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Online:Skaafin Desecrator

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Skaafin Desecrator
Location Ventral Terminus, Mechanical Fundament
Race Skaafin Gender Varies
Health 60,370
Reaction Hostile Class Spellblade

Skaafin Desecrators are Skaafin warriors found in the Ventral Terminus and Mechanical Fundament.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Sword Strike
A basic melee attack dealing low physical damage.
Freezing Strike
The skaafin performs a powerful overhead strike with its sword, charged with ice magic, high physical damage and rooting you in place with the added ice magic. This attack can be blocked.
Flame Waves
The skaafin lowers one of its hands to the floor, unleashing waves of fire in a fork pattern, indicated by small traveling circular AoEs, dealing moderate flame damage each.
The skaafin raises one of its hands to the sky, causing a spree of thunderstrikes to hit the field around you, indicated by multiple small circular AoEs, dealing moderate shock damage each.
Summon Atronach
The skaafin summons a flame atronach which has the same amount of remaining health as it has.
The skaafin raises its sword in the sky, causing its health and damage resistance to be increased slightly.
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