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< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Tribute Player
Location Roister's Club Chapters
Race Redguard Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Roister's Club

Rehkarikal-Myrkwasa is a Redguard Tribute player and member of the Roister's Club who can be found in various chapters of the Roister's Club.

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If his rank is Proficient and your rank is below Regular rank:

"You still have much to learn, wayfarer. Rise in the club rankings, then return."

If his rank is Expert and your rank is below his rank:

"There would be no honor in defeating you now. Rise in rank, then we will have a fair contest."

If his rank is Novice and your rank is Initiate or higher:

"My Tribute strategies are as keen as Onsi's bright blade! Sit, and I will show you."
"Hail, wayfarer! Can I interest you in a game of Tribute?"
"Do you seek a Tribute opponent? I stand ready to oblige"
"In cards, as in swordplay, there can be only one victor. Come. Let us put each other to the test!"
Let's play Tribute.

If his rank is Proficient and your rank is Regular or higher:

"You wish to challenge me to a game of Tribute? I warn you—my deck has few flaws, and my luck is ample."
"Hail. If you seek an opponent, you will not find better. Sit there, and we can begin."
"You seem confident. I, too, am certain of victory. Deal your cards so we will see who is right."
"You see a challenge, is it not so? My Tribute deck will prove difficult to defeat, I assure you."
Let's play Tribute.

If his rank is Expert and your rank is Expert or higher:

"The eyes of our ancestors, the Divines, and the Roister's Club are all upon us. Come. Let us give them a match to remember!"
"Your legend grows, hero of Gonfalon Bay. Sit, and let me take the true measure of your skill."
"You are a mighty warrior, yes? Sit. We will see if your mind is as strong as your sword arm."
"I have waited long for an opponent of your skill. Consider this my formal challenge."
Let's play Tribute.


  • His full name seems to have been mistakenly combined into one.
  • His appearance and Tribute rank is randomized. He can appear as Novice Tribute Player, Proficient Tribute Player, or Expert Tribute Player.