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Home City Sentinel
Location The Crown's Coster
Race Redguard Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly

Nahrina is a Redguard found at The Crown's Coster in Sentinel. Her husband Tavo went to the Lost City of the Na-Totambu to collect Yokudan relics, and hasn't returned.

Related QuestsEdit


If you speak to her before the quest, you can get a lead on her husband's current location.

"I'm sorry, I can't talk right now. I'm waiting for my husband."
Is something wrong?
"No, it's just … Tavo hasn't been back from the desert like he promised he would.
He set out to find a cache of Yokudan relics from a ruin east of here. We had hoped to sell them to get out of this crushing debt."
What ruin?
"There is a lost city beneath the sands somewhere in the rocky expanse east of the Alik'r Desert, or so Tavo thought. We've been mixed up with so many awful people lately that I'm beginning to doubt the information he got was genuine."

This conversation does not mark the Lost City of Na-Totambu on your map, but it does give you a hint as to where her husband may be.

Quest-Related EventsEdit

When you return to Sentinel to tell Nahrina of her husband, Tavo, you'll find her being harassed by Yombira. After speaking with him and dealing with him one way or the other, you can then talk to Nahrina.

Before you make a decision, you can speak to her:

"Please, you have to help me. He's going to take everything we own if I don't give him those relics!"
If you give Yombira the relics:
If you intimidated Yombira:
"I don't understand. What's happened?"
I'm sorry. Your husband is dead. I brought the relics to you, to pay off his debt.
"Oh, Tavo! Why did you take such foolish chances? We could have found another way.
Thank you for your kindness. Such courtesy is uncommon in these times. At least, now I can move on without the shadow of debt hanging over me."
"Thank you. You didn't have to come to my defense, but I am grateful."
Your husband would want you to have these. You can sell them and start fresh.
"I don't know what to say. You bring gifts from the gods in my time of sorrow."

Once you have finished the quest you can ask about her circumstances. Her initial response will depend on how you rectified the situation.

If you give Yombira the relics:
If you intimidated Yombira:
"Oh, my poor Tavo! What am I going to do without him?"
What happened to put you two so far into debt?
"Tavo invested in a speculative prospecting expedition. They didn't even find enough gold to pay the diggers. We lost everything.
The Lost City was just a rumor, but we were desperate. Yombira loaned us the money, and … well, you know the rest."
What will you do now?
"Try to start over, I suppose. Life in the desert is harsh. One cannot grieve for long, or the sands will swallow them whole.
I'll survive. It is the way of our people."
"I've nothing left, so these will help a lot. After I've mourned my husband, I'll sell them and use the money to leave this place. It holds too many bad memories."
What happened to put you two so far into debt?
"Tavo invested in a speculative prospecting expedition. They didn't even find enough gold to pay the diggers. We lost everything.
The Lost City was just a rumor, but we were desperate. Yombira loaned us the money, and … well, you know the rest."
What will you do now?
"With these relics, I should be able to start a new life. It will be bittersweet without my beloved, but it is what he would want.
Life in the desert is harsh. One cannot grieve for long, or the sands will swallow them whole."