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Tribute Player
Location Roister's Club Chapters
Race Khajiit Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Roister's Club

Taraznaz is a Khajiit Tribute player and member of the Roister's Club who can be found in various chapters of the Roister's Club.

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If his rank is Proficient and your rank is below Regular rank:

"Sorry, walker. You have more work to do to reach this one's rank, yes?"

If his rank is Expert and your rank is below his rank:

"This one would gladly play you … if you had the proper rank."

If his rank is Novice and your rank is Initiate or higher:

"You carry Tribute cards, yes? Come! This one's whiskers twitch with anticipation!"
"Ignore the rumors, walker. This one never cheats at Tribute. The truly clever never need to!"
"This one is far too busy to play Tribute … ha! A jest, walker! Only a jest. Come! Sit!"
"Ah, walker! You wish to play Tribute, yes? Of course you do!"
Let's play Tribute.

If his rank is Proficient and your rank is Regular or higher:

"You do not need to twist this one's tail, walker. There is always time for Tribute!"
"The moons always shine on this one in games of chance. Lucky for you, Tribute requires skill also. Let us see which wins out!"
"Tribute is not so serious. Win or lose, this one is always smiling. Remember, it is only a game, yes?"
"How people deal card without claws … it makes no sense! All cards favor Khajiit!"
Let's play Tribute.

If his rank is Expert and your rank is Expert or higher:

"Joy in victory, laughter in defeat. This is the only way to play cards! Shuffle, walker. Let's play!"
"Finally, this one can match claws with a true cardsharp! Come, walker. Shuffle and deal."
"The pride of Gonfalon Bay, yes? This one is truly blessed. Come, have a seat!"
"Two great Tribute players, here, whisker-to-whisker. What are the odds? Ha!
Well? Let's play!"
Let's play Tribute.


  • His appearance and Tribute rank is randomized. He can appear as Novice Tribute Player, Proficient Tribute Player, or Expert Tribute Player.