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Online:Order of the Lamp Vvardvark

< Elder Scrolls Online: Mounts: Bipedals / O
Though not the most fearsome mounts, these recent additions to the Lamp Knight stable are treasured for their loyalty, surefootedness, and tracking skills. Some mages claim they can smell magicka, making them invaluable to the Order of the Lamp.
Order of the Lamp Vvardvark
ON-icon-mount-Order of the Lamp Vvardvark.png
Order of the Lamp Vvardvark
Type Bipedal
Default Name Whipsnout
Acquired From Order of the Lamp Crate
Reward Level Apex
Price 00400400 Crown Gems
080008,000 Seals of Endeavor
Category Mounts (Bipedals)
Quality Legendary
Limit Type Special Collectible

The Order of the Lamp Vvardvark is available as an Apex-level reward in the Order of the Lamp Crates. Its default name is "Whipsnout".
