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Online:Ysgramor's Chosen Face Marking

< Elder Scrolls Online: Head Markings
Add vibrancy to your presence with the blue markings that once graced those who battled at Ysgramor's side.
Ysgramor's Chosen Face Marking
ON-icon-head marking-Ysgramor's Chosen Face Marking.png
Ysgramor's Chosen Face Marking
Type Head Marking
Acquired From Antiquity lead

The Ysgramor's Chosen Face Marking is available as an antiquity which can be unearthed in Western Skyrim after finding the relevant lead. It matches Ysgramor's Chosen Body Markings.

Antiquity CodexEdit

  Name Ysgramor's Chosen Face Marking   N/A
Ugron gro-Thumog
An important discovery! No one remembered what markings Ysgramor and his Five Hundred Companions wore on their faces. The spiral designs are symbols of death. The Atmorans wore them to show that they sought a glorious end in battle!
Type Head Markings (view collectible)
Difficulty Intermediate
