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This page lists all books found in Wrothgar.

Shalidor's LibraryEdit

Title Author Description Location Collection
Civility and Etiquette: Wood Orcs I
Coristir, Sage Sojourner An Altmer guidebook outlining the correct social protocols when dealing with the Wood Orcs Cyrodiil:



Dungeon Lore
The Dreamstride
The Mysterious Alchemists of Vaermina A description of the nature and effect of Vaermina's Torpor Cyrodiil:




Daedric Princes
The Legendary Scourge
A short story and poem about Scourge, the mace of Malacath Bangkorai:


Reaper's March:


The Pig Children
Tyston Bane Discusses the history of the Orcish threat in the Iliac Bay Cyrodiil:



Myths of the Mundus
Return to Orsinium
Immigration-Wife Uulitag gra-Orsinium A rallying pamphlet urging Orcs to return to Orsinium Cyrodiil:
  • At the feel of a statue (map) in ruins south of Bruma


  • East of Shipwreck Cove next to a boat near a waterfall
Tamriel History

Eidetic MemoryEdit

Title Author Description Location Collection
101 Uses for Troll Fat
A skeptical letter describing the various uses for troll fat Wrothgar Writings
Agolas's Journal
Agolas A journal surrounding a robbery Orsinium Archive
Agra Crun
The tale of Bagrar the Troll-Slayer and her blood shield Wrothgar Writings
All About Echatere
Stugbrulz gro-Shatul An Orcish treatise on the echatere of Wrothgar Orsinium Archive
Ancient Nord Tablet
A weathered inscription about an exiled Dragon Priest Wrothgar Writings
Application of Flame
Graguz, Master of the Fire Elements Research notes on an experiment Wrothgar Writings
Arakaul the Unbroken
An ode to Baloth Bloodtusk's loyal friend Orsinium Archive
Armlet of Torug
Notes on a renowned piece of armor Orsinium Archive
Artisan's Notes
Wrothgar Writings
Auditorial Notes, Declension 81u5
Harmonic Auditor Orsinium Archive
Baloth Bloodtusk
A statue plaque found in Clan Morkul's ancient stronghold Orsinium Archive
The Battle of Orsinium
Bangor the Liar A fictional account of the battle of Orsinium Wrothgar Writings
Bazorgbeg's Expeditionary Journal
Bazorgbeg Journal of a failed expedition to a Dwemer ruin Orsinium Archive
Birds of Wrothgar
Haenelisse, Vice-Chairman of the Bird-Watchers Society of Alinor A bird watcher's journey through the icy Wrothgarian mountains Wrothgar Writings
The Black Quill
Notes on an enchanted Hagraven feather Wrothgar Writings
Boethiah's Glory
Worship book for Boethiah Daedric Cults
A Brother's Gifts
A letter of warning to a "generous" brother Wrothgar Writings
The Care and Feeding of Briar Hearts
A letter outlining the process of growing briar hearts and resurrecting Reachmen warriors Orsinium Archive
Catalog of Tomes and Manuscripts
Wrothgar Writings
Centurion's Signet
A quote from the first Orcish Centurion in the Imperial Legion Wrothgar Writings
The Challenge at Bloody Knoll
A tale surrounding the origins of the Shatul clan Orsinium Archive
The Chronicles of King Kurog, Book I
Zephrine Frey, Chronicler of Wayrest A Covenant spy recounts Kurog gro-Bagrakh's rise to power Wrothgar Writings
The Chronicles of King Kurog, Book II
Zephrine Frey, Chronicler of Wayrest A Covenant spy recounts Kurog gro-Bagrakh's rise to power Wrothgar Writings
The Chronicles of King Kurog, Book III
Zephrine Frey, Chronicler of Wayrest A Covenant spy recounts Kurog gro-Bagrakh's rise to power Wrothgar Writings
The Chronicles of King Kurog, Book IV
Zephrine Frey, Chronicler of Wayrest A Covenant spy recounts Kurog gro-Bagrakh's rise to power Wrothgar Writings
The Chronicles of King Kurog, Book V
Zephrine Frey, Chronicler of Wayrest A Covenant spy recounts Kurog gro-Bagrakh's rise to power Wrothgar Writings
The Chronicles of King Kurog, Book VI
Zephrine Frey, Chronicler of Wayrest A Covenant spy recounts Kurog gro-Bagrakh's rise to power Wrothgar Writings
Coldwind's Skull
The tale of King Torug's legendary snow bear Wrothgar Writings
Confessions of a Reluctant Recruit
Rohg A letter from a Vosh Rakh "volunteer" Orsinium Archive
Conversion Status
A list of names and recruitment status Wrothgar Writings
Curator's List of Sought-After Relics
Curator Umutha A list of various prized artifacts and their last known location Wrothgar Writings
Deep Thoughts of Chief Gloorot
Chief Gloorot A collection of thoughts Wrothgar Writings
Dorand's Final Notes
Dorand Orsinium Archive
Dwarf Light
Notes on a mysterious Dwemer lantern Wrothgar Writings
Eye of Zthenganaz
Notes on a cursed Dwemer artifact Wrothgar Writings
Fanatic's Orders
A zealot's orders Wrothgar Writings
The First Charter
Notes on an ancient Orcish legal document Wrothgar Writings
For Letter Finder
Orsinium Archive
Frostbreak Chalice
Notes on an enchanted goblet Wrothgar Writings
Gharakul's Journal
Gharakul The grim fate of an Orcish clan Orsinium Archive
Gorlar's Journal, Part One
Gorlar the Dark The journal of a would-be necromancer Wrothgar Writings
Gorlar's Journal, Part Two
Gorlar the Dark The journal of a would-be necromancer Wrothgar Writings
Grazdar's Notes: Hammer's Bypass
Grazdar Notes for solving a puzzle lock Orsinium Archive
The Great Warmth
Orsinium Archive
Guthrag's Mask
Notes on an Orc diplomat's enchanted mask Wrothgar Writings
Hags, Harpies, and Hagravens
The Unveiled Azadiyeh, Songbird of Satakalaam A rebuttal against the argument of the inherent wickedness of womanhood Alik'r Desert:


