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This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Online Quest Project.
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Quick Summary: written by Jeancey, not checked

Walkthrough: written by Talyyn, not checked

Quest Stages: written by Talyyn, checked by Jeancey

Search for survivors of a farmstead fire.
Zone: Bangkorai
Objective: Damar Farmstead —
Quest Giver: Damar east of the farm;
Hamill west of the farm
Location(s): Damar Farmstead
Reward: Scorched Shoulderpads
High Leveled Gold
XP Gain: High Experience XP
ID: 3963
"Look, look down the road! My house is on fire, and Daedra roam free!"
In the wake on [sic] an Imperial attack, homes are on fire and Daedric creatures are shambling through the village.

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Collect water and douse the flames.
  2. Find the summoner's camp.
  3. Talk to Damar.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Starting the QuestEdit

The quest can be started by speaking with either Damar who is east of the farmstead or Hamill, who is west of the farmstead.

If you speak with Damar, he will ask you to look for his fiancée while you are putting out fires.

"They're everywhere! I don't know where they came from. I didn't see them until I grabbed a bucket to douse the flames, and then it attacked me. A Daedra!"
My fortunes have never looked less pleasing."
What's going one?
"Look, look down the road! My house is on fire, and the Daedra roam free!
I don't know where my family is. They may be trapped by fires, or killed by those savage beasts!"
Where's your well? I'll start with the fires.
"Take this bucket. The well's between the houses, but beware hose [sic] foul creatures. I tripped running away from them and injured my own arm!
Three houses are ablaze. Please, put out the fires before everything burns to the ground!"
I'll take care of it.
"Look for my fiancee, Milta. I've been away on business, and came home to this! I do not know if she lives or fell prey to one of those things!"

On the other hand, if you speak with Hamill, it will go as follows:[verification needed — does Hamill just direct you to Damar?]

dialogue needed

Extinguishing the FlamesEdit

No matter who you speak with, they will hand you an Empty Bucket and send you off to put out the fires. The well is in the center of the farmstead, just off the road bisecting it. Either avoid or fight your way through the various daedra, such as Banekin and Daedroths which are gamboling through the ruins. Once at the well, fill it up with water and obtain the Bucket of Water.

With your new bucket of water, you can extinguish the fires in three of the ruined buildings. Each house will have multiple small fires which need to be dealt with, by getting close to the fire and using the water bucket on it. Be aware that standing in the fire will cause damage. Once you have extinguished the fires in the third house, a voice will call out to you.

Shalan: "Out here! It's me, Shalan. Help! I'm surrounded!"

Shalan the SurvivorEdit

Shalan will be hiding behind some crates in between the houses, it is also possible that there are daedra nearby so deal with them as well. Once you find him, Shalan can explain the cause behind the daedra attacks and will ask you for some additional help.

"Please help me! I saw you douse the fires. You have to stop the Daedra!"
Where are the Daedra coming from?
"He showed up after the Imperials marched through. Visetus. He's summoning more and more Daedra.
He gathered those who survived the first Daedric attacks, but I don't know what he may do to them?"
Where'd he take them?
"He took the others up the hill, behind that rock outcropping. Please, save them! I'll try to make it on my own. There's no reason to stay here any longer."

Stopping the SummonerEdit

Save Milta from Visetus

According to Shalan, an Imperial sorcerer moved in after the Seventh Legion came through and start summoning Daedra and taking people for sacrifices. Just as Shalan said, there will be path leading up the hill behind the houses, soon you will come across his small camp. His latest sacrifice is still alive but the ritual he is performing looks like it will kill her eventually. So, you need to kill him first, Visetus will use a variety of spells to fight you and create shadowy copies of himself.

Once Visetus is dead, the prisoner, Milta will thank you before running to the eastern outskirts.

Milta: "Bless you! Bless you!"

You can follow in her direction and find that she has reunited with Shalan and Damar. Speak with Damar for your reward.

"My joy, my heart … Milta lives! Though who knows when I will be able to provide her and her father safe shelter, at least they both live."
What will you do now?
"Milta and I will marry. We'll rebuild our homes here, once the Daedra leave. And of course, Shalan will live with us.
None of this would be possible without your help."



  • It can be difficult to put the fire out as the prompt to loot the burning containers and the prompt to throw water on the fire will overlap. ?

Quest StagesEdit

The Returned
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
  I agreed to save the three houses from the fire. First, I need to fill the bucket with water from a nearby well.
Objective: Fill the Bucket at a Well
Now I need to throw water on the fires burning in each house to douse the flames.
Objective: Extinguish Fires in the First House
Objective: Extinguish Fires in the Second House
Objective: Extinguish Fires in the Third House
After I put out the last of the fires, surviving villager Shalan called to me. He's outside this house, so I should step outside to locate and speak with him.
Objective: Talk to Shalan
Shalan told me that the summoner took surviving villagers captive, including his daughter, Milta. I need to find his camp behind the rock outcropping and rescue them.
Objective: Find Visetus's Camp
I found Milta and an Imperial summoner, Visetus. I have to stop him before any more Daedra show up to slay the remaining villagers.
Objective: Kill Visetus
Finishes quest  I defeated the Imperial summoner, Visetus, and rescued Milta. I should speak to Damar.
Objective: Talk to Damar
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.