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ON-icon-achievement-Sunhold Vanquisher.png Sunhold Vanquisher
ON-icon-achievement-Sunhold Conqueror.png Sunhold Conqueror
Type Dungeons Achievements
Points 10, 50
Defeat [three / all] of the champions in Sunhold.

Sunhold Vanquisher and Sunhold Conqueror are awarded for defeating the bosses in Sunhold in Summerset. You'll need to defeat 3 of them for the Vanquisher achievement, and all 5 of them for Conqueror.

ON-misc-Boss 2.png Kolondir the Demon
ON-misc-Boss 2.png Captain Quergura
ON-misc-Boss 2.png Shipbreaker
ON-misc-Boss 2.png The Pyandonean Wind
ON-misc-Boss 2.png Welkadra