Lore and Culture
Hammer of Glass
Notes on an Orcish crystal artifact Wrothgar Writings
Heart of Zandadunoz
Notes on a powerful titan phylactery Wrothgar Writings
The Hidden Tunnels of Orsinium
Grilbar the Architect An excerpt from "Secrets of an Orc City" Wrothgar Writings
Honor's Rest Monument Stone
A poem dedicated to the fallen warriors of Honor's Rest Orsinium Archive
Horn of Beasts
Notes on a magical Orcish war horn Wrothgar Writings
The House of Orsimer Glories
Wrothgar Writings
The Ice Elder of the Ogres
A researcher's notes on Mad Urkazbur and the Wrothgarian Ogres Wrothgar Writings
Ice-Heart's Journal
Urfon Ice-Heart Orsinium Archive
Investigator Vale: The Curse of Mandrake Manor
Investigator Vale investigates the supernatural Orsinium Archive
Investigator Vale: Fowl Play
Investigator Vale handles a royal situation Orsinium Archive
Investigator Vale: The Locked Room Murder
An investigation of an alchemist Summerset:

High Isle:


Orsinium Archive
Invitation to Orsinium
An invitation from Forge-Mother Alga Orsinium Archive
Jeirmun's Work Log
Jeirmun Orsinium Archive
Kennel Tender's Letter
Philip A letter to a man's brother Wrothgar Writings
King Joile's Orders to General Mercedene
King Joile Orsinium Archive
King Maxevian's Orders
King Maxevian Military orders for the Pale Watch in Wrothgar Wrothgar Writings
The King's Orders
King Kurog Wrothgar Writings
Kireth's Notebook, Page 1
Kireth Vanos A page from the notes of a renowned explorer Wrothgar Writings
Kireth's Notebook, Page 5
Kireth Vanos A page from the notes of a renowned explorer Wrothgar Writings
Kireth's Notebook, Page 11
Kireth Vanos A page from the notes of a renowned explorer Wrothgar Writings
Kireth's Notebook, Page 17
Kireth Vanos A page from the notes of a renowned explorer Wrothgar Writings
Kraala's Journal
Kraala Birdsong A hagraven's ravings Wrothgar Writings
Lady Laurent's To-Do List
Lady Clarisse Laurent An archaeologist's to do list Wrothgar Writings
Lakora of the Hunt
A statue plaque found in Clan Morkul's ancient stronghold Orsinium Archive
The Legend of Grudge-Rock Falls
An Orcish tale surrounding the origins of a legendary waterfall Orsinium Archive
The Legend of Thukhozod
The truth behind a supposedly immortal necromancer Wrothgar Writings
Letter from Thukhozod
Thukhozod A letter from a dying Orc Wrothgar Writings
Letter to Baloth Bloodtusk
King Joile of Daggerfall The King of Daggerfall offers an alliance with the legendary Orc hero Orsinium Archive
Letter to Hearth-Mother
A dying Orc's last words Wrothgar Writings
Letter to Lozruth
Goruz Orsinium Archive
Letter to King Maxevian
Captain Orrent Retene A Pale Watch letter pleading for aid Wrothgar Writings
Letter to Mairrna
Fascune Wrothgar Writings
Letter to Orzorga
General Proximus A letter requesting a return to service Orsinium Archive
Letter to Purifier Cyrus
Scout Avaline A letter of warning to the leader of a group of werewolf hunters Wrothgar Writings
Letter to Yazara
Ushruka A note of warning Orsinium Archive
Letter from a Prison Guard
Wrothgar Writings
Letter from Baron Materre
Baron Oursin Materre A letter of warning to a man's son Wrothgar Writings
Liquid Silver
Notes on a prized metal Wrothgar Writings
The Lusty Argonian Maid, A Song
A musical rendition of everyone's favorite story Words of the Poets
Mad Urkazbur's Ice-Effigy
Notes on an Ogre shaman's unique artifact Wrothgar Writings
Malacath and the Reach
Kyrtos A Reachman's thoughts on Malacath Orsinium Archive
