Tel Mithryn Apothecary interior
Elynea Mothren will sell apothecary supplies between 8am to 8pm. At other times, the entrance will be novice-locked.
The entrance leads into a small circular room comprising the entire interior. To the east is a table with a built-in alchemy lab holding a nirnroot , six samples of scaly pholiota , a potion of plentiful stamina , two potions of ultimate magicka , a paralysis poison , a draught of resist shock , a sample of bleeding crown , and a sample of Namira's rot , with two fly amanita and a white cap growing on the floor around the table. To the south is an open box containing two samples of bleeding crown, a sample of fly amanita, a sample of imp stool , a sample of Namira's rot, and a sample of white cap, a crate with a chest on top, a set of shelves with a potion of ultimate magicka on the floor in front of the shelves, a chair, and a white cap growing on the floor. The set of shelves holds a crate, a potion of minor stamina , three enchanter's philters , a weak frenzy poison , three potions of plentiful stamina, a potion of vigorous magicka , three paralysis poisons, a bowl of void salts , a sample of canis root , a bowl of glow dust , a swamp fungal pod , a sample of scaly pholiota, and two draughts of resist shock. To the west is a fly amanita growing on the floor next to a stack of crates, an owned single bed, and two empty wine bottles and a bottle of wine on the floor around the bed.