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Online:Race for Honor

< Elder Scrolls Online: Quests: High Isle
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Quick Summary: written by Kallykat, not checked

Walkthrough: not written

Quest Stages: not written
Complete the three Trials of Worth.
Zone: High Isle
Objective: Garick's Rest
Quest Giver: Cynric Ginise
Location(s): Garick's Rest
Reward: Cynric's Heavy Shield
(?) Leveled Gold
ID: 6767
"Lady Garick asked me to find a new bearer for her shield if she did not return. I swore an oath to find someone worthy."
Cynric, the ghostly guardian of Garick's Rest, challenged me to complete three Trials of Worth. He wants me to honorably earn Lady Garick's Sacred Shield before the necromancer Amunara steals it.

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Unbind Cynric Ginise.
  2. Enter Garick's Rest and speak to Amunara.
  3. Pass the Trial of Perseverance and read the first tablet.
  4. Pass the Trial of Wits and read the second tablet.
  5. Collect the Garden Secret Passage Key from the Library Reading Room.
  6. Find the secret passage.
  7. Pass the Trial of Constitution and read the final tablet.
  8. Go to the Shield Hall entrance and stop Amunara.
  9. Recall the Virtues.
  10. Claim the Sacred Shield and speak to Cynric.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

As you approach the area around Garick's Rest, or the main entrance you can observe Amunara binding and speaking to Cynric Ginise:

Amunara: "This will keep you out of Amunara's fur until she gets the shield."
Cynric Ginise: "Tides swallow her! Ah … traveler, may I ask a favor?"

You will then have to speak to Cynric:

"I have honorably guarded Lady Garick's trials for more lifetimes than I can recall. And this necromancer thinks she can cow me? I'll have none of it!
Apologies. Thank you for stopping. Would you kindly douse that censer and unbind me?"
Who are you? And what trials do you guard?
"I am the steward of Garick's Rest. And I am bound to this place until someone completes the Trials of Worth. Three tests that measure the qualities a knight needs to bear Lady Garick's Sacred Shield.
Unless you're a schemer like Amunara."
What does she want?
"To take the Sacred Shield without daring the Trials of Worth. But only one who passes the trials learns the words that dismiss the wards guarding the shield.
If you can win the shield before the necromancer steals it, I will reward you."
Let me take these trials. I'll get the Sacred Shield before Amunara.
"Perhaps you are the very soul I've waited for all these years. Someone worthy enough to earn Lady Garick's most treasured possession.
Please pick up the censer and extinguish it. I suspect that should end the necromancer's binding."
I have some questions before I release you.
"Yes, I'm certain you do. Only an incurious fool wouldn't seek to know more.
But, it may surprise you to learn that I find being bound like this deeply unpleasant. Please, collect and extinguish the censer. I will answer every question once I'm free."

Trials of WorthEdit

Trial of PerseveranceEdit

There will be two rooms, both with a lever and a gate. You need to pull each lever to lower the corresponding gate and pass through to complete the trial. The word on the tablet at the end is "Skill".

Trial of WitsEdit

There are four braziers in the center of the room that you have to light in the correct order to open the gate. On the walls of the room there are four dated plaques describing the Voyage of the Seajoy: Voyage of the Seajoy, Day Five, Voyage of the Seajoy, Day Seven, Voyage of the Seajoy, Day Eight and Voyage of the Seajoy, Day Fourteen. On each tablet a compass direction corresponding to a brazier is highlighted. The braziers must be lighted in the order of the dates on the plaques, making the correct order West, South, East and North. The word on the tablet at the end is "Understanding".

Once you read the tablet, Cynric is pulled through the wall as if summoned and you find him being held by the neck by Amunara in the next room. She flees when you approach, leaving behind an annoyed Cynric, who explains that Amunara's thugs have blocked the path to the third trial in their haste to find the treasure. He points you to a library where he once hid a key to a secret path that will let you reach the trial. The Garden Secret Passage Key will be hidden under the rug in the southwest corner of the library, while the other two rugs hold a box and a note illuminating some of Cynric's past, including his relationship with the shield's owner, Lady Garick. The entrance to the secret passage is in the northeast corner of the garden, up the stone stairs and behind a low wall. Traverse the spider-filled cave beyond to reach the third trial.

Trial of ConstitutionEdit

You need to traverse through a room filled with traps and monsters. Expect glowing glyphs and spike traps both on the floor and in the walls as well as extendable spinning logs that will knock you back and potentially off the scaffolding. Similar to the Trial of Perseverance you will need to reach a lever on the middle level of the scaffolding to lower the gate blocking the exit, then make your way to the exit along the scaffolding at the top of the room. The word on the tablet at the end is "Courage".

After reading the tablet Cynric will ask you to join him in the Shield Hall ahead. On the way there you will need to defeat a Summoned Guardian.

