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Online:Votary Llaren

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Votary Llaren
Location The Scholarium
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Mages Guild, Order of the Lamp
Votary Llaren

Votary Llaren is a Dark Elf lamp knight of the Mages Guild who can be found in the Scholarium.

Related QuestsEdit


He can be found by the entrance to the Training Room.

If you speak with him after the completion of the Wing of the Indrik, but not during completing any other quest related to the Scholarium:

"Plenty to do in a place of this size. Corridors to patrol, books to organize. Keeps me busy! Though likely not as busy as you."

If spoken to after completing the Scribing questline:

"I really think Nahlia's discovered her calling here in the Scholarium. Worry not, I'll back her up when she talks to the Votary Commander.
Thank you for your role in all of this. It's been a singular opportunity, adventurer."

Quest-Related EventsEdit

The Second Era of ScribingEdit

As soon as you enter the portal leading to Sunnamere you can overhear him speaking with Votary Nahlia.

Votary Nahlia: "Ah, good. You must be our backup. Irnard came through."
Votary Llaren: "Magnus watch over you, Nahlia. We'll keep watch out here."
Votary Nahlia: "Right. Lead the way, traveler. The door just down the hall here."

You can talk to him:

"You're the one Nahlia's been waiting for? You're not what I expected. But perhaps that's just what she needs."

If you talk to him after approaching the door to Sunnamere Study, but before entering:

"Watch your step on the other side of that door, there's raw magic aplenty. I also have a personal code about seeing our adventurer-consultants being torn apart."

The Wing of the IndrikEdit

He will arrive to the Scholarium as you receive the sigil from the Indrik

Julian Catous: "Huh. You don't see that every day. Nahlia's going to want to hear about this."
Votary Llaren: "Good to see you again! You'll find her over in the east wing with our newest arrival."

You can talk to him:

"Quite the adventure we're on together, eh? I hear Nahlia's conversation with Archmage Galerion went surprisingly well.
Don't take my word for it though. She'll have much to say on the matter, I'm sure."

The Wing of the NetchEdit

If you interact with Votary Llaren during the related quest:

"There are so many awe-inspiring creatures whose shape this Luminary might have taken. Indrik. Dragon. Gryphon!
And yet, it's a Netch. It's rather silly. But perhaps that's the entire point."

Additionally, you may ask him at some point of the quest about his insight about the locations or notes linked to the fable:

Any clues you can give to help me with this Fable?
"Let's see.
Ah! Right at the top here. The Daedric ruins. I don't know the name, but they're on an island southeast of Vos. If only the place were still full of chickens like the fable says."

After receiving the challenge from the Netch you may ask him about his advice:

"I know that look. You've been tasked with busywork, haven't you?
Well, it seems we're in the same boat. At least I'm fortunate to have it confined to the library, not wherever some mystical being decides to send me on a whim."
Any advice on these favors?
"Watch your back in Vassir-Didanat if you head that way. The place is full of ruffians and cutthroats. Stealing a bunch of supplies from merchants is tame for them.
I'm surprised they didn't gut them for fun."

The Wing of the DragonEdit

If you interact with Votary Llaren during the related quest:

"I've never seen a Dragon myself, but I've seen the damage they can cause.
Pity they can't all have an appetite for riddles over destruction, like in that fable."

Additionally, you may ask him at some point of the quest about his insight about the locations or notes linked to the fable:

Do you have any clues for the Fable of the Dragon?
"As it happens, I'm studying to pick up Ta'agra as a second tongue. Ja'zennji Siir translates to Jode's Light in Cyrodiilic.
Those ruins are just west of Dune. Though I suppose they weren't ruins in Ulfsild's time. Stay safe."

After your return from the Wing of the Dragon:

"Nahlia's opened up quite a lot recently. I can't tell if it's because of the riddles, the work in the Scholarium at large, or because of you.
Whatever the reason, I'm glad to see her in such high spirits. What can I do for you?"
Can you help me with any of these riddles?
"Happy to. Hmm, Riddle of the Rich seems straightforward. You're looking for special treasures in the major settlements in Reaper's March?
Lucky for you, there are only three major settlements in the March! Rawl'kha, Arenthia, and Dune."
Thank you, Llaren.

The Wing of the GryphonEdit

Votary Llaren: "Sorry about that one, adventurer. I need to brief you."
Julian Catous: "Seems we have a pest problem of sorts."
"Ho there, friend! I know the path of Scribing beckons. You're no doubt hoping to contact the Gryphon Luminary.
Unfortunately, it seems we have a page thief in the Scholarium."
Someone stole the pages from the Gryphon fable?
"Just so. We were cataloging tomes and left the fable unattended for just a moment. Then from the other room we heard yips and snarls, and found it torn apart.
Nahlia is already at work trying to find an alternative to the missing pages."
Where is she?
"The east wing, looking for anything Ulfsild might have left behind about the Gryphon. Hopefully she'll get you pointed in the right direction.
My deepest apologies. This was a grave error on my part, but it won't happen again."
I'll go speak to Nahlia.
"Don't worry, a few wards around the library and we'll make sure the page thief doesn't strike again.
In the meantime, perhaps Nahlia has found something left behind by Ulfsild over in the east wing."
How is the catalog going?
"It's going well! I'm not usually the type to work at a desk, but it's been interesting to walk the halls and see all the different titles.
From what Julian and Irnard have said, this place is a treasure trove of knowledge."
Any parts of the library in particular catch your eye?
"A section dedicated to cookbooks from the first era. Shelves of poetry from Atmora. And a startling number of bawdy limericks, stacked up in a pile of chapbooks.
Archmage Ulfsild, it seems, was eager to follow the hunt for knowledge wherever it led."
Votary Llaren: "I'll help Julian and Irnard set up wards, this won't happen again on my watch."

If you interact with him later, by the entrance to the Training Room:

"Even with this little page thief in residence I'm sure you'll find your way. We couldn't have gotten this far without you, no reason to think we won't get farther yet."

After you return from the Wing of the Gryphon:

"Julian and I placed bets on what the pest would turn out to be. Turns out we were both wrong. Which, really, is the second-best option to being right.
Did you need my help with something?"
Do you have any insight on the Gryphon's tasks?
"I'm not normally one to advocate pickpocketing, but I know of these merchants in the Rift. You can find them in Riften, Nimalten, and Shor's Stone.
Make them sorry for promising miracles from their overpriced cure-alls. Just don't get caught."

After you are tasked to steal from the Daedric Princes:

"Everything I've heard about this Gryphon makes him seem like a knight, one who's taken a vow. Righting wrongs, upholding justice.
Knights of the Lamp don't often go on errantry, but this Gryphon … hmm. Soup for speculation."

The Wing of the CrowEdit

If you speak to him during the quest before entering the final wing:

"You've nearly restored that altar, haven't you? I'm impressed.
We ought to get things cleaned up around here before more of the guild comes in."

If you speak to him after returning to the Scholarium from Eastmarch with the Sigil of the Crow:

"You're back! And with some success, I hope? What happens when you fully restore the altar?"

When you place the sigil on the altar:

Julian Catous: "Does this mean we'll be moving on? Not that I don't love the smell of old tome dust."
Votary Llaren: "That's up to my colleague here. Nahlia, what's your plan?"
Votary Nahlia: "I think … I think I'm going to stay on here. See what happens if we open the Scholarium to the world."

If you speak to him after you place the sigil on the altar:

"I feel quite honored, adventurer. To be present for the restoration of a lost history.
And thanks to you and Nahlia, so many more will learn about Ulfsild's legacy."
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