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Online:Jode's Chariot Guard

< Elder Scrolls Online: People

Jode's Chariot Guards are guards who patrol Redfur Trading Post. They keep order on the grounds of the Redfur Trading Stalls marketplace. A typical Jode's Chariot Guard wears a mix of heavy and medium armor pieces in Khajiit Style, and wields either a two handed melee weapon or a one handed weapon and a shield.

Types of Jode's Chariot GuardsEdit

Jode's Chariot Guard
Home Settlement Redfur Trading Post
Race Khajiit Gender Female
Health 10,229,568 (Invulnerable)
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Hard Profession Guard
Other Information
Faction(s) Tamriel Guard, Jode's Chariot
A female Jode's Chariot Guard

A female Khajiit Jode's Chariot Guard.

Jode's Chariot Guard
Home Settlement Redfur Trading Post
Race Khajiit Gender Male
Health 10,229,568 (Invulnerable)
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Hard Profession Guard
Other Information
Faction(s) Tamriel Guard, Jode's Chariot
A male Jode's Chariot Guard

A male Khajiit Jode's Chariot Guard.


Jode's Chariot Guards pull from the Khajiit guard dialogue pool.

Female KhajiitEdit

If alerted, they'll call for you to stop where you are.

"Stop right there!"
"Halt walker!"
"This one says halt!"
"This one orders you to stop!"
"Desist, criminal!"

They'll accost you when they catch up to you.

"How does this sound? Hand over your gold and this one crosses your name off her list."
"Don't bother running. I have ways of finding you. Best to pay the bounty now."
"Evil deeds always come back to haunt you. This bounty is the least of your worries."
"This one fears no lawbreaker. Justice always prevails. No, you must pay your bounty."
"The path to redemption is open to you. Simply pay the bounty."
"I mean you no harm. But if you refuse to pay the bounty for your crimes, this one must fight you."
"Try to run, clawless one. I dare you!"
"This does not need to escalate. Simply pay the bounty and you'll go free."
"You were bad, so now you must pay, yes?"
"I would look the other way, but I am bored and in need of amusement."
"This one does not mind a little mayhem every now and then, but you should never leave witnesses."
"You were caught with your hand in the moon-sugar jar again, weren't you?"
"This one has caught you. Pay your fine. Or don't. I could use the exercise."
"You lack the characteristics of the degenerate. Nevertheless, you are guilty. Pay the bounty."
"So tell me, walker. Do you feel that luck is on your side or will you pay your fine?"
"Justice is impersonal. You committed a crime. Now you must pay the bounty."
"This one loves the scent of crime almost as much as she likes collecting bounties."
"This one knows how you suffer, always on the run. Pay your bounty and this can all be over."
"Every action has a consequence. Your actions require payment in full."
"Always good to meet a colleague, even if we work on opposite sides of the law."
"By order of the law, pay your bounty!"
"Allow me to introduce myself. I am the guard who will be collecting your bounty, yes?"
"This one likes dealing with the lawless types. Pay your bounty and then we can discuss your punishment, yes?"
"We have business, you and I. Intimate business. And there's also that matter of your bounty ...."
"Though the criminal mind is rarely rational, I'm sure you can comprehend the value in paying promptly."
"Desist at once from your criminal acts! Pay the bounty or face the decisive claws of justice."
"The criminal is a volatile element in the alembic of justic. Now, to extract a bounty."
"I am the law in this place and you will pay the bounty for your crimes."
"This one would like to get to know you better. A lot better. But first, your bounty."
"Stop what you're doing and pay the fine."
"This one detests being a hagraven, but you do have a bounty hanging over your head. Will you pay?"
"Surrender and pay your fine, if you please, and this one will not beat you until you bleed."
"Decorum, attentiveness, and good manners––these cornerstones of civilizations demand you pay your bounty."
"This one is pleased to meet such a distinguished scoundrel. Will you pay your bounty now?"
"Pay the bounty or meet your end. Very painful ... much folding."
"I enjoy a good chase, but did you consider what happens next? Let's collect the bounty and find out, yes?"
"Lucky for you, this one likes to toy with her prey. After I collect your bounty, of course."
"This one sees how you look at her. But we are from different worlds. It would never work out. Pity."
"You've been caught committing crimes against society. You will pay the bounty."
"Good citizen, this one insists that you surrender and make restitution for your crimes."
"Do not attempt to flee. If you refuse to pay the bounty, I will use force."
"This one wonders, will you pay your bounty or will you die?"
"This one has a thing for criminals. That's why I got into this line of work. But I still need to collect your bounty."
"Guilty? Innocent? This one couldn't care less. I'm just here to collect your bounty."
"For many, the bounty is the warning they need that their life has gone awry. I hope it's the same for you."
"The criminal's dilemma is easily resolved. Pay the bounty and live to defy the law another day."
"I don't hold your malformed sense of morality against you, but I'm afraid you must pay a fine."
"The criminal mind rarely learns--justice always comes calling."

