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Online:Lisette Northwode

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Lisette Northwode
Tribute Player
Location Roister's Club Chapters
Race Breton Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Roister's Club
Lisette Northwode

Lisette Northwode is a Breton Tribute player and member of the Roister's Club who can be found in various chapters of the Roister's Club.

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If her rank is Proficient and your rank is below her rank:

"I'm afraid you need a few more notches in your belt before you can face me. Raise your rank a bit, then we'll talk."

If her rank is Expert and your rank is below her rank:

"I'd love to play you, but your rank's still a bit too low. Come back when you've earned your laurels."

If her rank is Novice and your rank is Novice or higher:

"Ho there! I've got new decks fresh out of the packaging. Let's break them in, shall we?"
"You're not one of those loonies who obsess over your Roister's Club rank, are you? I'm just here for a good time!"
"Now here's an opponent of quality! Fancy a game of Tribute, friend?"
"Is that a deck of Tribute cards I see? It is! Come on and have a seat. I'm dying to play."
Let's play Tribute.

If her rank is Proficient and your rank is Proficient or higher:

"Bretons have a natural aptitide for card games. Don't believe me? Well, have a seat then, and I'll show you!"
"King Emeric himself couldn't beat this deck, and I hear he's actually pretty good! Have a seat! Let's play a round."
"What kind of player are you, I wonder? Aggressive? Cautious? Let's find out."
"Fancy a match? I always preferred dice, but this Tales of Tribute really is addictive!"
Let's play Tribute.

If her rank is Expert and your rank is Expert or higher:

"Tribute player, eh? Me too. Let's see how our decks stack up."
"Hmm. I think I've heard of you. Gonfalon Chapter, right? Let's put those rumors to the test."
"Victory's just a matter of preparation, my friend, and I've been assembling this deck for months. Think you're ready for it?"
"That's a fine set of Tribute cards you've got there. Let's see how they play!"
Let's play Tribute.


  • Her appearance and Tribute rank is randomized. She can appear as Novice Tribute Player, Proficient Tribute Player, or Expert Tribute Player.
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