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HomeĀ Settlement College of Aldmeri Propriety
Race Khajiit Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Baandari
Eyes of the Queen (undercover)

Zaban is a Khajiit Baandari merchant who does business outside the College of Aldmeri Propriety. He sells bandages and other medical supplies to students like Baham and Ilara, who are constantly bruised by their teachers.

He is initially assumed to only be there to make a profit off of the pained students, but it is later revealed in a letter that was never sent that Zaban was in fact actually gathering intel for Razum-dar about the Veiled Heritance's possible influence over the College.

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Initially, you'll find him arguing with Tanion in front of the College building.

Tanion: "Get out of my sight. I'm not afraid of your idle threats."
Zaban: "Just so you know, Zaban is never idle. Good day."
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HomeĀ Settlement College of Aldmeri Propriety
Race Khajiit Gender Male
Health 0 (Dead)
Other Information
Faction(s) Baandari
Eyes of the Queen (undercover)

With this, he leaves, never to be seen alive again; you witness Tanion sending one of the instructors away to "deal with him", and later, you arrive just in time at the Baandari camp to catch a Heritance Cutthroat brag over his dead body:

Heritance Cutthroat: "That's what cats get when they try to blackmail the Veiled Heritance!"


  • Zaban loses his nameplate when he is found dead.