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Online:Summoned Effects

< Elder Scrolls Online: Objects

This page lists all of the entities in ESO that aren't creatures, but rather summoned effects that can be summoned by enemies in combat.

Appears only with Summerset

Alchemical GlobuleEdit

Summoned Effects
Location Welenkin Cove, K'Tora's Mindscape, Karnwasten
Coral Aerie 
Type Abyssal Pearl
Health 69,002 (B'Korgen)
15,165 (K'Tora)
12,546 (K'Garza)
 (?) (?) (Z'Baza) 
Reaction Hostile
Alchemical Globules floating around B'Korgen

Alchemical Globules are a type of abyssal pearl used by Sea Sloads in combat.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills & AbilitiesEdit

K'Tora will use throw them at opponents or cause them to explode near targets.

During the encounter with B'Korgen, as long as three or more of them are active at the same time, they grant him a large damage shield. B'Korgen will continuously spawn them throughout the fight. He can also use them as an attack, as if they hit you while he repositions them, they deal damage and stagger you.

During the encounter with K'Garza, they are half-sunken into the ground. Stepping over them causes an AoE to appear around them as they release shadowy magic, dealing continuous high Oblivion damage.

Additionally, they will remain active while K'Garza is away from the fight and her minions take over. Any of the globules that aren't destroyed once all the minions are put down and K'Garza comes back will shoot a bolt of pearlescent magic which homes in on you, dealing moderate magical damage.

During the encounter with Z'Baza, the globules will home in on the player with the red target above them, and explode on contact. There is a brief period between contact and explosion where a red circle outlines the area of effect, during which you can dodge out of it. Alternately, the attack can be blocked. </noinclude>

Crushing BubbleEdit

Crushing Bubble is cast by Archivist Ernarde during battle in Moon Hunter Keep. The bubble traps a player, making them immune to all damage. If the bubble is not destroyed by the party's damage dealers, the trapped player will be destroyed.

Cursed TotemEdit

Summoned Effects
Location Sanctum Ophidia
Type Totem
Health  1,609,456 2,874,839 Difficulty  
Reaction Neutral
Other Information
Faction(s) Scaled Court
Cursed Totem

Cursed Totems are summons created during the battle with The Serpent in Sanctum Ophidia. Cursed totems allow Magicka Detonation to occur.

Engorged PustuleEdit

Engorged Pustules are entities spawned during the battle against The Queen's Consort at Missir-Dadalit Egg Mine.

While active, they will occasionally pull you to them if you are nearby. If not destroyed in time, they leave a lingering pool of red acid that will deal continuous high poison damage afterward.


Summoned Effects
Location The Maelstrom Arena
Type Machinery
A Generator

Generators are contraptions encountered in Seht's Flywheel.

Healing TotemEdit

Summoned Effects
Location Shada's Tear
Type Totem
Health 27619
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Condition Summon
Healing Totem

Healing Totems are yellow totems summoned by Scat the goblin during battle at Shada's Tear. When Skit, Scat or Stomper the troll stand in the golden aura enveloping the totem, they will be healed gradually over time.

Ice BarrierEdit

Summoned Effects
Type Magical Effect
Health 15165
20634 (Cyrodiil)
20049 (Skyreach Catacombs)
Reaction Hostile
Ice Barrier

The Ice Barrier is a summon that absorbs projectiles fired at it until destroyed. Generally cast by NPCs with the Frost Mage class.

Night's EyeEdit

Summoned Effects
Location Clockwork City, Evergloam, The Shadow Cleft
Type Magic Orb
Health 13,846
Reaction Hostile
Night's Eye

Night's Eyes are magic orbs summoned by Shrike Shroudweavers and Whispering Sorcerers. Once they are summoned, they will continuously cast Withering Gaze, damaging their target with shadow magic until they are destroyed.

The FeastEdit

Summoned Effects
Location Varies
Type Magic Orb
Health 544
Reaction Hostile
The Feast

The Feast is a type of magical orb summoned by Harvesters. They will summon three orbs at a time, and they will slowly make their way towards the harvester that cast them, and will then be absorbed to heal the harvester. If they are destroyed before reaching the harvester, the harvester will gain no health, making the battle easier.

Generic OrbsEdit

Generic, unnamed orbs can be encountered in various places across Tamriel, including delves, dungeons, and DLC content. These orbs have varying stats, namely health. Below is a list of orbs, categorized by location, difficulty and health.

Zone / Dungeon Specific Location Difficulty Health
Dark Anchors Summoned by harvesters 400
The Banished Cells I Summoned by High Kinlord Rilis  9823 (?)
The Banished Cells II Summoned by High Kinlord Rilis  (?) 52657
Vaults of Madness Summoned by harvesters  7367 (?)



Summoned Effects
Location Murkmire
Type Totem
Health 79,900
73,300 (Summoned by the Colossal Miregaunt)
36,300 (Summoned by Walks-Like-Thunder)
Reaction Hostile

Totems are the summons of miregaunts which can be found throughout Murkmire. They appear as Argonian-styled relics and can both buff its miregaunt as well as harm its enemies.

Siphoning TotemEdit

Summoned Effects
Location Ruins of Mazzatun
Type Totem
Health  110020 (?)
Reaction Hostile
A Siphoning Totem

Siphoning Totems are totems summoned by Tree-Minder Na-Kesh. They need to be killed as soon as she summons them, or else your group members will have no resources left to defeat the boss.