Broken Wing II is one half of the citadel of Broken Wing. It is only accessible from Broken Wing I and is populated by several Spire Thieves, Wormmouths and a new type of enemy -- the Clawrunner.
Upon entering the area you will receive the following message:
"The wide open space of this arena makes it easy to spot foes. Of course if it's easy to see them..."
The main body of the level is in the shape of a bird with a broken wing, and is presumably the reason for the odd name of the whole citadel. It contains nothing of interest itself, but there are seven teleporter pads that lead to other areas.
Two of the small rooms (9 and 14 on the map) consist of raised stone platforms standing over measureless depths, necessitating a series of death-defying jumps to their opposite corner in order to escape. The tiny amount of treasure available in each doesn't justify their difficulty. The other rooms, however, hold some quite valuable treasure.
For example, in room #11, there is a pair of Shadow Gloves, 40pt Light Armor. Upon opening the chest in that room, you are greeted with the following message:
"Your shadow recedes into your body; your hands grow cold for a moment. Your shadow returns, and within your shadow lies a pair of shadow gloves."
In room #13 lies the Skeleton Key, which can be used to open any ten doors in the game before crumbling into dust. When opening the chest in #13, the following message appears:
"Your shadow extends and falls over the corpses of the fallen; you hear popping, grinding. The Skeleton Key appears."
The main objective of the level lies in the northwest. Perosius is the torturer who was first heard about in the previous level. He possesses the level's shadowkey.