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Home City Lilmoth
Location Lilmoth Countinghouse
Race Argonian Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly

Ruja-Wan is an Argonian who can be found in the Lilmoth Countinghouse.

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Quest-Related EventsEdit

Speaking to her the first time:

"Yes? Is there something I can do for you, ojel?"
I understand you have an arrangement with Captain Jimila. Any suggestions on how to impress her?
"What is this really about, outsider? Are you trying to intrude upon my business? I assure you, Captain Jimila knows a rogue and a cheat when she sees one. That's why we have such an ironclad agreement."
Unless you sell vossa-satls, you have nothing to worry about.
"Ah, Nesh-Deeka must have employed you as an envoy. Very clever!
Know that Captain Jimila is a shrewd negotiator but a fair partner. Speak true and bargain in good faith. That will earn you the respect of the master of the Prowler."
The Prowler?
"Yes, the Prowler. Captain Jimila's ship. She can't very well be a sea captain and prominent trader without a good vessel.
You need to know these things if you hope to impress the Captain."
Thanks for the advice.

If she is spoken to again she will grumble about how many outsiders are around these days.

"So many outsiders! What is Lilmoth coming to? I remember when a single dryskin was all we would see in a season, and that was considered a lot!
Now there are more of them than I care to count."


  • Once the related quest is completed, she will disappear from the game. She doesn't exist in the game prior to the quest either.