Shield HallEdit

Amunara will be casting necromantic spells in the Hall antechamber. Cynric tells you to use the Censer on her to trap her. After this, you will need to pass the Test of Virtue by answering Cynric's three riddles so he will unward the door to the Hall for you. The answers are the three words that you discovered on the tablets at the end of each trial. Afterwards he will let you pass and claim your reward.

Quest StagesEdit

Race for Honor
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
I came upon Cynric Ginise bound with magic emanating from an old censer. He doesn't seem particularly comfortable, despite being a ghost. I should extinguish the censer to release him.
Objective: Free Cynric Ginise
I freed Cynric and he offered his gratitude. I can begin the Trials of Worth to earn Lady Garick's Sacred Shield. I should enter Garick's Rest and start the first trial.
Objective: Enter Garick's Rest
I entered Garick's Rest to find Amunara ordering some hirelings to start working. She noticed me and asked if I'm another worker. I should talk to her to find out what she wants here.
Objective: Talk to Amunara
Amunara told me she wants the sacred shield to improve her necromantic abilities. She plans to break down the fortress walls to get around magical wards protecting it. I should hurry to the first trial so I can win the shield.
Objective: Enter the Trial of Perseverance
I started the Trial of Perseverance. I must fight my way through a room full of enemies to unlock several doors and make my escape. I should pass this trial so I may continue.
Objective: Pass the Trial of Perseverance
Hidden Objective: Pass the Trial of Perseverance
Hidden Objective: TRACKER GOAL TEXT
Hidden Objective: Pass the Trial of Constitution
It seems I passed the Trial of Perseverance. Cynric said I can exit the test through the unlocked door.
Objective: Leave the Trial of Perseverance
Cynric congratulated me on passing the first trial and told me of special tablets that will appear after each trial I pass. I should read this first one.
Objective: Examine the Tablet
Now that I read the tablet, I should talk to Cynric.
Objective: Talk to Cynric
The second test is the Trial of Wits. Cynric told me I'd find it shortly after going through a cave system. I should head through the cave to find the next trial.
Objective: Enter the Trial of Wits
I made it to the Trial of Wits. Cynric said there's a four-part story on tablets in the room that I'll need to use to light four braziers to pass the trial.
Objective: Pass the Trial of Wits
I passed the Trial of Wits and unlocked the door to exit. I should exit through it.
Objective: Leave the Trial of Wits
Since I passed the Trial of Wits, a second tablet has appeared for me to examine. I should read it.
Objective: Examine the Tablet
Cynric was magically pulled away after I read the tablet, and it sounds like he's in trouble nearby. I should find him.
Objective: Find Cynric
Amunara attacked Cynric but vanished before I could help. Cynric looks injured. I should check to see if he's all right.
Objective: Talk to Cynric
Cynric told me about his plan to use Amunara's censer against her. He then told me about a hidden path around the blocked door to the third trial, but I need to go to the library's reading room and get the key to unlock it first.
Objective: Go to the Library Reading Room
I made it to the reading room, so it's time to search for the key to the hidden passage. Cynric mentioned he thinks it's under a rug.
Objective: Find the Passage Key
I found the key to the hidden passage, I should find the passage now. Cynric said it was on the top level of the gardens.
Objective: Find the Passage
I found Cynric and the passage. I should enter it to make my way to the third trial.
Objective: Enter the Passage
Now that I'm in the passage, I should head to the Trial of Constitution.
Objective: Go to the Trial of Constitution
I made it to the Trial of Constitution and found Cynric. I should talk to him before starting.
Objective: Talk to Cynric
I need to unlock and reach the exit door alive to pass the Trial of Constitution.
Objective: Pass the Trial of Constitution
I passed the Trial of Constitution and earned the right to proceed. I should exit now.
Objective: Exit the Trial of Constitution
What Cynric says is the final tablet appeared now that I passed the the [sic] third trial. I should read it before talking to Cynric.
Objective: Examine the Tablet
I read the final tablet, now I should talk to Cynric about how to claim the Sacred Shield.
Objective: Talk to Cynric
I need to meet Cynric at the Shield Hall. He said I can find it if I just follow the hallways after the third trial. He also said he's certain we'll run into Amunara.
Objective: Meet Cynric at the Shield Hall
Amunara is making one last ditch assault on the castle and the Shield Hall ward. I should use her own censer to trap her.
Objective: Use the Censer
I successfully trapped Amunara using her censer. I should speak to Cynric and recite the pass phrase to drop the wards.
Objective: Recite the Pass Phrase
I recited the pass phrase successfully. Now the wards are down and I can finally enter the Shield Hall.
Objective: Enter the Shield Hall
Now that I'm in the Shield Hall, it's time to claim the Sacred Shield.
Objective: Take the Sacred Shield
I should talk to Cynric one last time.
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
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