If you pay your bounty, they'll be satisfied and let you go. The result is the same if you ask for clemency.

[Pay] Here's <payable bounty amount> gold and everything I've stolen. Clear my bounty.
"I knew you'd come around."
"A predictable result."
"The law forgives you, my friend!"
"You are right in this one's laws."
"The law accepts your restitution, friend."
"This one always collects her bounties."
"I hope that was good for you, too."
[Clemency] I have powerful friends. My bounty has already been covered.
"I'm in a generous mood. You can go."

If you flee, the guard will utter an ambient line of dialogue before giving chase.

[Flee in <30> sec] I won't pay the bounty.
"If that is your wish."
"It is unwise to flee!"
"So you really want to play hard to get?"
"This one won't warn you again, criminal!"
"I challenge you criminal!"
"Very well. Pain it is!"
"Guards! To me!"
"The criminal is a boundless enigma!"
"Don't you dare run from me!"
"I love it when they try to run!"
"This one hates rejection!"
"A puzzling tactical choice!"
"This one expected you to do that!"
"Don't say that this one didn't warn you!"

Male KhajiitEdit

If alerted, they'll call for you to stop where you are.

"Wait right there."
"Desist, criminal!"
"Stop at once!"
"This one says stop!"

They'll accost you when they catch up to you.

