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Online:Orissa Dellinoi

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Orissa Dellinoi
Location West Weald, Legion's Rest
Race Imperial Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Orissa Dellinoi

Orissa Dellinoi is an Imperial vinter who has been traveling through West Weald to deliver her family's wine to Skingrad. When her group reached Legion's Rest, they were attacked by bandits and robbed of the wine.

She is the proud owner of Lazen, who disappeared in the confusion.

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Quest-Related EventsEdit

Upon approaching the area the small camp, Orissa will call out to you:

Orissa Dellinoi: "Care to earn some gold, adventurer? I could use a bit of assistance."

You can speak with her to find out what is going on:

"I was hoping for a cohort of legionaries from Skingrad, but you'll have to do. I don't even know where to begin. Our entire shipment of Blue Aedral is gone and my dear Lazen is still in there, chasing down whoever attacked us."
You were attacked? What happened?
"Beasts, rogues, a horrible buzzing. It all happened so fast. Legion's Rest has always been a safe place to spend the night. Ruri, my caravan master, confirmed as much when he scouted ahead, but look at us!
Stranger, I desperately need your help."
What do you want me to do?
"The fate of my vineyard rests on that stolen shipment of Blue Aedral. Recover the lost crates along with my dear Lazen and evidence of whoever is responsible for this attack, and I promise to make it worth your while."
I'll help you find Lazen and recover the stolen wine.
"Securing four crates of Blue Aedral should be enough to keep our vineyard afloat. If we act fast, we might even find out how they knew to ambush us here. We traveled in secret, you know.
And let's look for Lazen. I'd hate it if he were harmed."

After agreeing to help, you can continue talking with her to ask questions about the situation:

Why take your caravan through Legion's Rest?
"Too much jostling ruins Blue Aedral, so we had to travel exceptionally slowly to reach the market. Legion's Rest has always been a safe place to stop. Ruri, my caravan leader, picked the location and our secret route personally."
You mentioned Blue Aedral a few times. What exactly is it?
"Blue Aedral is the pride of my family's winery. It's aged for ten years in barrels made from the planks of Skingrad's first longhouse. This particular batch finally reached maturity and we were taking it to market when we were set upon."
Do you think they were after the Blue Aedral?
"They certainly seemed to know what was in our wagon. But we closely guard all information regarding our aging process and routes to market. If we can learn how they knew to ambush us here, that would also help immensely."
I'll head into Legion's Rest and see if I can find your wine and Lazen.
Earlier, you mentioned Lazen. Who is that?
"Lazen is a great many things. My head of security, my chief inspector, my groundskeeper. Each role pivotal to the continued success of my vineyard and all the more reason we find him as quickly as possible.
Also, he's my dear pet dog."
Wait. Lazen's a dog?
"Now don't think for a moment that Lazen being a dog makes him any less important than the Blue Aedral. He didn't hesistate to try and protect me and the caravan. It's only right that we do everything we can to bring him back safely."
I'll head into Legion's Rest and see if I can find your wine and Lazen.

After you finish speaking with her, she will comment:

Orissa Dellinoi: "I'll join you. At a distance, of course. Wouldn't want Lazen thinking you mean him any harm."

She will join you as your follower once you enter Legion's Rest, if you speak with her once inside:

"Tread carefully, friend. Those ruffians may be the least of our worries. I didn't get a good lucky, but they had some vicious sounding creatures with them."

As you approach one of the bandit's camps, you will find Lazen:

Orissa Dellinoi: "Lazen, is that you?"
Orissa Dellinoi: "Oh, I'm so happy you're safe!"

Speaking to her after finding Lazen:

"Truly a tireless companion, I'm so happy we found him safe and sound. Though, I suspect, if anyone did try to hurt him, they're likely tending to a nasty bite wound as we speak.
Lazen should be able to lead us to the rest of my missing wine."

With Lazen found, you can follow him around as he finds the missing wine crates. Orissa will comment as he approaches each one:

Upon finding the first crate of missing wine:

Orissa Dellinoi: "Go on Lazen, find the rest of the missing Blue Aedral!"

Upon finding the second crate of missing wine:

Orissa Dellinoi: "There's another crate! Such a good boy, Lazen!"

After collecting it:

Orissa Dellinoi: "Good dog! Look for another bottle, Lazen!"

Upon finding the third crate of missing wine:

Orissa Dellinoi: "Sounds like he found more wine."

Collecting the third crate:

Orissa Dellinoi: "Good dog, Lazen!"

The fourth and last crate of wine will be past the delve's boss Gilroy Vassinus, and Lazen will bark for your attention:

Orissa Dellinoi: "Lazen is back there!"
Orissa Dellinoi: "Good dog, Lazen!"

When you approach the small camp:

Orissa Dellinoi: "There's the Blue Aedral! And a note, let's grab that."

You can collect the Wine Crate and read the Blue Aedral Shipment Details, with everything collected, Orissa will immediately rush to the exit:

Orissa Dellinoi: "Let's talk outside! Come on Lazen!"

Upon exiting Legion's Rest she will be standing to the side of the camp and praising Lazen:

Orissa Dellinoi: "Who's a good boy, Lazen? You are!"

Talk with her to hand her the note you found:

"Apologies for dashing off like that. Those horrible crystaljacks were really starting to unnerve me. Besides, I wanted to get Lazen to safety.
Now, what was in that note you grabbed?"
It's a note from your caravan master to the leader of the bandits. He helped them ambush you.
"Let me see that. Gilroy Vassinus? His family used to own a rival winery, but they went out of business years ago. Is that why he turned to banditry?
And Ruri? He's worked with us for years. If he needed money, he could have just asked me."
What will you do with him?
"He could have gotten us seriously hurt, killed even. And for what? Gold?
I'll have to turn him in to the guards when we reach Skingrad. Then he'll spend some time in one of Count Calantius's dungeon cells."
Here's the wine I recovered from Legion's Rest.

Leaving and returning to the conversation at this point:

"Selling just a few bottles of Blue Aedral goes a long way to keeping our winery open and our workers employed. Speaking of … can I have the wine you recovered?"
Here's the wine I recovered.
"Now we can finish our trek to market and sell the wine as planned. In addition to turning Ruri over to the authorities, I'll also let the Legion know what's going on in these caves.
You recovered my inventory when I thought all was lost. Thank you!"

Once you have completed the quest, Orissa will confront Ruri about what he did:

Orissa Dellinoi: "I can't believe Ruri betrayed us. He could've gotten Lazen or the others killed!"
<Orissa marches over to Ruri Buccelus.>
Orissa Dellinoi: "Ruri! You scheming bastard!"
Ruri Buccelus: "Why're you so mad? It's not like you can't make more wine."
Orissa Dellinoi: "I trusted you! You … you …."
<Orissa punches him in the face and knocks him out.>
Orissa Dellinoi: "All right everyone. We recovered the Blue Aedral. As always, as soon as we sell it, everyone will get a share of the profits. Everyone except Ruri, that is."

You can speak with her afterwards:

"If Ruri was in trouble and needed gold, he should have just asked me. Now all he gets is a cold dungeon cell in Skingrad for his trouble."
How long have you worked with Ruri?
"He's been my family's trusted caravan leader for ages, since before I was even old enough to work in the vineyard. I never took him for the scheming sort, but from that letter, it seems he wanted far more than what we were paying him."
What's next for you, Orissa?
"You mean after we reach market and sell the Blue Aedral? Then it's back to the winery to start all over again. Oh, I'll probably have a bit of a rest first. Maybe keep a bottle of the good stuff for myself this time.
The taste really is exquisite!"