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Home Settlement Riverhold
Location Wanders between the Stables and the Marketplace
Race Pahmar-raht Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Medium Profession Soldier
Other Information
Faction(s) Northern Elsweyr Defense Force

J'baanluk is a Pahmar-raht soldier who can be found moving crates between the stables and the marketplace in Riverhold.


"Euraxia must be stopped at all costs. And trust this one, there will be costs. That is why J'baanluk helps any way he can. No task is too small when there is so much to do.
But when the battle comes? He will fight tooth and claw."
"Victory is never assured in battle, but this one cannot help but worry that the odds are unfavorably stacked against us. After all, what hope have we against Dragons?
Still, we cannot allow Euraxia's tyranny to continue. We must fight."

Once Euraxia is deposed he will instead say:

"Euraxia has been defeated, but the Dragons remain. This one fears that our fighting may continue for many generations to come."
"J'baanluk will continue to fight for Elsweyr, no matter what dangers he faces. But with heroes like you on our side? Well, it makes this one a little more confident that we will prevail."


No job is too small for this Pahmar-raht resistance fighter. That said, he needs a place to rest before his next efforts against his oppressors. After adding J'baanluk to your home, you can set him on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with him.
Type Houseguest
Acquired From Crown Store
Price 025002,500  
Availability June 15, 2023 - June 29, 2023

J'baanluk is also a houseguest. He was available in the Crown Store for 025002,500   from June 15 to June 29, 2023.


Appearances: 2

  • Crown Store — June 15, 2023 - June 29, 2023
  • Crown Store — September 16, 2024 - September 23, 2024

Houseguest DialogueEdit

Once placed in your home, he can be spoken to.

"If you ever anger a Pahmar-raht, remember that flattery goes a long way to stay their blade. For instance, this one is partial to compliments about his fur or kind words regarding his deep and penetrating eyes."
"Magic fills the deserts of Elsweyr. The sands glow with the light of Jone and Jode, their constant dance radiating from every grain.
The very sight takes this one's breath away!"
"Growing up in Northern Elsweyr, one learns to appreciate water. A few drops can mean the difference between life and death. That is why this one enjoys wading through rivers as he travels. So much water in one place is a rare treat for a desert son."
"When this one is away, he misses the prickly flora of Northern Elsweyr. Not everyone admires their beauty, but J'baanluk sees a certain honor in a plant that wears its own armor. I see the strength of all Khajiit in them."
"All great warriors should travel the world and experience the many trials it has to offer. What good is a sharp blade if you are not prepared to learn every move an opponent may make?"
"J'baanluk considers his nose to be as powerful a tool as his sword or shield. For instance, this one can tell where you've been by the smell of dried mud on your boots and the flecks of pollen stuck to your gloves."
"This one's favorite dish is a Riverhold beef pasty. J'baanluk loves to hold one in each paw, and the cook at Banished Regrets makes them in Pahmar-sized portions! Oh, now J'baanluk is hungry! Do any nearby inns make such delights, this one wonders."
"Adventurer, have you had a chance to sample the dishes of Elsweyr? Some find our cuisine to be too spicy, but J'baanluk enjoys the way the heat curls his tongue and brightens his cheeks."
"A skilled swordfighter once told J'baanluk that no battle is ever assured, but you can stack the odds in your favor with skill and courage.
And a quick prayer to Jone and Jode never hurts."
"No task is too small for J'baanluk and this one is too tall not to support his community. For example, this one once spent an entire evening getting a pet guar out of a tree. No idea how it got up there, but the child's smile made the labor worth it."
"When J'baanluk enters a new town, he listens for the hiss of hot metal being quenched in cold water. An active smith means the local economy is strong. And there is a place to have work done on one's armor and weapons."
"An added benefit to being so tall is that no one steps on this one's tail. Though, J'baanluk does have to mind where his tail wanders. As the clan mothers tell us, a Khajiit's tail is a curious creature."
"As much as this one misses home, J'baanluk will take the long way back. Travel by ship would be quicker, but this one does not enjoy sea sickness. J'baanluk prefers keeping his paws on solid ground."
"This one enjoys the heft of a good mace. Every swing should feel like the pull of Jone and Jode, with each strike nearly pulling your arms from their sockets. That is the sign of a good weapon for a Pahmar-raht!"
"If you ever get lost, just look to the sky and let Jone and Jode guide you. Not once has their light ever steered J'baanluk wrong."
"J'baanluk once had a glass of wine in Summerset. It was so tart it made this one's whiskers curl. The Elf who provided it got a good laugh at J'baanluk's expense, but a quick snarl between sips made her ears quiver."
"This one once made the mistake of joining some soldiers in a drinking competition. It seems size does not equate to skill in this particular area. It took only three pints to send J'baanluk into the fields, bellowing songs from his childhood."
"This one knew a skilled Khajiit who could pick pockets with the tip of his tail. J'baanluk has tried this on occasion, but with little success. Not to steal gold, but to swipe an extra sweet at dinner.
Alas, this one's tail never cooperates."
"J'baanluk may be large, but that does not mean he is strong and dangerous. Well, he is, but it does not mean he is nasty and ruthless. Though he can be. When the circumstances demand it. But usually, J'baanluk is, how do you say? A pussy cat?"
"J'baanluk is proud to serve as a soldier in the Northern Elsweyr Defense Force. This one will protect his homeland to his dying breath, but every soldier requires a break from time to time. This one finds this location … relaxing."

Dependant on quest progression:

"You did good removing the usurper queen from Rimmen. J'baanluk shudders to think what life in Northern Elsweyr would be like if she were still on the throne. This one will never forget that, adventurer."
"The fight against the Dragons rages on in Northern Elsweyr, but this one has never seen its people so brave and ready to defend their land. That is in no small part thanks to you, five-claw. You are an inspiration!"
