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Redguard:League Pirate

< Redguard: NPCs

League pirates are members of the Restless League who appear twice under different circumstances. Two will fight you at the beginning of the game, but when you visit the League hideout later on, the pirates there are not hostile unless provoked. All of the pirates at the hideout will point you to Basil, and tell you to speak to him before leaving. To provoke them, have your sabre drawn for a while and they will attack. This is only possible up until you fight with Vander. You cannot kill them, but each pirate will only fight you once.

There is also an imprisoned League member in the Catacombs, with a full dialogue sequence during the quest Escape the Catacombs.

Related QuestsEdit


  • The warnings that pirate 3 gives when you try to open a locked door have no sound. Pirate 4's warnings begin to play, but the audio cuts out.



Try to open locked door:

Pirate 1: "Mind your business, buddy. We don't like spies much here."
Pirate 1: "What are you doing there, stranger? Looking for trouble?"
Pirate 2: "Hey! What are you? A spy? Get away from there!"
Pirate 2: "You! That's off limits. I'm not going to warn you again."
Pirate 3: "Leave that alone! Now!"
Pirate 3: "Get away from there! I'm watching you!"
Pirate 4: "Stop poking around where you don't belong, sailor."
Pirate 4: "Touch that again, my friend, and you'll be sorry."

Weapon drawn, before fight:

Pirate 1: "Stranger, that blade will win you no friends here."
Pirate 2: "Put that away, or my friends and I will teach you a lesson in hospitality."
Pirate 3: "Look. Basil said not to cross swords with you. But I don't like a blade waved in my face -- so put it away, or use it."
Pirate 4: "Oh, come on. No swords here, mate. It ain't cordial."

Begin combat:

Pirate 1: "All right, fool. If it's trouble you want, I'll oblige you."
Pirate 2: "I don't care who you are. Your manners are lousy. I hope you can at least handle that sword."
Pirate 3: "What? Are your ears clogged or something? Well, no law against it, I guess. Hope old Basil will forgive me if I accidentally carve you up a little."
Pirate 4: "Well, fine. You want trouble, I got it for you."

Weapon drawn, after fight:

Pirate 1: "I've had enough. Leave me alone."
Pirate 2: "No. No more. I won't draw."
Pirate 3: "No. Put that blade away. I won't fight you."
Pirate 4: "Hah! No chance I'll draw on you again."


"Where can I find Basil?"
Pirate 1: "He's over on west dock. Just don't poke your nose into what doesn't concern you."
Pirate 2: "You're our nosy visitor, right? Look over on west dock. He's waiting for you. And don't get into anything. I'm keeping an eye on you."
Pirate 3: "Just came in with Yaeli? To talk with Basil? Check over on west dock. Go straight there, and don't get into any trouble."
Pirate 4: "Basil's over on the west dock. Go speak with him. And don't get lost where you don't belong."

Back to Stros M'Kai?Edit

"I need a ride back to Stros M'Kai."
Pirate 1: "You're going nowhere 'til Basil is finished with you."
Pirate 2: "You're the guy looking for Basil, right? You get back to Stros M'Kai when it suits Basil."
Pirate 3: "Go ask Basil. He says who stays and who goes here."
Pirate 4: "You need Basil's okay, or you go nowhere."

Combat TauntsEdit

Hostile Pirate 1
Hurt by opponent Hit opponent Defend Death Want to switch out Unused
"You little bastard!"
"A fair hit, but it won't --"
"A lesson to learn there, no mistake."
"Tah, not a good hit, but it will do --"
"You really should have reconsidered this --"
"We could use a swordsman like you --"
"He thinks to himself, I'm overmatched here, obviously --"
"You two dance very well, but, alas --"
"Let me show the whelp a thing or two."
"No doubt."
"Shut up."
"You talk too much."
Hostile Pirate 2
Hurt by opponent Hit opponent Defend Death Want to switch out
"Small cut, nothing more."
"Gah! Luck...."
"You'd better quit now!"
"Yer shark food soon, son."
"Yer slow."
"This cargo's ours, boy."
"Have at you!"
"Swords forward, boy!"
"Get to his other side."
"Let me have him."
"My turn!"
"You're rusty, move over --"
Pirate 1

Begin combat:

"Go ahead. Do your worst."
Attack Hurt by opponent Hit opponent Defend
"So. You *like* steel, do you?"
"That *hurt*!"
"A palpable hit!"
"Show me something, stranger."
"Come on. Show some life."
Pirate 2

Begin combat:

"Anyone want to play with this before I kill it?"
Attack Hurt by opponent Hit opponent Defend
"Hope you don't mind a little blood."
"Ow! Damn! That was no fun."
"Feel that? Sharp, ain't it?"
"Good exercise, eh?"
"So. Come around here often?"
Pirate 3

Begin combat:

"Bless me, Mara, and this poor fool."
Attack Hurt by opponent Hit opponent Defend
"Uhhm! That stings, son."
"Got you, dint I?"
"Watch your footing, son."
"Hmm. Who taught you that one?"
Pirate 4

Begin combat:

"Stendarr, grace my blade."
Attack Hurt by opponent Hit opponent Defend
"Take this, and this, too!"
"Ugh! Not deep -- but it will do."
"Don't worry boy -- you can always grow another one."
"Ooh. Been practicing with that, eh?"
"You move well, boy."

Unused DialogueEdit

There are five lines for what appears to be another League pirate, based on the dialogue's position in the file. The voice lines are not very clear, suggesting that these were earlier drafts that were cut.

"Go away."
"Stay back."
"Leave me alone, mainlander."
"Off me, now."
"Tuktu maroo!"