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Online:Tavya Releth

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Tavya Releth
Home City Balmora
Location Redoran Kinhouse
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) House Redoran
Tavya Releth

Tavya Releth is a Dark Elf noble of House Redoran who works at the Redoran Kinhouse in Balmora. She is married to Councilor Eris Releth, and is the mother of Veya and Ulran Releth.

Related QuestsEdit


"Welcome to Balmora, Outlander.
House Redoran governs this town and asks all citizens and visitors alike to abide by it's laws and regulations. We brook no trouble, especially from those who espouse different beliefs and traditions."
Are you somebody important?
"Important? I suppose that depends upon who you ask. My husband thinks so.
I'm the treasurer here in Balmora. My job requires that I record all important transactions regarding Redoran finances and balance everything to the last gold piece."
Your husband?
"Councilor Eris, who oversees Redoran operations in the Balmora region. Our family is one of the most respected in the House. I'm surprised you haven't heard of us... wherever it is you come from.
Now if you don't mind, I have a lot of work to do."

Quest-Related EventsEdit

Fleeing the PastEdit

If you've started the quest, you can ask her:

So Veya is your daughter?
"Hmm. You must be one of the freelancers my husband sent for. You really should speak with him if you're here about our daughter.
Now if you'll excuse me, I really am quite busy."

After speaking to the councilor about finding Veya:

"I couldn't help overhearing your conversation with my husband. We share the same office, after all. Thank you for agreeing to look for our daughter.
But know that Veya is headstrong. I say this from experience. I am her mother, after all."
Can you tell me anything else about Veya that may help me find her?
"She stormed out of the house after a heated argument with her father. Nothing unusual in that. But when she didn't return... well, that's when both her father and I started to worry."
What was the argument about?
"I... I'd rather not talk about that. It's a private matter concerning the family.
The relevant fact remains that my daughter took her most cherished possessions and left home. I'm worried that she's going to do something that can't be undone."
What do you think Veya is going to do?
"As I said, Veya is headstrong. Confident. Perhaps too confident. She might join the Morag Tong just to spite her father. Or run off to fight in the war. Something reckless along those lines.
Please, do what you can and find my daughter."

If you have information about Veya and haven't spoken to Eris, she'll say:

"If you learned anything relating to the whereabouts of my daughter, please talk to my husband. He's been anxiously awaiting your return."

After speaking to Eris, but before turning in the quest, she'll instead say:

"So my daughter did go to Naryu. I'm not surprised, and I suppose it's better than the alternative. Naryu won't let anything happen to Veya. I know that much to be true.
Thank you, outlander, for accomplishing more than Brivan and his soldiers."

After quest completed, she'll then say the following:

"Naryu and I rarely see eye to eye, but she has always been good to my children.
I just hope that once you bring Veya home, we can find a way to expunge this dark stain from her record. No Redoran daughter should take up with those murderers."

Of Faith and FamilyEdit

After you've started the quest and speak with her:

"My husband has more faith than I do. I fear that despite your best efforts, Veya will refuse to meet with him, let alone return home.
Still, I appreciate your work on our behalf."
Can you remind me about what's going on here?
"You agreed to work for my husband, Councilor Eris of House Redoran. We want you to find our daughter, Veya, and make sure she returns home.
During your first excursion, you discovered that Veya had joined Naryu Virian and the Morag Tong."
Remind me, what's the Morag Tong?
"A cult of sanctioned murderers for hire. They serve a purpose, but I have no use for them. Naryu said she wouldn't allow a meeting unless Eris dismissed his hired help—all but you, that is.
I just want Veya to come home. I miss my daughter."

Return from Kudanat Mine and Tavya will see something's wrong:

"That look … you have bad news to deliver, don't you?
Talk to my husband, then. I'm not ready to hear it."

If speak with her again after speaking to Eris but before turning in the quest:

"My son is … Dead? No, not Ulran. I … I don't … I won't … believe it."

If speak with her after turning in the quest:

"Is what you said about my son true? Ulran is … dead?
Ulran is good at getting himself into trouble, but I … I never thought it would come to this. Please, outlander, don't let the same thing happen to my daughter."
Can you tell me anything about Ulran's exile?
"I don't attend council meetings, so I wasn't there when they debated the fate of my son. But my husband assured me the proceedings were fair. Ulran received the punishment he deserved.
At least, that's what he told me at the timne."
Do you believe that?
"I can't believe my son did anything that require him to die, house honor be damned!
I just want my children back home, safe and sound."
Your husband seems to have a different view of honor.
"My husband and the house can go to oblivion! All I care about right now is my children.
They killed my son because he did what he believed was right. Now my poor Veya is in danger. Eris can stand by the house, but he might have to do so alone."
Can you remind me about what I've learned so far?
"You agreed to work for my husband, councilor Eris, to find our daughter, Veya.
You found Veya and kept her safe from the Warclaws mercenary band, but in doing so you discovered that they killed my son, Ulran, when they attacked an Ashlander camp."
Anything else you can tell me?
"My daughter has joined Morag Tong. She asked you to help find out what happened to her brother. It seems Captain Brivan may have been involved in Ulran's death.
Now my husband has asked you to keep Veya away until he can sort out what happened."