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Online:Mask of Entangled Paths

< Elder Scrolls Online: Hats
To attend masked revels in Skyrim and beyond, some vampires wear these masks to hide their natures from their prey. The knotwork design also helps other vampires identify their fellow hunters.
Mask of Entangled Paths (Men/Mer)
ON-icon-hat-Mask of Entangled Paths.png
Mask of Entangled Paths
Type Hat
Acquired From Sovngarde Crate
Reward Level Epic
Price 0004040 Crown Gems
020002,000 Seals of Endeavor

The Mask of Entangled Paths is available as an Epic-level reward in Sovngarde Crates.


Slot 1: Purple hood
Slot 2: Pearlescent white face
Slot 3: Golden filigree on the front of the hood


  • In the files, its icon's name is "hat_vampirevolkihar", suggesting a link to the Volkihar.