Map of Clans
Notes on an ancient Orcish map Wrothgar Writings
Mazghar Many-Tongues
A statue plaque found in Clan Morkul's ancient stronghold Orsinium Archive
A Memory Book, Part 1
Fa-Nuit-Hen The recollections of a Daedric Demiprince
  • Outside on a table just before entering Redguard manor in Maelstrom (map)
Daedric Cults
A Memory Book, Part 2
Fa-Nuit-Hen The recollections of a Daedric Demiprince Daedric Cults
A Memory Book, Part 3
Fa-Nuit-Hen The recollections of a Daedric Demiprince Daedric Cults
Mercenary's Scorched Journal
Orsinium Archive
Morkuldin Visitor's Observations
A researchers notes on the mysterious forge of Morkuldin Orsinium Archive
Morkuldin's Final Delivery
Zushruk Orsinium Archive
Morrowind Needs You!
A travel brochure Handbills, Posters, and Decrees
Mystery of the Chub Loon
Zabia-ko A treatise on a unique Wrothgarian bird Orsinium Archive
Narsis Dren and the Lost Notebook
Narsis Dren The notes of a famous treasure hunter and dungeon-delver Wrothgar Writings
Neramo's Journal, Page 1
Neramo A page from a scholar's journal Wrothgar Writings
Neramo's Journal, Page 2
Neramo A page from a scholar's journal Wrothgar Writings
Neramo's Journal, Page 3
Neramo A page from a scholar's journal Wrothgar Writings
No More Shipments From Sentinel
The Management Orders to stop importing scorpions Wrothgar Writings
Note from Azhnura
Azhnura the Proselytizer Wrothgar Writings
Note to Agolas
Zabani A note to a fellow thief Orsinium Archive
Note to Captain Henrisa
Baron Materre Wrothgar Writings
Note to Graguz
Azhnura Wrothgar Writings
Notes on Orichalcum
A short essay on the properties of Orichalcum Wrothgar Writings
Nuzava's Anvil
Notes on a mysterious Orcish anvil Wrothgar Writings
Ode to a Horker
Drusk the Would-Be Bard A poem about horkers Orsinium Archive
Ode to a Watchtower
Drusk the Would-Be Bard A poem about the Forlorn Watchtower in Wrothgar Orsinium Archive
Ode to My Jade Princess
Borasad An Orc love poem Wrothgar Writings
Of Men and Mer
Hennabear A poem dedicated to the races of Tamriel Words of the Poets
Offer of Amnesty
High King Emeric Wrothgar Writings
The Ogres of Wrothgar: A Continuing Treatise
Cirantille An addendum to a treatise on the ogres that inhabit Wrothgar Orsinium Archive
Old Orc Sayings: Shields
Roald Kenway Traditional Orcish quotes regarding shields Orsinium Archive
Old Snagara Breeding Guide
A word of advice to a breeder's replacement Wrothgar Writings
On Orcs and the Afterlife
Erisa Moorcroft, Scholar, Comparative Religious Studies A treatise on the Orcish afterlife and the Ashen Forge Wrothgar Writings
Orc Clans and Symbology
Kraltha the Rememberer An essay on the ancient Orcish clans of Wrothgar Wrothgar Writings
Orcs and Their Tusks
Folms Seleth An informal study on the Orcish obsession with tusks Orsinium Archive
Other Things I Hate
Fancy Nuzbawir A list of hated things Wrothgar Writings
Our Continued Labor
Notes on the construction of a Dark Anchor dolmen Wrothgar Writings
Passenger's Log: Disaster at Sea
Wrothgar Writings
Path of the Faithful
A religions text surrounding a ritual to obtain a sacred scroll of Malacath Wrothgar Writings
A Plea for Help
Darien Gautier A plea from a Fighters Guild captain trapped in another realm Wrothgar Writings
Prayer to the Furious One
A prayer to Malacath Orsinium Archive
Purifier's Journal
Purifier Cyrus The history of the Silver Dawn and their conflict with the Magnar Pack Wrothgar Writings
