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< Skyrim: Items / Mining / Smithing(Redirected from Skyrim:Elven Greatsword)
Moonstone Ore
Refined Moonstone
Moonstone Vein

Elven weapons and light armor are medium-quality items that are made using the mineral moonstone. The weapons and some of the armor require quicksilver as well as moonstone. Elven forging techniques were developed by the High Elves and were originally a closely guarded secret (see Light Armor Forging).


Name ID    
  Moonstone Ore 0005ace0 1 30
  Refined Moonstone 0005ad9f 1 75
  • Three moonstone ores are obtained by mining moonstone ore veins.
  • One refined moonstone is obtained by smelting two moonstone ores.
  • Elven Smithing requires 30 or greater Smithing skill.
  • Elven armor is level 12 light armor, made from refined moonstone, iron ingots, leather, and leather strips.
  • Elven weapons are level 19 weapons, made from refined moonstone, quicksilver ingots, iron ingots, and leather strips.
  • Refined moonstone is also used when forging glass weapons and armor.

Mineral SourcesEdit

In addition to the following guaranteed sources, the best random locations are:

  • Refined moonstone may be sold by blacksmiths starting at level 6 and general goods merchants starting at level 4.
  • Moonstone ore may be sold by blacksmiths and general goods merchants starting at level 10.
  • Moonstone ore may be randomly found in Falmer loot starting at level 7.

There are a total of 44 veins, 6 ores, and 9 ingots at guaranteed locations. Some individual veins that are located outside and are not near any landmarks have been left out of the following list. The Moonstone Veins category also provides a list of locations containing veins, and all exterior ore veins are shown on (map).

Region Location Veins Ores Ingots Details
The Reach Soljund's Sinkhole 5 3 2
Eastmarch Mzulft 7 Must start Revealing the Unseen to gain access to ore veins
Falkreath Hold Southfringe Sanctum 3 (map)
Winterhold The Midden 4
The Pale Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon 1 2 (map); must complete Pieces of the Past to gain access
Winterhold Blackreach 2
The Reach Darkfall CaveDG 2
Eastmarch Kagrenzel 2
Whiterun Hold Silent Moons Camp 2 (map)
Eastmarch Stony Creek Cave 2
SolstheimDB Altar of Thrond 1
Eastmarch Cronvangr Hall 1
The Rift Crystaldrift Cave 1
The Rift Last VigilDB 1
Winterhold Ironbind Barrow 1
The Reach Nchuand-Zel 1
The Pale Nightcaller Temple 1
Falkreath Hold North Skybound Watch 1 (map)
The Rift Northwind Summit 1 (map)
The Pale Raldbthar 1 (map)
Haafingar Shadowgreen Cavern 1
The Rift Tolvald's Cave 1
Winterhold Winterhold Imperial Camp 1 (map)
Haafingar Wolfskull Cave 1
The Reach Blind Cliff Cave 1
The Reach Fort Sungard 2
The Pale Brinehammer 1

Elven SmithingEdit

Elven Smithing is the first perk in the Light Armor branch of the Smithing skill's perk tree. Unlocking it requires a Smithing skill of at least 30, and the Steel Smithing perk must have already been unlocked. Elven Smithing allows elven armor, elven gilded armor, and elven weapons to be crafted.

The Elven Smithing perk also causes tempering of elven weapons and armor (including elven gilded armor and elven light armor) to be twice as effective. This perk applies to both unenchanted elven gear and enchanted gear (generic armor, generic weapons, or custom), as long as the Arcane Blacksmith perk has been unlocked. Tempering of several other items is also improved by Elven Smithing, namely: Borvir's Dagger, Firiniel's End, Herebane's Courage, Herebane's Fortress, and Auriel's BowDG.

Elven ArmorEdit

Elven armor is a medium-quality armor with several variants.

