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Shivering:Mirili Ulven's House

< Shivering Isles: Places: Homes
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Summary: not written

House Inventory: not written

Description: written by SitDown

Residents: written by SitDown

Related Quests: written by SitDown
Mirili Ulven's House
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Mirili Ulven's House

Mirili Ulven's House is a small house in the north-most region of Highcross. It is the sole residence of Mirili Ulven and consists of only one zone: Mirili Ulven's House.


Mirili Ulven

Related QuestsEdit


Mirili Ulven's HouseEdit

In the entryway are two clutter sacks, and three more in the alcove in the southwest of the house. This alcove also holds four clutter barrels, a food cupboard, and a table that holds three samples of void essence, two grummite eggs, two hound teeth, and a bottle of cheap wine along with three more bottles on top of the cupboard. At the foot of the stairs to the storage loft is another clutter barrel, and a clutter chest sits beneath the stairs. The table beside the stairs holds an alembic, a mortar and pestle, a retort, and four alocasia fruit. The sleeping area in the northwest of the house holds a single bed and a chest of drawers that contains clutter. The house's storage loft holds two clutter crates, an armor/weapons chest, and a gold/jewelry chest. These two chests and the sacks are the only containers in this house that do not respawn.