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Online:The Author

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
The Author
Tribute Founder
Home City The Hollow City
Race Redguard Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Roister's Club
The Author

The Author is a Redguard Tribute master and member of the Roister's Club who can be found in the southwestern part of the Hollow City, under a pavilion.(map). She is one of the founders of the club and the creators of the game.

The Author plays a variation of the Duke of Crows deck. She will not play a game until Master Rank has been achieved and all of the other Founders have been defeated.

Location ClueEdit

Each of the Founders has gone into seclusion, so they must be tracked down from some hint or rumor that can be gotten after The Final Round has been completed. For The Author, it's from Master Razhamad.

"Good luck in the matches ahead, Tribute master!
If you are looking for greater challenges, well, as a fellow master, perhaps I can share some of my knowledge. I am no Tribute Founder, but I do know quite a bit."
Is there anything left for me to do?
"Of course!
The tournaments provided the lift you needed to reach master status, but you are still far from the summit. Searching for new cards, playing ranked matches with high-level players ... maybe even seeking the Founders."
The Founders?
"Yes. The creators of the game and founding members of the Roister's Club.
They keep their identities hidden. Even we masters know precious little about how Tales of Tribute came to be. No one I know has ever met a Founder, but we know they exist."
Why would someone seek them out?
"Well, according to some of the highest tier players, if you manage to find a Founder, you can challenge them to a game of Tribute. Those who win gain a fabulous prize.
I cannot say for sure if that part is true, but it could be worth investigating."
Do you have any idea where I can find one of these Founders?
"I received an unsigned letter months ago. It stated, "They walk in the city of light amid the horrors of azure doom." It refers to a Founder, I think, but I am quite comfortable here--far from any doom, azure or otherwise.
I hope that is helpful."
Is there anyone else who might know more?
"Hmm. Gelekh, perhaps? As a barkeep, she meets scores of people every day. One of them might have dropped some hints on where to find a Founder.
It might be worth asking the others as well--Sorinne and Brahgas. They both have keen ears for rumors."


Meeting her to challenge her in Tribute:

"I've always enjoyed playing Tribute by the candlelight. The whispers of a deck shuffle on crisp linen tablecloths. Quiet. Elegant. Not some drunken spectacle for cheap thrills and glory.
Tribute is meant to be intimate. A game for two and two alone."
Who are you?
"You may call me the Author.
Tales of Tribute is many things to many different people. For some, as I said, it is simply a means to revelry. But for the dreamers and truth-seekers, it provides so much more. Each deck tells a story. A timeless fable."
Stories you wrote?
"Stories I tell—along with my fellow Founders. The Roister's Club has goals that extend far beyond simple amusements. We seek to challenge. To hone. To teach. To improve.
Every rule … every stroke of the brush serves this goal."
And do you play?
"Every day. Alas, no one can compete. To my great disappointment, players play the game, but they do not know the game. Not in the way it must be known to defeat me.
I fear I will never meet another person who truly understands what we seek to do."
Let's test that. Play me.
"No. There are many challenges you must overcome before I would even consider it. At bare minimum, you must attain mastery of the game and defeat some of my fellow Founders.
Do this, and I will give it thought."
Let's test that. I challenge you.
"Yes, I see something in you. A spark of … wisdom. At last.
Have a seat. You have reached the summit, traveler, and the deepest truths of Tribute are within your grasp. Defeat me. If you can."
Let's play Tribute.

After the victory:

The Author: "At long last …. What a joy it is to be known. Cherish this gift, champion. Few will ever accomplish what you accomplished today."

Speaking to her again:

"Thank you, champion. Thank you for showing me that our great labors have not been in vain.
I hope that one day you will find an opponent worthy of your skill."


The Author uses a variant of the Duke of Crows deck named The Author. The deck's Patron works exactly like the Duke of Crows, and is made up of three Augur's Counsel cards, two Blackfeather Knight cards, two Cephorah's Insight cards, two Murder of Crows cards, two Plunder cards, two Pool of Shadow cards, two Squawking Oratory cards, three The Dreaming Cave cards, and two Toll of Flesh cards.

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