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Online:Seeking Tenant!

< Elder Scrolls Online: Items: Books
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Book Information
Seeking Tenant!
ID 4810
Collection Handbills, Posters, and Decrees
Related to Room to Spare
Found in the following locations:

At Player Housing Locations Across Tamriel:

Malabal Tor:


  • The bank in Stormhold (map)

Telvanni Peninsula:

Seeking Tenant!
A handbill advertising free property to prospective tenants

Are you an adventurer of good reputation? Have low to moderate homicidal tendencies? Looking for a cozy home to call your own, but too low on funds to afford one?

How would you like a free inn room? That's right, completely free! No catch! Just seek out Felande Demarie at your local inn for more information about this exciting ownership opportunity!