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Online:Tenisi Radarys

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Tenisi Radarys
Tribute Player
Location Roister's Club Chapters
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Roister's Club
Tenisi Radarys

Tenisi Radarys is a Dark Elf Tribute player and member of the Roister's Club who can be found in various chapters of the Roister's Club.

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If her rank is Proficient and your rank is below Regular rank:

"Play someone at your rank? Not a chance."

If her rank is Expert and your rank is below her rank:

"What, you want to face me in a Tribute match? You're getting ahead of yourself. Rank up. Then I'll consider it."

If her rank is Novice and your rank is Initiate or higher:

"Interested in losing a game of Tribute? Well, come on, then. Let's play."
"Got something to prove? So do I. Shuffle those cards, sera. Let's play."
"By the Three, are you going to sit down and play or just stand there gawking?"
"You want to play Tribute, eh? Very well. I can always use the practice."
Let's play Tribute.

If her rank is Proficient and your rank is Regular or higher:

"Vivec himself couldn't craft a deck as good as this! You haven't got a chance."
"Proud of your rank, aren't you? Well it's not about where you are—it's about where you're going. And you're bound for defeat."
"B'vek, I am desperate for a worthy opponent. I doubt it's you, but I'm willing to take the risk."
"I'm in no mood for small talk. Just sit down and deal, all right?"
Let's play Tribute.

If her rank is Expert and your rank is Expert or higher:

"We've both got places to be, I'm sure. So, shuffle those cards and get on with it."
"The Three smile on me, sera! I've already won three matches today. I'll be a game-baron by weeks end! Come on! Let's play."
"Just a few more wins and I'll be a Tribute master! Come on, then. You're the next rung on the ladder."
"Looking for a challenge? Well, you've found one. Deal the cards, sera."
Let's play Tribute.


  • Her appearance and Tribute rank is randomized. She can appear as Novice Tribute Player, Proficient Tribute Player or Expert Tribute Player.