  • Standard elven armor is better quality than leather, but lower quality than scaled. However, it is also the lightest set of armor in the game. It appears in leveled lists starting at level 12 (enchanted varieties at level 13).
  • Elven gilded armor is an improved version of the cuirass that is also unlocked by the Elven Smithing perk, but is created using quicksilver in place of leather. Its armor rating is 6 points higher, making it better than scaled armor, but has the same weight as standard. However, a full set of elven armor when equipped with the elven gilded armor has the same total armor rating as a full set of scaled armor. It appears in leveled lists starting at level 27 (enchanted varieties at level 28).
  • Elven light armor is a variant worn by the Thalmor that includes boots, cuirass, gauntlets, and helmet, but no shield. It cannot be crafted by the player, and does not appear in leveled lists. Despite its name, it does not weigh any less than standard elven armor, but is of lower overall quality (with the same armor rating as leather armor).

All versions of elven armor can be tempered using one refined moonstone, with the exception of elven gilded armor, which is tempered using one quicksilver ingot. Having the Elven Smithing perk doubles the quality improvement.

  • In terms of armor rating-to-weight ratio (i.e. the number of armor points per unit of weight), the Elven Gilded Armor has the highest ratio in the game.

Any combination of elven and elven light armor qualifies for the Matching Set perk. However, elven gilded armor does not match any of the other pieces. Therefore, for characters who have unlocked the Matching Set bonus, the elven gilded armor cuirass is effectively of lower quality than elven armor cuirass.

  • This was fixed by the Official Skyrim Patch v1.9. Any combination of elven, elven light, and gilded armor now benefits from the Matching Set perk.

The Fearsome Fists Creation adds the Brawler's elven gauntlets, a new gauntlet variant. The base pair can be crafted and differ only in appearance, while a pair with a 12 point Fortify Unarmed enchantment can be bought from vendors and found in random loot.

A male Nord wearing elven armor
Name (ID)       Raw Materials Delta Ratio
  Quicksilver   Moonstone   Iron   Leather   Strips        
  Elven Armor
4 225 29 0 4 1 1 3 -3.3 -101 0.55 0.69
  Elven Gilded Armor
4 550 35 1 4 1 0 3 -2.3 174 0.63 1.46
  Elven Boots
1 45 8 0 2 1 1 2 -4.2 -128 0.19 0.26
  Elven Gauntlets
1 45 8 0 1 1 1 2 -3.2 -53 0.24 0.46
  Brawler's Elven GauntletsCC
1 45 8 0 1 1 1 2 -3.2 -53 0.24 0.46
  Elven Helmet
1 110 13 0 2 1 1 1 -4.1 -60 0.20 0.65
  Elven Shield
4 115 21 0 4 1 0 2 -1.2 -198 0.77 0.37
Totals (with shield, not gilded): 11 540 79 0 13 5 4 10 -15.6 -540 0.41 0.5
Totals (without shield, not gilded): 7 425 58 0 9 4 4 8 -14.8 -342 0.32 0.55
Totals (with shield, gilded): 11 765 85 1 13 5 3 10 -14.6 -265 0.43 0.74
Totals (without shield, gilded): 7 650 64 1 9 4 3 8 -13.8 -67 0.34 0.91

Elven Hunter Armor CCEdit

Elven Hunter armor is a variant added by the Alternative Armors - Elven Hunter creation. It can be crafted once the quest Once A HunterCC is completed.

The set lacks a helmet and shield, though the regular pieces can be used to get the matching set perk. The set pieces' stats are identical to the regular pieces, except for each piece having two more points in armor rating. As the gilded armor is still superior, it can be combined with the hunter boots and gauntlets, and the regular helmet and shield to get a total armor rating of 89. This combination exceeds the quality of scaled armor, while also remaining the lightest armor in the game. In terms of armor rating-to-weight ratio (i.e. the number of armor points per unit of weight), the boots and gauntlets have the highest ratio in the game, tying with the Dark equivalents.

