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Online:Sonolia Muspidius

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Sonolia Muspidius
Home City Orsinium
Location Skalar's Hostel
Race Imperial Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Sonolia Muspidius

Sonolia Muspidius is an Imperial found at Skalar's Hostel in Orsinium. She needs your help dealing with some Riekr who have been abducting innocent travelers.

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When spoken to outside of quests:

"Doesn't matter how great your city is if no one can get there. These roads are treacherous, friend. Be wary."

When you've accepted the task from Arzorag, you have the opportunity to speak to Sonolia for more information. Upon approaching her, she sounds concerned:

"So you're the Riekr hunter? Good. If you can save even a few of the captured travelers and punish the Riekr for what they've done, you'll be doing me a favor. Reputation is everything in the caravan business, and mine has taken a significant hit."

Subsequent meetings:

"I'm afraid those Riekr are at it again. You ready to teach them another lesson in manners?"
How can I help?
"Someone sent out hundreds of letters, inviting people from all over Tamriel to come to Orsinium … but didn't make certain there were escorts along the way!
I'm doing my best, but people are still going missing."
You work for the king?
"Ha! No. My soldiers and I are independent contractors.
We guard many of the smaller caravans. Used to be mostly fresh produce and tools. Now we're shipping immigrants by the cart full. It's steady work. Lucrative too … when it goes right."
It's not going right I take it?
"No. No, it's not. I've conscripted more guards than I ever thought I'd need, but the numbers are overwhelming. These immigrants are lining up by the hundreds!
For the record, the vast majority of our clients arrive in Orsinium without incident."
But the small minority gets abducted?
"I'm afraid so.
Look, no worthwhile endeavor comes without cost. There will always be dangers on the road, but these Riekr have got to be dealt with. I'd do it myself, but I need to look out for the rest of the caravans."
What can you tell me about these Riekr?
"Their chieftain, King-Chief Edu, is the craftiest Riekr I've ever encountered. We're used to these brutes stealing goods and livestock, but kidnapping? It's remarkable … and completely unacceptable.
Rescue the travelers and make those Riekr pay!"

Once you have rescued some travelers and defeated the King-Chief, you can return to Sonolia:

"I've seen a few bedraggled travelers stagger into the city. Muddy and bruised, but no worse for the wear. I suppose I have you to thank for that?"
The Riekr chieftain is dead, and I've rescued a few of your lost travelers.
"Hmm. I'm grateful for your service, friend. I wish I could say with certainty that this won't happen again, but Riekr are stubborn brutes. I'm afraid we may call on you again before long. Farewell."

If you talk to her after completing her task:

"The caravans have started running again, thank the Eight. With any luck, the Riekr will go back to banging rocks together and sniffing each others' arses. Stay prepared, though. I'm afraid they may be too stupid to keep away for long."