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Reman's Folly
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East of Willowpond Haven
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The Blackwater War saw Black Marsh conquered by Emperor Reman II late in the First Era. In triumph, dozens of Argonian architectural curiosities were brought back to Imperial City. Some were tucked away, forgotten in corners of the sprawling labyrinth beneath the Imperial seat.
Reman's Folly

Reman's Folly is an abandoned vault buried beneath Cyrodiil.

It is an 8v8 battleground released in Update 44.


This battleground map is rectangle-shaped with both teams spawning in high ledges at the northwest and south-west. The map is symmetrical. There are two levels you can switch with sets of stairs placed at each corner of the arena. You can fall from the Central Courtyard to the Underworks with holes in the floor of the Central Courtyard.

The Central Courtyard has Sigils spread around, pillars indicated by dark points on the map and a slightly elevated pedestral at the center which contains a chaosball or a capture flag if one of the modes involving them is active.

The Underworks has water parts deep enough that you swim in them. Wooden bridges on each team side allows you to cross the stream. Floor is made of grids with large holes in them where you fall into the water, numerous large pillars and almost no light makes this area hard to navigate.

The two other Chaosballs and both relics are placed at the northeast and southwest parts of the arena. The other four capture points are placed at each corner of the arena.

Battleground MapsEdit



  • Despite the loading screen implying it is found beneath the Imperial City, the map actually places it within southeastern Blackwood.