthal containing draugr, skeletons, trolls, wisps, and the dragon priest Morokei. (map)
Labyrinthian, Tribune — A large Nordic ruin southeast of Morthal containing draugr, skeletons, trolls, wisps, and the dragon priest Morokei. (map)
Lost Valkygg — A small Nordic ruin northeast of Labyrinthian containing draugr. (map)
Markarth — A major city in the southwest of Skyrim near the border of High Rock, and the capital of the Reach. (map)
- Misty Grove — One of the Myriad Realms of Revelry created by Sanguine, where he is holding a feast with some of his followers.
Moss Mother Cavern — A small, open-roofed cavernous grove lush with many kinds of flora and fungi, located due north of Hunter's Rest and northwest of Half-Moon Mill which is inhabited by bears and spriggans. (map)
Red Eagle Ascent — A small cave and two exterior camps east of Markarth containing Forsworn. (map)
Riften — A major city in the southeast of Skyrim near the borders of Morrowind and Cyrodiil, and the capital of the Rift. (map)
Shadowgreen Cavern — A small cave northwest of Solitude containing leveled spriggans and animals. (map)
- Shalidor's Maze — A small Nordic ruin east of Labyrinthian containing atronachs and a dremora. (map)
- Skuldafn — A large Nordic ruin with a portal to Sovngarde containing draugr, dragons, and a dragon priest. (map)
Solitude — A major city on the northwest coast of Skyrim, and the capital of both Haafingar and the entire province. (map)
- Soul CairnDG — A plane of Oblivion haunted by lost souls.
Southfringe Sanctum — A small cave southeast of Helgen containing the conjurer Bashnag and his coven. (map)
- Sovngarde — The Nordic afterlife.
- The Mind of a Madman — The mind of Pelagius the Mad.
- Volkihar CourtyardDG — The courtyard attached to Castle Volkihar and Volkihar Keep.
Whiterun — A major city in the center of Skyrim, and the capital of Whiterun Hold. (map)
Windhelm — A major city in the northeast of Skyrim near the Dunmeth Pass to Morrowind, and the capital of Eastmarch. (map)
- The above list excludes the main Skyrim and Solstheim worldspaces and five test worldspaces (Avoidance Exterior, TestDLC1PlantWorldDG, The Pit, World of FX Light Regions, and the unnamed world