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Online:Sir Lanis Shaldon

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Sir Lanis Shaldon
Home City Daggerfall
Race Breton Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Knights of the Dragon
Sir Lanis Shaldon

Sir Lanis Shaldon is a Breton who can initially be found in Daggerfall. He is a Knight of the Dragon, and he leads the Dragons who were sent as reinforcements to Lion Guard Redoubt, which is near Camlorn.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

On to GlenumbraEdit

When you arrive in Daggerfall, he will greet you.

"The proud city of Daggerfall greets you. Can I help you with something?"
I bring a petition. Chief Tazgol wishes to join the Daggerfall Covenant.
"The Seamount Warchief? Impressive. I don't know what you did to convince him, friend, but you have my gratitude. Well done!
I will take this petition to High King Emeric immediately. Enjoy your stay in Daggerfall."

This will complete the quest.

Mists of CorruptionEdit

Arrive at the Lion Guard Redoubt with Gabrielle Benele, he will be waiting with Dame Jo of the Dragon and Sir Gib of the Dragon:

After speaking to Gabrielle, he'll hail you "Over here! We have much to discuss."

Speaking to him:

"The great King Casimir sent us to stop Angof.
With the combined might of the Dragons, the Lion Guard, and you, Angof will surely fall."
I'll help in any way I can.
"Well said! But we can't just rush after the villain.
First off, Angof's toxic mist protects the approach to Cath Bedraud. It rises from his vines and sickens anyone who breathes it in. The wizard Benele believes you might be immune to its effects."
I have this talisman, but I don't know if it will protect me.
"We have to chance it. We don't have any other options.
A squad of Dragons succumbed to the mist before they could retreat. Then that idiot Darien led a few Camlorn soldiers on an ill-conceived rescue mission and they were overcome as well."
If the mist doesn't incapacitate me, I'll save the soldiers.
"I hope the soldiers still live. That mist is deadly.
And that fool from Camlorn—what was he thinking? He charged right into the mist after them."
Where should I look for your soldiers?
"They couldn't have gotten too far into the graveyard. The poison mist acts fast.
Hopefully, they stayed together. Once you get them out of there, we can plan our attack against Angof."
You mentioned troops from Camlorn?
"With the city liberated from Faolchu, some of the Camlorn Guard came up this way looking for a fight. A noble named Darien was acting as their leader.
He seemed very angry with Angof—something about werewolves."
Why is Giblets here?
"Arkay blind me if I know. When the King mentioned your name, the dog perked up and stuck with us all the way from Daggerfall.
Looks like he's happy to see you."

The LabyrinthEdit

"Wizard Benele said you'd gotten inside and were hunting Angof.
We wanted to help, but I hope we haven't done more harm than good."
What happened down here?
"We met Wizard Benele outside. She said you'd use a binding stone to call us.
Then suddenly we were down here, in the dark and surrounded by a horde of undead. The rest of the contingent must be somewhere nearby."
More knights? Where?

If Gloria Fausta is still alive, he'll reply with:

"My best guess? Deeper inside the catacombs.
If you find any knights, send them this way. I'll hold the passage with this overconfident fool and his crazy friend. When they aren't flirting, they both fight like a whole platoon of Orcs."


"My best guess? They're deeper inside this maze of catacombs.
If you find the knights, send them this way. I'll hold the passage with this overconfident fool. He can't stop talking, but at least Darien's a decent enough fighter."

If you speak to him before leaving, he'll say:

"When you find my soldiers, tell them to get back here as quickly as possible.
We need to regroup for when an opportunity to strike presents itself."

Once you complete the quest:

"King Casimir finally decided to take the war to Angof.
If his Daggerfall knights and the Lion Guard can work together, we have a chance to stop this madness."

Angof the GravesingerEdit

Sir Lanis will be inside Angof's Sanctum with Gabrielle. If you speak to him, he'll say:

"Strike swiftly and without mercy. Angof will offer none to us."

Back at the Lion Guard Redoubt before you speak to Gabrielle, you can speak to him:

"If the Knights of the Dragon and the Lion Guard can work together, we have a chance to stop this disaster."

After Gabrielle will tell you that Shaldon is wanting to speak to you:

"The king will be grateful for what we've done here. Some of Angof's minions are still running loose, but it's nothing we can't handle.
Maybe things will finally return to normal now."
What about the vines throughout Glenumbra?
"Without Angof's magic, hopefully the vines will wither and die.
If not, I'm sure the Mages Guild can conjure up a spell to clear them away. I'm not too concerned about them."
But something is worrying you.
"Yes, but I can't put my finger on it. We've heard rumblings that things up north aren't looking any better.
Not necessarily vines and such, but there are whispers of other things out there that we need to be concerned about."
What exactly have you heard?
"I hear there's trouble in Koeglin Village. Something bad is happening up there.
But don't worry about that right now. We just saved the people of Glenumbra. We should be celebrating! Now where did I put it?"
Where did you put what?
"The King set aside this armor for the champion who defeated Angof. It was a treasure of Daggerfall. And now it belongs to you.
It's your reward for all you've done for this land and its people. May luck follow you wherever you go."

If you exit out of the quest completion conversation before you turn in the quest, he will alternatively say:

"Well, champion? Ready to receive your reward?"

After the quest:

"Thanks to this successful campaign by the combined forces of the Dragon Knights and the Lion Guard, I suspect King Casimir will finally throw his full support behind High King Emeric.
That will put the whole Covenant together."