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HomeĀ Settlement Black Heights
Race Khajiit Gender Female
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Kiza is a Khajiit who can be found reading a map by the riverbed in Black Heights.

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She does not like troublesome looking visitors to her village, if you speak with her she will mention another recent arrival.

"First a Twilight Cantor comes to our village and now you. We don't get many visitors out here, rhook. Walkers like you are drawn to trouble. Black Heights doesn't need trouble."
Why are you concerned with a Twilight Cantor being here?
"There is only one reason for a Twilight Cantor to be anywhere, rhook: dro-m'Athra. Is that what you're after? Bent Cats?"
No, but maybe I should be.
"None to be found. Black Heights is a spotless community. You tell that to that cantor if you see her too. Any trouble followed her here."
I might have a word with them.

If you talk with her afterwards, she will want to be left alone.

"You steer clear of Kiza. She has her troubles and needs no more."


  • If you have completed Chiaroscuro Crossroads through Adara'hai, you will be unable to speak with Kiza despite having the option available.