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< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Home City Windhelm
Location Windhelm Docks
Race Argonian Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly

Luh-Maxath is an Argonian who can be found in the city of Windhelm. He can be seen speaking with Snub-Tail.


He has several conversations with Snub-Tail. About Fildgor:

Snub-Tail: "I heard that after the Queen died in battle, Fildgor challenged his brother Jorunn for the throne. Fildgor lost."
Luh-Maxath: "What a dishonorable thing to do, to ignore the rules of succession. It's a wonder any Nord would follow Fildgor."
Snub-Tail: "Perhaps the Skald-King should have killed him instead of exiling him. But I imagine it would be hard to kill your only brother."

About mead:

Snub-Tail: "Have you tried this mead the Nords are so fond of? It's rather sweet and tasty."
Luh-Maxath: "Yes. I had no choice. You can't seem to turn around in this city without some burly Nord woman foisting the stuff on you."
Snub-Tail: "I met a Nord who said he wa planning to re-open a nearby meadery. Called the place Voljar's, I think. He kept rambling on about bees."

About Lower Yorgrim:

Snub-Tail: "The Nords are so loud. And they have so many strange customs. But it's so very exciting!"
Luh-Maxath: "Look! Over there! Those strange creatures. Is that part of the celebration?"
Snub-Tail: "Perhaps they have trained these giant creatures to dance or sing! That would be amazing to see!"