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Location Scrivener's Hall
Race Argonian Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
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Faction(s) Scribes of Mora

Sama-Rei is an Argonian Scribe of Mora who sided with Valinna in the civil conflict within Scrivener's Hall.

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When you reach the Deadlands rift, the following will happen:

Keshargo: "The rift. Kra! Of course the gate is shut."
Sama-Rei: "Keshargo? Submit or die!"
<Sama-Rei attacks Keshargo, Mazandi intervenes.>
Mazandi: "Magnastylus? Sama-Rei, stop!"
Keshargo: "Loyal Mazandi. Help secure the Itinerant Staff. Zilipif knows the way."
Mazandi: "Valinna lied about your death? I'll find that staff before she does."
Keshargo: "This one will be in his study when you return."