"Don't test this one. Pay the bounty."
"Halt, walker. It seems that your crimes have caught up with you. Time to pay the fine, yes?"
"You have a bounty to pay. This one takes it straight to the guard commander. Promise!"
"A bounty has been placed on your person in accordance with local law. This one is here to demand payment."
"By the dictate of the guard-commander, I have come to claim your bounty."
"This one hates to be a bother, but I noticed you owe a bounty?"
"You don't look violent. That's good, as this one prefers to deal with civilized scoundrels."
"Payment would be an acceptable alternative to fighting, yes?"
"Guilty? Who am I to judge? But I must insist you pay your bounty, if you would be so kind."
"My voice does not quaver. Well, perhaps a little. Still, this one must ask. Will you pay your bounty?"
"This one apologizes in advance, but the question must be asked. Will you pay your bounty?"
"This one has caught you? I mean, this one has caught you! Will you pay your bounty now?"
"This one smells fear. Oh, wait. That is me. Well, at least one of us has the proper attitude."
"I hope you reach for coin, and not a weapon. Paying the bounty is much easier."
"Your crime spree is over, walker. Pay the fine or face the consequences. There will be no second warning."
"The moons have gifted this one with sharp eyes and fast feet, yes? You are caught, you dungy fool."
"This one has decide he doesn't want you to pay your fine. Resist so that I can hurt you very badly."
"Pay your bounty or give this one a reason to hurt you. Perhaps this one needs no reason, yes?"
"You have escaped justice for long enough. Pay your bounty now and you may live to face judgement."
"This one thinks you ugly and stupid, like all muskarse criminals."
"Why do all the dungiest criminals come out on this one's watch? Make this quick and be on your way."
"This one will stand very close and breathe on you until you pay your bounty."
"Look here. Another fine upstanding citizen who's falsely accused, yes? Just pay the bounty."
"Please. Do not waste this one's time with silly excuses. Just pay your bounty and scurry on."
"Pay your bounty, corrupt one. Or refuse, if you prefer, so I can gut you like a fish."
"In the name of the law, this one demands your swift and peaceful compliance."
"This one is a guard, truly! Look at my fancy uniform! So hand over your bounty or ... uhm ... justice!"
"Dark moons and dull claws! This one is so tired of confronting criminals! Pay your gold and go away."
"Please don't make this one get his fur dirty! Not for one so pathetic as you. Just pay your bounty."
"There is no gold in my hand, outlaw. Why is that, I wonder. Must I show you the anger of the law?"
"Yet another criminal who dares to cross this one's path? Pay your bounty, you dungy coward."
"Do you know what happened to the last criminal I dealt with? Not even the healer could help him!"
"This one has come to collect your bounty walker. Resist at your own peril."
"Pay your bounty, you skeever-faced culprit, or I'll flay the skin from your bones!"
"You think you're so smart, yes? Not smart enough, it seems. Come now, make this easier for everyone."
"This one believes you should be punished, since you were stupid enough to get caught."
"If not for poor choices, this one thinks you would never make decisions. Pay up, yes?"
"Run like a frightened skeever or pay up like a five-clawed warrior. Your choice."
"Come, fragrant one. You know you'd much rather deal with me than with one of the other guards."
"You know you did it, I know you did it. Even the moons know you did it! So give me your bounty."
"It is better to claim bounties than pay them, yes? This one would know."
"This one hears the jingle of ill-gotten gains in your purse! I love dirty gold! And justice. Yes."
"You transgressions have been noted and a bounty has been assessed. Pay now and you are free to go."
"You owe a bounty. No running."
"Do not make this one do something rash. I have already hidden one body this week."
"As long as you retain your criminal standing, the law allows me to be as mean and unfair as I want."
"This one loves it when they refuse to pay the bounty. I keep my claws sharp for just such occasions!"
"This one knows who you are. All the guards do. Your only chance is to pay your bounty."
"Pay your bounty or I break your legs. Maybe an arm, if you cause me trouble."
"I'm not responsible for accidents that happen to those who won't pay their bounty."
"Your crimes are known, and the law dictates you liable for damages. This one is here to collect."
"It is this one's duty to demand payment in accordance with local and regional statutes."
"This one knows that crime tastes sugar-sweet. But only when you are not caught, yes?"
"This one loves justice. And gold. Lucky me, I will claim both!"
"Pay me your bounty, walker. This one will put it to good use by ... uhm ... giving it to the poor. Yes."
"Our laws demand a coin-settlement to clear your name. Render payment or things will go badly for you."

If you pay your bounty, they'll be satisfied and let you go. The result is the same if you ask for clemency.

[Pay] Here's <payable bounty amount> gold and everything I've stolen. Clear my bounty.
"You paid your bounty? Well done."
"Good decision. On your way now."
"Blegh. This one needs a bath."
"Leave now. Before I get angry."
"What? Your bounty has been paid, move along."
"Sleek. Now walk on."
"Move along or I'll charge you again."
"Easy, yes? You are free to go."
"Well, that worked out in everyone's favor."
"This one thanks you for your cooperation."
"There is wisdom in your choice."
[Clemency] I have powerful friends. My bounty has already been covered.
"Blegh. Your excuse smells as bad as your boots. Just go away."
"Leave now before I get angry."
"Go away now, smelly one!"
"That was a silly excuse, but I'll let you go with a warning."
"This one is glad we've cleared it out. Move along, citizen."
"Get out of here before I decide to triple your bounty."

If you flee, the guard will utter an ambient line of dialogue before giving chase.

[Flee in <30> sec] I won't pay the bounty.
"If that is your wish."
"Not another step!"
"Where do you run, dung-eater?"
"You would like to fight? So be it?"
"I don't want to chase you!"
"Why wouldn't you surrender?"
"That was not a request!"
"This one hoped you'd refuse!"
"Was I not clear? Surrender!"
"I said halt, you accused!"
"I hoped you wouldn't listen to reason!"
"No surrender? Then let us dance!"
"Another rat to be rid of, then!"
"Smelly and stupid? So be it!"
"Violence? My second favorite activity!"
"Then I'm obliged to use force!"
"You will pay dearly for that!"
"This one hoped you'd refuse!"
"There's nowhere you can hide from me!"
"Don't say this one didn't warn you!"