Quarry Overseer's Complaint
Quarry Overseer Yadurl Wrothgar Writings
Quarry Work Order
A threatening order for premium stone Wrothgar Writings
Riekrs of Wrothgar: Observations
A ethnographic diary study of Riekr culture Orsinium Archive
Rites of the Abomination
Rites of Reachmen Wrothgar Writings
Rkindaleft's Council of Chiefs
Orsinium Archive
Ruined Watchmaster's Journal
A diary surrounding the fall of the Pale Watch Wrothgar Writings
Rules of Nikolvara's Kennel
A beast-master's set of rules Wrothgar Writings
Savage Sons War Chant
Baloth Bloodtusk's battle chant Orsinium Archive
Scepter of the Riekr King-Chief
Notes on an ancient Orcish artifact Wrothgar Writings
The Scroll of Avalian
An account of Avalian's battle with a fiery beast Wrothgar Writings
The Scroll of Usunok
An account of Usunok's hunt Wrothgar Writings
The Scroll of Vaia
An account of Vaia's battle with Rhogar the Destroyer Wrothgar Writings
Sharfum's Letter
Sharfum A daughter's goodbye letter to her father Wrothgar Writings
Signal Tower Orders
Wrothgar Writings
Skalg's Journal
Skalg Orsinium Archive
Smithing: A Worthy Endeavor
Cuinaamo, Great Sage of the Forge On the merits of smithing Skill Books
The Sport of Clans
A description of a traditional Orcish sport Wrothgar Writings
Stibbons's To-Do List
Stibbons An archaeologist's servant's to do list Wrothgar Writings
Strange Rituals of the Orsimer
Chaplain Jorden, Priest of Arkay A study into the funerary rites practiced by the Orcs of Wrothgar Orsinium Archive
Thukhozod's Bracer
Notes on a powerful necromancer's bracer Wrothgar Writings
Torc of Baloth Bloodtusk
Notes on a legendary warrior's necklace Wrothgar Writings
Torug ag Krazak
An untranslated text surrounding the death and resting place of Orsinium's founder Wrothgar Writings
Torug at the Summit, Complete Translation
Kharsthun A translated text surrounding the death and resting place of Orsinium's founder Wrothgar Writings
The True Nature of Magnar
Volas Night-Eyes On the legend of Magnar Bearstorm
  • Argent Mine, on a broken table in the far southeastern area of the map
Wrothgar Writings
Trinimac House Idol
Notes on an ancient statue used for personal worship Wrothgar Writings
Unsent Letter From Qumih at-Tamina
Qumih at-Tamina Orsinium Archive
Urgdosh's Unsent Letter
Urgdosh Orsinium Archive
Ushenat's Notes
Ushenat The notes of an adherent of Trinimac Wrothgar Writings
Uzdabikh's Helm
The legend of Uzdabikh and the Battle of Fharun Pass Wrothgar Writings
Vorgrosh Rot-Tusk's Guide to Dirty Fighting
Vorgrosh Rot-Tusk An Orcish guide to combat Wrothgar Writings
Vosh Rakh
Ugdorga, the King's Scribe An essay outlining a movement dedicated to uniting Orcs Wrothgar Writings
Vosh Rakh Orders
Wrothgar Writings
Warning at the Falls
A letter of warning Wrothgar Writings
Watcher's Report
Captain Gerarde A Pale Watch officer's letter regarding the rebuilding of Orsinium Wrothgar Writings
Wet Wilds of Black Marsh
Cirantille An unflattering appraisal of the wilds of Black Marsh The World and Its Creatures
The Whistle
Nikolvara the Durzog Trainer A story of the origins of Nikolvara's Whistle Wrothgar Writings
Why We Fled
An essay defending the Orcs who fled the sacking of Orsinium Orsinium Archive
Windwalker Tamahl
An ode to Gaiden Shinji's loyal aide Orsinium Archive
Winterborn's Note
Orsinium Archive
The Wood Elf's Message
A coded message disguised as an echatere poem Wrothgar Writings
Your Little Friend, Edu
Emeraude Wrothgar Writings