A female Imperial wearing elven hunter armor
Name (ID)       Raw Materials Delta Ratio
  Moonstone   Iron   Leather   Strips        
  Elven Hunter Armor
4 225 31 4 1 1 3 -3.3 -101 0.55 0.69
  Elven Hunter Boots
1 45 10 2 1 1 2 -4.2 -128 0.19 0.26
  Elven Hunter Gauntlets
1 45 10 1 1 1 2 -3.2 -53 0.24 0.46
Totals: 6 315 51 7 3 3 7 -10.7 -282 0.36 0.54
Totals (with regular helmet and shield): 11 540 85 9 4 4 8 -15.6 -540 0.41 0.5

Elven WeaponsEdit

Elven weapons are medium-quality weapons that are better than the weapons associated with medium-quality heavy armor, (Dwarven and Orcish), but not as good as glass or ebony. They appear in leveled lists starting at level 19 (enchanted varieties at level 20). All items except ammunition can be tempered using one refined moonstone, and having the Elven Smithing perk doubles the quality improvement. Arrows can only be smithed if the Dawnguard add-on has been installed. Elven Crossbows are only available with the Elite Crossbows creation installed.

Name (ID)       Crit.
Speed Reach Raw Materials Delta Ratio
  Moonstone   Quicksilver   Iron   Strips Other        
  Elven Dagger
4 95 8 4 1.3 0.7 1 1 1 1 0.9 -50 1.29 0.66
  Elven Sword
13 235 11 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 9.9 90 4.19 1.62
  Elven War Axe
15 280 12 6 0.9 1 1 1 1 2 11.8 132 4.69 1.89
  Elven Mace
17 330 13 6 0.8 1 2 1 1 1 12.9 110 4.15 1.50
  Elven Greatsword
20 470 20 10 0.7 1.3 2 1 2 3 14.7 237 3.77 2.02
  Elven Battleaxe
24 520 21 10 0.7 1.3 2 1 2 2 18.8 290 4.62 2.26
  Elven Warhammer
28 565 23 11 0.6 1.3 2 1 2 3 22.7 332 5.28 2.42
  Elven Bow
12 470 13 6 0.69 1 2 1 0 0 9 260 4.00 2.24
  Elven Arrow
0 5 16 N/A 1 1 Firewood
Makes 24 arrows
-6 40 0.00 1.50
  Elven CrossbowCC
21 480 23 12 1 1 5 0 0 0 (?) (?) (?) (?)
  Enhanced Elven CrossbowCC ¥
22 630 23 12 1 1 2 0 0 0 1 Elven Crossbow (?) (?) (?) (?)
This item can only be crafted after completing the quest Night Hunter
¥The Enhanced Crossbow has an additional property: Attacks with this crossbow ignore 50% of armor.

The base gold value used for all generic enchanted versions of the elven bow is 165 instead of 470. This means that the enchanted weapons are 305 gold cheaper than they should be, and in several cases are cheaper than the unenchanted bow. This bug is shared by several types of bow in the game.


  • Elven armor can be a better overall choice than light armors made from higher quality materials: with sufficient Smithing and Light Armor skill levels and perks, elven armor can be improved well past the Armor Cap of 567, at which point there is no advantage to upgrading to scaled, glass, or dragonscale armors. In fact, there would be a disadvantage due to the increased weight of those armor types, unless you have perks negating the weight of worn armor.
  • If you are carrying an elven sword, guards may ask, "Why the Elven blade, hmm? Nord steel not good enough for you?" If wearing an elven armor, guards may comment with "Hah, Elven Armor eh? What's wrong with good old Nord Steel?"
  • Moonstone jewelry can be found in random loot (i.e., Copper and Moonstone Circlet and Silver and Moonstone Circlet) but cannot be crafted by you.
  • Moonstone (ore or ingot) is one of four items needed at the Atronach Forge to create a Staff of the Frost Atronach.
  • Moonstone ore can be sold to Perth for the quest Mine Ore.
  • Ore veins (all types) sometimes do not respawn normally. See Mining (Bugs) and elsewhere on that article and its talk page.
  • Temper recipes are found in the CK for elven gilded boots, gauntlets, helm and shield, meaning they may have been planned at some point during development.


  • Elven war axes receive no benefits from the first rank of the Hack and Slash perk, just from rank 2 and 3.
  • Elven battleaxes use the sheathing/unsheathing sounds of a one-handed sword rather than those of a battleaxe. ?